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What is this world coming too?

Big Cliff

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There are too many drivers out there that think they know how to operate a car but are pretty clueless when it comes to actual driving.





Dame or not, there are far too many people driving our roads with no clue.



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Speeding has nothing to do with this trajedy. You simply cannot justify some idiot dame stopping in the fast lane of a busy highway to help out some cute ducklings. I guarantee you that no guy would have even considered doing such a stupid, dangerous thing. I hope Darwin works out here and she loses her license for life. There are too many drivers out there that think they know how to operate a car but are pretty clueless when it comes to actual driving.





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Anyone who stops in an active lane on a highway while traffic is flowing, especially just for a few ducks and not another human, is an idiot and should not have the privilege of driving on public roads.


Sadly, this is just another case of innocent lives being lost due to another persons stupidity. Here's to hoping she gets 25 years.

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Rode for 35 years,Need to keep up or the cars will run you over.Doing the speed limit,or flow of traffic would of been the safest bet. that should of not been a problem.


Or you could pull over into the slower lane and let folks go by. Any lawyer, no matter how slow on the draw. would cut the 'keeping up with the flow' excuse to ribbons.

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Or you could pull over into the slower lane and let folks go by. Any lawyer, no matter how slow on the draw. would cut the 'keeping up with the flow' excuse to ribbons.


When I rode, there was no way I'd be sitting in the pack of cars, that's just asking for a death wish. I was always going a bit faster then the flow of traffic. Drive defensively on a motorcycle and you won't last long.

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Stupid (No doubt about it, although the intentions were nobel the decision was stupid)


Incredibly poor judgment (Sure she exercised poor judgment, lots of people on this board have too, fall through the ice, upset your boat, drive in a blinding snow storm…..)


Irresponsible to the point of being criminally negligent (at what point does “criminally” come into it?)


Absolutely no common sense ( I never said in my OP that her decision was smart but she could face life in prison on the one charge and up to 14 years on the other one. My question was Where is the JUST in justice). I don’t believe she should get off scot free, I just believe that the sentence should be reflective of the intent.


Actions like that don't deserve a second chance in my books. (Here is where we would disagree; I believe that everyone deserves a second chance when there is no malice or criminal intent.)


Some idiot dame (that comment just showed the level of your intelligence! Up until now I didn’t realize that there was a sub zero level.)

Here's to hoping she gets 25 years. (Compassion certainly isn’t one of your strong suits is it? I bet that if it was you or some member of your family you would have a very different attitude.)

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As much as I respect your opinion Big Cliff, I have to disagree with you on this one.

The woman was directly responsible for the deaths of two people, regardless of intent. How would you suggest that the family of the victims deal with this, should she get off with a slap on the wrist. She stopped dead in the fast lane of an express way. That's negligence and it led directly to the deaths of two people.

The only excuse for that action would have to be a human was on the road in front of her. We do not hold the lives of animals equally to humans... yet.


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The driver of the motorcycle is DEAD, so is his daughter.


This woman deliberately stopped in traffic to stop other vehicles from running over the poor ducklings.


She thought nothing of her actions


She cared not for anybody else...only the ducklings,,,of which she likely had a couple dead ones in the trunk of her car after a day of shopping

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The driver of the motorcycle is DEAD, so is his daughter.


This woman deliberately stopped in traffic to stop other vehicles from running over the poor ducklings.


She thought nothing of her actions


She cared not for anybody else...only the ducklings,,,of which she likely had a couple dead ones in the trunk of her car after a day of shopping


So what kind of punishment do you think that deserves?

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Thats for the judge to decide...the jury that had ALL the facts already convicted her


Maybe he will do like they do with poachers and just let her off with a $100.00 fine

Edited by Dara
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Thats for the judge to decide...the jury that had ALL the facts already convicted her


Of course they did, no one is saying she deserved to be found not guilty. It will be interesting to see what the judge comes down with.

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Some idiot dame (that comment just showed the level of your intelligence! Up until now I didn’t realize that there was a sub zero level.)




If you can't express your opinion without personal attacks maybe you should keep them to yourself? That's the exact thing that gets threads locked. I'm sure she's been called worse than dame and I'll be Smitty55 had alternate names which he INTELLIGENTLY opted not to share.

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Sorry, the quote thing just doesn't seem to work for me...

No Bill, I don't hold the motorcyclist responsible... unless he was tailgating and there is no mention of that in the article. Yes, one does have to be fully aware of their surroundings and one must anticipate the un-anticipatable, especially when riding a motor cycle, but she clearly broke the law by stopping in the fast lane of an EXPRESSWAY!

What we don't know is if she locked up the brakes to stop in time to save the ducks or came to a slow stop. Either way, she broke the law. Best intensions aside, as they have NO legal barring, she clearly broke the law. For that, she must be held to account.

What if she had stopped because she thought she saw a unicorn... would the nay sayers still say she should not do time?


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She didn't lock up the brakes, one car avoided her which was in front of the motorcycle, as did one behind the motorcycle that crashed.


No one is saying she didn't break the law, but I find it funny you think the guy who drove into a parked car in broad daylight has not even a sliver in responsibility in this entire thing.

Edited by BillM
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I think it's one thing to ram a car you're following too closely but when presented with a fully stopped vehicle that was up until that point not in the rider's visual awareness, then I think I'd be disinclined to blame the motorcyclist.


Not to be morbid but a bike dash cam would speak volumes.


In the end, many lives are uprooted no matter what her sentence.

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Well, the options available for restitution for the family as far as I can see are;


-monetary fines

-community service

-weekend time served

-any combination of the above.

I know that none of the above will bring back the family's lost ones, but to me, her actions were the directly responsible for the two deaths. What would you charge the motorcycle driver with, failing to yield? I suppose that could have happened, but can anyone imagine the uproar had the m/c driver be charged?


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When getting a snapshot of the entire story in an news article, it is really difficult to make any decision without knowing all the evidence. The jury has seen this and with respect to our legal system, which is not perfect and has it's flaws, you have to leave it in their hands. Depending out the out come, I would expect an appeal would be launched.


She was at fault for what she did but the motorcycle driver only slowed down about 8kph before impact.


Mr. Beaudet, the final Crown witness, said Mr. Roy was going between 113 and 129 kilometres an hour at the moment he applied his brakes. The investigator said Mr. Roy managed to slow down to between 105 and 121 km/h at the time of impact.



One would think that the motorcycle driver was distracted in some way. I would think that this was brought up at the trail at some point. I doubt very much she would get the maximum sentence but what she deserves, I don't know.


In the end it will not right the wrong and bring the father and daughter back. A tragic event for all parties.

Edited by fishnsled
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If you can't express your opinion without personal attacks maybe you should keep them to yourself? That's the exact thing that gets threads locked. I'm sure she's been called worse than dame and I'll be Smitty55 had alternate names which he INTELLIGENTLY opted not to share.


I think Cliff took the "idiot dame" comment, mixed it in with the context of the follow up statement "I guarantee you that no guy would have even considered doing such a stupid, dangerous thing" ..........and came to the conclusions he did lol


Lord knows, ive never seen a man do something stupid or dangerous (got your sarcasm meters on???)

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