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Hockey rink ordered to be removed

mike rousseau

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They did that to us years ago in the falls, there was a park that always had a rink, we flooded it maintained it. Then a new neighbor moved in beside the park and didn't like the noise and had it shut down. So instead of having happy people outside playing they made many enemies

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Blame the politicians who voted for the bylaw, and the whiny little b!tches who complain about these things. If you are one of those whiny little b!tches, go flush your head in a toilet somewhere!


Yep and those people should make sure while their head is in there they really use that tongue they were whining with to get all the sides nice and clean!!!!

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Welcome to suburban conformity. Your yard must be green, grass kept to under 2" height. No more than 2 licensed vehicles on the driveway. White picket fences made of same material, style, and dimensions as all your neighbours. No clothslines. Must only BBQ with propane. Dogs must not bark. Babies must not cry. Children must not be spanked. Ritalin replaces discipline. Etc, etc,..... ad nauseum.


There is not a single municipality in Southern Ontario that is without such rules.

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Growing up in the city with a small backyard rink and as someone who broke enough windows of the home beside a park rink, this is a minor problem really. Make the rink smaller and problem solved, don't encroach on city property. I don't see this as a big bad city hall bureaucracy vs kid rink. My guess is, the puck on boards noise is a big issue that wasn't mentioned. Solve that with foam padding or insulation between the board and poly. They know what the problem was and next year there won't be a problem with the rink. and make sure the neighbours are on board ;)

Edited by woodenboater
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I will bet the city came because of complaints from neighbours

and if they were tired of dents in their cars or broken windows or noise all hours , then they had every right to get it removed


but if it was just the city flexing it's muscles then shame on them

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Blame the politicians who voted for the bylaw, and the whiny little b!tches who complain about these things. If you are one of those whiny little b!tches, go flush your head in a toilet somewhere!

Couldn't agree more!


I will bet the city came because of complaints from neighbours

and if they were tired of dents in their cars or broken windows or noise all hours , then they had every right to get it removed


but if it was just the city flexing it's muscles then shame on them


Well if the neighbours had some sense they wouldn't park their vehicles beside a rink and park a couple of doors down. (If they feel the need to park on the street.) As for the noise, I can't imagine it being that unbearable during the time they are playing but I'm not there to witness it. 3am might be a problem but guessing those kids are in bed. Or vandalizing the neighbours house that called the city to complain next month. lol.


Unfortunately it is the one or 2 squeaky wheels that get grease. In the next election I'd be voting for someone else who has a set to stand up to these whiners.

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Wow, just wow to some of these comments. Did you all watch the video? Did you see the age of the kids? Did you see where the rink is, on what type of street? I would be shocked of more than 1 puck a day ends up going over the boards. Lighten up a little, go outside, take a deep breath and relax and have a Merry Christmas.

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the neighbours driveway could well be only a few feet away from the rink, also their home and windows


and noise is noise hours of the same noise can be enough to drive someone crazy


listen to a neighbrous dog bark for hours, they say but listen he doesn't even bark that loud, they can close their windows or sit inside the house rather then on their deck....no, noise is noise and everyone has the right to live happily within the laws and bylaws with in reason



but I don't see a video when I bring up the story


that could change my mind

Edited by Terry
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I'd crap on the neighbours door step for complaining....we hear kids all summer on the street outside my house on skate boards. We have never complained and never will. Most likely some old retired guy/girl with nothing better to do than ruin a good thing for the community. I hope they keep the boards up and I hope the kids continue to enjoy the hockey, most people can't afford to enrol the young ones in hockey these days. I would love to see 5 or 6 city workers show up and look at the faces on those 10 or 15 kids...




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Kudos to my Town, I was just over to the town hall getting my dog license and I see they have an outdoor ice surface with boards there. Thinking it was a flooded rink and in danger of melting yesterday I asked and it does have refridgeration , that's what in the small bulding adjacent, the guy said it will keep ice up to 7C and appears to be free for use. :thumbsup_anim:


edit: I'm guessing it is similar to the setups there use for the winter classic NHL games

Edited by dave524
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A puck could go over the boards and hit a car that's driving by. There's a reason bylaws are put into place.


Yup, it could.........


Would you call on these kids and the 2 parents if you lived 15 houses down? We need more people like the parents who put that together and less people worried about there car taking a dent on the 1% chance something could go wrong if it happened...LOL

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I'd crap on the neighbours door step for complaining....we hear kids all summer on the street outside my house on skate boards. We have never complained and never will. Most likely some old retired guy/girl with nothing better to do than ruin a good thing for the community. I hope they keep the boards up and I hope the kids continue to enjoy the hockey, most people can't afford to enrol the young ones in hockey these days. I would love to see 5 or 6 city workers show up and look at the faces on those 10 or 15 kids...




I grew up in my grandpas house and on a street filled with eldery folks.


my friends and I skateboarded all the time.


sure it bothered a few people but we used to make apple pies with my grandpa and bring them to the neighborhood.


guess what? you get to know these people through nice gestures and now your the nice kids on the block just having fun. no more complaints


getting rid of a hockey rink is a horrible idea IMO

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