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Just said good bye to BELL nf

Big Cliff

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Well, I didn't exactly use the words good bye, (I can't put the actual words on here).


Got my Bell bill yesterday for my phone and TV for a month, it had gone up from $95.00 to $134.00 all of a sudden for the exact same service. I called our local cable company who had as it turns out just run fiber optic down our street this past winter. Phone, (better package than I was getting from Bell). Internet, been with them for a couple of years now and the service has been excellent, and a sweet TV package with loads of HD and a bunch of other stuff, $99.00/month.


When I called Bell to cancel they offered to discount my prices, then they tried to argue with me, he wouldn't quit until I finally told him I wouldn't take it if they gave it to me. Oh that felt good!!!!!!!!


So as of June 12 Bell will be gone from here and if anyone is interested I'll have a really good deal on 2 dishes, a PVR, and two basic bell receivers (all in perfect working order).

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Good for you!! 2 years ago I gave bell the heave ho. 7 years of spotty 'high' speed internet and static in the phone lines along with billing issue after billing issue I told them to 'take a ...... .... at a rolling doughnut' they offered me 1 year of free service after figuring out there were line problems. I'm with cogeco now and they are fine.

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I'm getting the run around from Cogeco from crap lines, rates and customer service. I pay over $100 with those blood suckers for the most basic tv and high speed internet yet its FAR from high speed. As for FIBER products, Bell is the only one with FIBE and the others rent off Bell. Then there is Rogers with the new hybrid fiber, LOL!!! try and find one place they can prove have it is a joke. Not even in the downtown TO core beside the Rogers building it's not going to happen.


Seeing as I need to pay attention to what's out there for my self, watch how some will screw you. Cogeco has me by the ----- for $225 to walk away from them just on the tv because they claim it was a 1-year term I agreed to. I firmly said more than 5 times on the call "I will not agree to a contract where I am stuck with you!" to get screwed anyway. Funny how the recorded call is nowhere to be found when I have asked for it 4 times now...


I will be changing my tv to Bell based on the 1080p picture with the channels I want for less or the same price than the ---- I have now.

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Debbe is an expect at this game. We keep switching back an forth from Bell to Rogers here in Oshawa. We are paying less then we where 7-8 years ago for MUCH BETTER services. No loyalty here...just give us a good price!!! Honestly Cliff...chat with her next week. You might be able to keep some coin in your pocket!!!

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Switched from Bell in 1993. Never will I go back. When I moved back up north 6 years ago, Bell was the only game in town for a land line. I got the internet up and running in 3 days and and bought a MagiucJack because there was a three month waiting period. No thanks Bell, still using magic jack for $30 a year.



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I have Cable Cable internet, tower-to-tower service. Love the price, the company, and the fact that when you call at 10pm on a Sat, they call you back in min.


I wish they had a basic TV service through the tower too.

Might end up using their phone.


Let us know how it works out.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope to be in your shoes very soon. I am ridding Bell for good in June!


Make that July 10th! Finally getting rid of them for good. Funny how they call you to try to get you back. I didn't even give them a chance to tell me what they were offering. Where were they when they screwed my account up and hit me for some trumped up fee's! Done and done with them. Feels good!!

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Ran into a bit of a hickup, turns out that there is a problem with the fiber optic cable and we won't be able to switch our TV over for another two or three months. OOh well, I can get all excited again in Sept or Oct. LOL.

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Congrats!! I've been "Bell free" for about 3 years now and have never felt any urges to go back! :lol: (Well-apart from the cell. Their coverage area is supposedly a lot bigger than the others). I've had some ---er, um, interesting----conversations will Bell about their 'service'. One guy suggested that they might have to come in and dig up our cable in mid-Feb!! I guess he was living in slightly warmer climes!! They did offer me a discount but even then it was more expensive than Rogers gave me.

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Rid of bell for almost a year... After they screwed me over on a bill I did not owe.after I changed everything over into my name... They couldn't understand that i inherited my grandparents property and me and my Opa had the same name... Only difference being middle name and birthdate.... I even spoke to their executive customer service....After numerous calls, telling them to deal with the executer of the estate. I finally told them to go suck themselves.


Bell can go to hell as far as I'm am concerned. And yes your right... I still get calls and emails and mailingS wanting me back.... Should have taken care of me in the first place.


It was a difficult enough time without having to fight with them... No other utility I changed over had this problem..



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Well, I think over the years of no problems with my Bell service, I'm begining to understand why people are having problems with thier service.

Those that have problems, may be self generated. Just my opinion.

When I get off a plane and my phone is the only one with service, out of six people, how can I complain?

That's what I pay for.

Free phone upgrades, etc., etc..

The package I have cannot be matched by any competitor (data plan, etc.). Bell customer rep. recently told me it was the longest customer he had ever seen.

What my basis for using Bell Mobility was originally based on was, area of service. Who can match that, even today?

Don't even bother to tell me, because my phone has been a "go to" in places most of you don't.

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They are all the same Rogers and Bell. Every month I have a 1 hour call with Rogers on how my phone and internet bills are all messed up


They take $30-$40 off every time then I go away until next month. In 18 months they have only ever not messed up my monthly bill twice

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Don't even bother to tell me, because my phone has been a "go to" in places most of you don't.


Bell does have great coverage, especially out in the not so popular areas. On our last fly-in it appears they extended their coverage north of the Sault (although spotty at best).. No complaints from me. Still crap service around Nipigon however :(Tbaytel only)

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Those that have problems, may be self generated. Just my opinion.



I certainly can promise my issue with them was not self generated. They even admitted they screwed up. And spending 2.5 hours on the phone, speaking with 8 different people, with 8 different answers, is not good customer service to me.

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Bell does have great coverage, especially out in the not so popular areas. On our last fly-in it appears they extended their coverage north of the Sault (although spotty at best).. No complaints from me. Still crap service around Nipigon however :(Tbaytel only)

Spotty for sure with BEll (telus), but rogers had full service the whole way across canada, where Telus didn't. In southern ON though, I have coverage in places most other providers don't.



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Spotty for sure with BEll (telus), but rogers had full service the whole way across canada, where Telus didn't. In southern ON though, I have coverage in places most other providers don't.




It all depends on who certain networks allow to piggy back. You most likely jumped from provider to provider and didn't even know it (Which is the way it should be imho)

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Spotty for sure with BEll (telus), but rogers had full service the whole way across canada, where Telus didn't. In southern ON though, I have coverage in places most other providers don't.





Funny,we have rogers. I get no signal just 15 minutes away in the Ivy valley along the notty. Yet those with Bell do. What up ?

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