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What is this world coming too?

Big Cliff

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It's very possible that the bike was behind another car that made a last minute avoidance leaving little time for the bikers to take action. Same thing happens on the highways here when you come across retreads all over the road.


I think we've all stopped to let animals make their way but I would never stop in an active passing lane.


Sorry, not much sympathy for her since she obviously didn't consider the consequences of her actions. and was being a relatively new driver an issue ?

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She definitely made a bad decision, but I wouldn't say it was 100% her fault. Had the motorcyclist been travelling a reasonable speed and paying attention they would most likely have been able to avoid the collision.


The motorcyclist applied the brakes before hitting the car, yet they were still travelling in excess of the speed limit after having slammed on the brakes. If they were still travelling in excess of the speed limit after applying the brakes, how fast were they going before applying the brakes?


She should be charged, but I don't think an extended jail sentence will server a purpose. The sentencing should take into account that the motor cycle driver was also negligent.

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I'll bet the biker was right on top of the car in front of him (ie. following too close). If instead of a lady pulled over it had been a broken down car the net result would have been the same. The lady is at fault for stopping in the middle of the highway but following too close was likely a contributing factor.

Dan O.

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It was a bad choice/wrong decision in the end made by this girl. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that jazz. All summed up, she made a mistake......with dire consequences mind you, but certainly no intent to kill two people.


I dunno, i'd bank on the fact that this girl is being punished quite a bit already trying to sleep at night and wake up in the morning knowing that she was the cause of taking the lives of two people. Itll certainly trump any anguish that a jail sentence would accomplish.


Im a forgiving person, and if it were a family member of mine, or even me myself on that motorcycle ......i wouldnt wish taking this girls life and freedom away over a mistake/accident.

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Ok, so who here would stop their car in the left lane of the highway to rescue ducklings?




Hard way to learn a lesson, but you don't just stop your car IN the left lane of the highway....period.


The punishment is a little harsh, but really, there could have been more people killed or injured from a really, really, bad decision on her part.



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A tragic lapse of judgement-----but Who here or anywhere for that matter is perfect and has never made a mistake?


This IMO is not someone who set out to murder someone and I'm also leaning towards Sharkbaits angle----did her brakelights not come on when she stopped? what if her car failed and ground to a stop ie: drop a tie rod


2 October's ago I was travelling down hwy 60 in the heart of Algonquin-----Now I highly recommend NOT doing this in October due to the crowded influx of leaf watchers


Anyway---I came around a sharp curve---only to find a lone woman----car stopped in the one lane ahead of me---taking a Picture of a wild turkey


Not sure that is any different

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I'm thinking broken down vehicle would be a different scenario,no fault of her own or any of us given a situation where we couldn't get to the right shoulder.

Pretty sad her good intensions cost people there lives.She didn't plan this,just her good nature.Tough call anyway you look at it.

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I'm not sure where the debate is since she stopped "in the lane". Had she pulled over, different story. I remember a hundred years ago when I took driver's education they flat out told you "do not stop or even swerve to miss wildlife". Trading or endangering human life for a squirrel or a duck was stupid then and still is.

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Absolutely--what she did was wrong---we all know to hit the coon/turtle/squirrel--no debate


She's a kid---she made a mistake


But I would'nt want to see her sentenced forever....when a drug dealing hood kills someone for pocket change----claims substance abuse ---and gets a couple years less a day


Think this is where the unfair part is coming in

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Absolutely--what she did was wrong---we all know to hit the coon/turtle/squirrel--no debate


She's a kid---she made a mistake


But I would'nt want to see her sentenced forever....when a drug dealing hood kills someone for pocket change----claims substance abuse ---and gets a couple years less a day


Think this is where the unfair part is coming in

Agreed!!,no intension.

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After hearing all the evidence and being instructed on the law by a judge, a jury of her peers found her guilty as charged.


Now its up to the judge to decide on a fitting sentence.


The article doesn't say if there are minimum sentences for the charges...she better hope there isn't.

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I'm not sure where the debate is since she stopped "in the lane". Had she pulled over, different story. I remember a hundred years ago when I took driver's education they flat out told you "do not stop or even swerve to miss wildlife". Trading or endangering human life for a squirrel or a duck was stupid then and still is.


Drivers education also teaches you to be in control of your own vehicle. So the guy on the motorcycle doing 40km/h over the limit probably wasn't a very smart choice either.

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People are talking about the motorcycle driver being at fault as well. I can understand that train of thought...I really can. However if you remove the root cause of the problem...which is some dumb dumb parking on a highway...it really won't matter how fast the bike was or was not going because there would not have been anything for them to rear end.

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Not always a good idea.

Rode for 35 years,Need to keep up or the cars will run you over.Doing the speed limit,or flow of traffic would of been the safest bet. that should of not been a problem.

Edited by davey buoy
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Wasn't he doing like 120km/h or similar? That's 40km/h over the limit. (Limit on that road was 80km/h, so 90km/h or so for normal traffic).. One bad decision after another lead up to all of this.


all reports I've read say the limit is 100, so if he was doing 120 then this would be nothing unusual tbh. even for ontario

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all reports I've read say the limit is 100, so if he was doing 120 then this would be nothing unusual tbh. even for ontario


Limit on the road is 90km/h from what I've read. Police stated we was going anywhere from 113-130. So nothing too crazy, but still speeding none the less.

Edited by BillM
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Speeding has nothing to do with this trajedy. You simply cannot justify some idiot dame stopping in the fast lane of a busy highway to help out some cute ducklings. I guarantee you that no guy would have even considered doing such a stupid, dangerous thing. I hope Darwin works out here and she loses her license for life. There are too many drivers out there that think they know how to operate a car but are pretty clueless when it comes to actual driving.



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Speeding has nothing to do with this trajedy. You simply cannot justify some idiot dame stopping in the fast lane of a busy highway to help out some cute ducklings. I guarantee you that no guy would have even considered doing such a stupid, dangerous thing. I hope Darwin works out here and she loses her license for life. There are too many drivers out there that think they know how to operate a car but are pretty clueless when it comes to actual driving.



A freakin men!!!



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Limit on the road is 90km/h from what I've read. Police stated we was going anywhere from 113-130. So nothing too crazy, but still speeding none the less.


was curious so google mapped it and it's 100 kmh. oddly enough, minimum was 60. two lane concrete top.


I don't believe there's anyone here who wouldn't stop to help animals but I can probably state for fact that we wouldn't stop in a live lane, let alone without hazards on.

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