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Hockey rink ordered to be removed

mike rousseau

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I'd crap on the neighbours door step for complaining....we hear kids all summer on the street outside my house on skate boards. We have never complained and never will. Most likely some old retired guy/girl with nothing better to do than ruin a good thing for the community. I hope they keep the boards up and I hope the kids continue to enjoy the hockey, most people can't afford to enrol the young ones in hockey these days. I would love to see 5 or 6 city workers show up and look at the faces on those 10 or 15 kids...




I grew up in my grandpas house and on a street filled with eldery folks.


my friends and I skateboarded all the time.


sure it bothered a few people but we used to make apple pies with my grandpa and bring them to the neighborhood.


guess what? you get to know these people through nice gestures and now your the nice kids on the block just having fun. no more complaints


getting rid of a hockey rink is a horrible idea IMO

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A puck could go over the boards and hit a car that's driving by. There's a reason bylaws are put into place.


so you're one of the disgruntled neighbours? lol



"The controversy started after neighbours complained that the rink didn’t look good."


"“I’m in between,” said one neighbour. “This is wonderful for everybody to have a good time, but this is the city and they’re breaking bylaws. It’s too bad that this has had to happen amongst neighbours”"



WOW...my childhood neighbourhood did not sound like this crap, unbelievable, pathetic


pretty sad, but they have until Jan 5, not sure what the weather is like over there right now, but I'd get max use out of it, deliberately to piss off the pansy neighbours

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A puck could go over the boards and hit a car that's driving by. There's a reason bylaws are put into place.

And if that is a concern then maybe have netting put up to prevent that from happening. That would be a compromise but yet an "eyesore" for the old folks that complained I'm guessing. There have been a couple of these stories as of late and I find it amazing that the city councilors cave to one or 2 complaints instead of looking for a solution to allow them to keep the rinks going for this season. Next year provide a area that works for all. A shame the days of outdoor public rinks seem to be going, if not gone from the public parks all together.

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Back in the late 70's we used to put together a public rink in Scarborough. Sat on lands held by the school and the city park. We'd go out late in the evening to scrape it, flood it, do minor repairs. All was good.

Then one fall the community association received notices from the school board and the municipality. There were complaints from folks neighbouring the park. Therefore the rink could only go up if certain conditions were met. Such things as providing mandatory adult supervision on the ice. Portable chain link fencing with a locked gate for when there were no adults available to supervise. $10,000 security deposit to be left with the municipality. That was the end of the rink, the playground fund and the association.

You try and do good and end up getting pissed on by bureaucrats and politicians.

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I would love to see 5 or 6 city workers show up and look at the faces on those 10 or 15 kids...




Yes, that's the problem, yet they will be the bad guys. Not the whiner and not the politicians. I have to give credit in this case. Apparently the mayor and a counciller went and dropped the bad news themselves. That's pretty unusual!

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And if that is a concern then maybe have netting put up to prevent that from happening. That would be a compromise but yet an "eyesore" for the old folks that complained I'm guessing. There have been a couple of these stories as of late and I find it amazing that the city councilors cave to one or 2 complaints instead of looking for a solution to allow them to keep the rinks going for this season. Next year provide a area that works for all. A shame the days of outdoor public rinks seem to be going, if not gone from the public parks all together.

Oh I agree, there are definitely solutions to whatever concerns people have that are far better than putting the kibosh on the rink. I'm just saying that bylaws don't exist simply to annoy people, there are (arguably) valid reasons for them and cities can't really pick and choose which ones to enforce.

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The city of kitchener is awesome we have an outdoor hockey rink many with lights in pretty much every community . Thre are over 30 in our small city. This is how every city should do it.


Outdoor Winter Rinks

From December through March, with help from more than 350 dedicated volunteers, more than 30 outdoor rinks operate at schools and parks throughout the city.


We are looking for winter rink volunteers now! If you are interested, please call 519-741-2200 ext 7389 for more information.


Our rinks are dependant on weather and volunteer support. Without generous help from our community volunteers, the rinks wouldn't be possible. Contact the winter rink coordinator to volunteer.


Admiral Park, 93 Roxborough Ave

Belmont Park, 285 Belmont Ave West

Bridgeport Community Cenre, 20 Tyson Dr. in Kitchener

Centreville Chicopee Community Centre, 141 Morgan Ave

Chandler Mowat Community Centre, 222 Chandler Dr

Conway Park, Conway Dr and Wayne Dr

Country Clair Park, Country Clair at Pebble Creek

Country Hills Community Centre, 100 Rittenhouse Rd

Country Hills Public School, 195 Country Hill Dr.

Crosby Park (formerly Stanley Park Public School), 191 Hickson Dr.

Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre, 150 Pioneer Dr

Elmsdale Park, 83 Elmsdale Dr

Forest Heights Community Centre, 1700 Queens Blvd

George Lippert Park, Weber St and Louisa St

Glendale Park, Rex Dr and Glen Rd

Guelph Park, Guelph St and Clifton Rd

John Darling Public School, 200 Rolling Meadows Dr

King Edward Public School, 709 King St West(on Walter St near Agnes)

Lakeside Park, Lakeside and Gatewood

Max Becker Commons, Max Becker and Commonwealth

Meadowlane Public School, 236 Forestwood Dr.

Mill-Courtland Community Centre, 216 Mill St

Morrison Park, Morrison Rd

Pioneer Park West, 40 Green Valley Dr

Prueter Public School, 40 Prueter Ave

River Ridge Community Rink (at Kiwanis Park), 600 Kiwanis Dr

Salvation Army Church, 75 Tillsley Drive

Sheppard Public School, 278 Weber St. E. at Stirling

Smithson Public School, 150 Belleview Ave

Southridge Public School, 1425 Queen's Blvd.

Stanley Park Community Centre, 505 Franklin St North

Timberlane Park, Timberlane Cres

Vanier Park, 319 Vanier Dr

Victoria Hills Community Centre, 10 Chopin Dr

Victoria Park (2), Jubilee and David St

Weber Park, Frederick St and Edna St



The City Hall Rink will be opening in early December - watch for updates!. Regular hours of operation are Sunday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.

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I have been a volunteer with the city of Kitchener for 25 years, helping to maintain a community rink.

I am still listed as a volunteer but I moved away from the neighborhood nearly 6 years ago but I still drop in from time to time when I visit my parents.


See, my Father petitioned the city for the rights to do this rink when I was a kid and the neighborhood was just being built.

It started as a patch of Grass in a feild next to a playground that My Dad (and I helped) flood with his own hose and water.

He got his own boards and we'd put them up every November.


A few years later the city gave us a shed with big high pressure hose and a heater.

Then they tore up the grass and gave us a gravel lot, and they supplied the boards.

Then a few years later they laid down an ashphault pad and a flood light.

Thay even gave us nets make of welded pipes and chainlink fence.

Then came an expense account...we got a snowblower, Shovels, and some newer larger flood lights, and Dad no longer had to pay for the gas and use his snowblower.

Some basket ball nets went up for summer use and that park was the highlight of our neighborhood for many kids.

My house was more like a community center lol...

Between myself and my 4 brothers and our freinds I can safely say that at any given time there were enough skates, sticks and gloves stored in my basement to equip a full shinny game of 10-15 guys.

Fast forward 20 years...


A new neighbor 3 years ago complained about the Flood lights...it kept him up and he works mornings.

(the light was timed to go off at 10:30pm but the city made us drop the light to go off at 8pm)

Then it was another neighbor 2 years ago who complained the sound of pucks hitting the boards all day and it was an issue because this guy works nights....So the city removed the full size boards and left only the ankle breakers.


We of course protested saying the boards keep the pucks in the rink, and removing them poses a danger to people walking by, including parked cars, and the full boards actully prevent falls and cushion impact....it fell on deaf ears and the next year a kid broke his leg on the small boards. There was also a passer by who got nailed with a puck in the leg as they walked by....just a bruise but there was a complaint. Several parked cars got dings from pucks gone astray...so the city installed Snow fencing near the road to stop stray pucks this year....if we ever get winter we'll see how that works.


Bottom line, and the point I'm trying to make.

all it takes is one or two bad apples to spoil the bunch.

We had a successful rink that kids loved, and after a few changes the rink is hardly used as it used to be. It used to be like clock work. Young kids would play all day, and after dinner...the older kids and teens would be out plaing till 10:00-10:30....now its more of a recreational skate.

No boards...no hockey, no hockey...less use.

It is what it is.


You would think the city might have their volunteers backs after 25 years.

When a complaint like these come in maybe they could respond with...

"its been here 20 years...you should have thought of that BEFORE you moved there."


"We should punish the enitire community so you can sleep???...buy some ear plugs, and get a sun shade"


Its Sad...

Last year when the weather was perfect for almost 4 months of use...That rink was nearly empty every time I drove by.




And for the record FreshTrax....my rink is on that list

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zenon11, on 24 Dec 2014 - 10:22 AM, said:snapback.png

A puck could go over the boards and hit a car that's driving by. There's a reason bylaws are put into place.


Ya,and a plane could fall on you out of the sky and kill you. Your point?


Kids are losing out on everything we as young kids enjoyed.



A kid could get hit by a car as well...lets just close the roads near any parks.

Lets just blanket the city in bubble wrap while we're at it lol...

So many things to protect our selves from, I think I might start sleeping with my helmet on :lol:

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We used to look after a rink at Johnston school Barrie.On school property.Always a different parent each evening on his own time shovel and flood the rink.This went on till maybe 5-6 years ago.Someone got hurt playing,the school got scared,guess what,liability scare but not one person complained.We always hurt ourselves,puck in the shin,bad trip up etc.

Anyway you guessed it,shut down.I can't believe this is what our country has turned into.You want to play hockey,your on your own.Worked well for all of us over the years.

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We used to look after a rink at Johnston school Barrie.On school property.Always a different parent each evening on his own time shovel and flood the rink.This went on till maybe 5-6 years ago.Someone got hurt playing,the school got scared,guess what,liability scare but not one person complained.We always hurt ourselves,puck in the shin,bad trip up etc.

Anyway you guessed it,shut down.I can't believe this is what our country has turned into.You want to play hockey,your on your own.Worked well for all of us over the years.

totally get ya.


in 20 years when our olympic team sucks there will be a huge push to build outdoor rinks and arenas lol

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lack of yard (or outdoor) rinks won't be why our hockey would suck (it won't imo) but it'll be the cost of league play that will kill it. that and the way organized hockey emphasizes results vs fun. not to mention the politics of minor hockey. look at a guy like Crosby, he keeps a stick in his car in case he comes across a pick up game, that's LOVE of hockey.

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this is the same as a city person moving down the road to a farmer and complaining about the smell of manuer! the sad thing is, its not the older folks doing the complaining, its the 30 and 40 year olds. its just sad! hell, you can't even put sand in a playground anymore, broken glass and hidden rocks. we're killing parks in favour of new subdivisions and wonder why kids are getting fatter and lazier!


people today are so scared of the what ifs that they just give their kids a video game controller or cell phone and leave them be. in 10 years we're all going to have a personal bubble and VR class rooms so no one has to go outside ever!

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this is the same as a city person moving down the road to a farmer and complaining about the smell of manuer! the sad thing is, its not the older folks doing the complaining, its the 30 and 40 year olds. its just sad! hell, you can't even put sand in a playground anymore, broken glass and hidden rocks. we're killing parks in favour of new subdivisions and wonder why kids are getting fatter and lazier!


people today are so scared of the what ifs that they just give their kids a video game controller or cell phone and leave them be. in 10 years we're all going to have a personal bubble and VR class rooms so no one has to go outside ever!




It,s a sad age we live in today, that for sure. SAD


I have always wished I was born back further then 64. Some of the stories I have heard .


But then again,we have guys here like Lew,Beans,Big Cliff,Roy and my pop, to tell me/ us ,the past days gone by of all the fun they had without the WWW.


I am now a WWW user, but i have never forgotten what it was like to have all that fun outside.


Remember when someone threw out an old couch? Man, we were all over that. Grabbing the seat parts to make goalie pads. Cutting holes in the padding , put shoe laces through it to tie to our legs to play goalie.


Remember when you use to put on your sunday best shoes to go bumper shagging?


Ok,I stop.


The good old days for me and like said,Im sure there were other days of FUN. Maybe a bit on the edge,but fun.

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This whole thing is bull spit!


There is good noise and bad noise!


Good noise is kids having good clean honest fun!


Bad noise is kids doing drugs in some dark alley where you don't hear them until it is too late.


Sucke it up buttercup and give the kids a break!

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But then again,we have guys here like Lew,Beans,Big Cliff,Roy and my pop, to tell me/ us ,the past days gone by of all the fun they had without the WWW


Brian, I always tell my kids they were born one generation too late and I honestly believe it.

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Brian, I always tell my kids they were born one generation too late and I honestly believe it.



Lew I am trying so hard to do this with my little Lilly.


Fishing and walks,outdoors. Yes I take videos of the events we have a play them back to her. It,s like the old track days,but they have made it faster now. :rolleyes:


Maybe one day she will say,wish I lived back in the 80,s -90,s. :w00t::rofl2:

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Lew I am trying so hard to do this with my little Lilly.


Fishing and walks,outdoors. Yes I take videos of the events we have a play them back to her. It,s like the old track days,but they have made it faster now. :rolleyes:


Maybe one day she will say,wish I lived back in the 80,s -90,s. :w00t::rofl2:

haha the end is priceless

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Events such as this make me glad I grew up in a different place & time.

We had a neighborhood rink right at the end of the street & a sliding hill right beside that,in fact both are still there and in use.

When I was newly married we rented a house about a block from Chris Pronger's parents,there was a street hockey game non-stop 12 months of the year.It was easier to go the other way down the road street rather interrupt the young Pronger brother's game

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