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Fill the holes with propane , run an extention cord with a stripped end and crossed wires down the hole , stand back 50' and plug it in ... dead voles and a free Koi pond .


"Free Koi pond," that's hilarious! :clapping:

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Whadda'ya sayin Wayne...."A Vole in one" :)


sorry could'nt resist


ooo ooo--how about the last vole that visits the incinerated hole full of embers and ashes-----sooo ya run up behind him and kick him in the ash-hole



Ok I'm dun---I'm here all week----remember ta tip yur waitress :)

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Actually you probably have only one mole doing all that damage. What I did is sat beside my lawn and watched. Got to be real quiet though. And you will see it start pushing some dirt out of the hole. Make sure you have a couple of shovels with you. When you see it push some dirt out, watch and look where the trail runs from that hole. all you need is to use the shovels to block his way out and with the other shovel start stabbing at the ground. I killed one mole and I haven't seen a trail or a mound of dirt come up since.

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Thanks for all the replies guys!!


I've definitely got my work cut out for me. My yards a mess. And even though I'm not that guy who needs to have a lush perfect lawn... I would still like some half decent that my family can hang out in bare foot!


Now... All I need is a weekend where I'm not booked solid so I can spend some time out there fixing it!!!

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Put in a swimming pool, in ground!!!

I have voles and moles in my backyard. After almost every rainstorm, I find a few floating in my pool or sucked into the skimmer. Voles, Moles, rabbits and mice... the pool shows no mercy!


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Now that's one of the best solutions I've seen yet!!!


And less grass to cut as well!!


The only problem is, the only flat, decent spot for a pool right on my septic bed....

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Ok, so this has me thinking... why not pick up a small kids pool, like Mr Turtle. Dig that sucker into the ground in the area that has the most "trails". Leave the top of the pool just about level with the ground. Fill it with water and see it attracts them, then let the pool do the work!

At worst, you can dig out the pool and use it for your boy!

Again, just a thought!


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I'm gunna leave a 5 gallon pale trap out this weekend.

But as soon as one drop in, some other critter comes by, tips it over, and eats the dead voles... It's happened a few times...

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  • 3 months later...

How did the battle with the moles work? Did you find a solution? I ask because I am now doing battle on my front lawn with them.... I wake up in the morning and find large mounds of soil appear from nowhere... After raking to mounds out I found holes.... Next morning more mounds! Very frustrating....



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How did the battle with the moles work? Did you find a solution? I ask because I am now doing battle on my front lawn with them.... I wake up in the morning and find large mounds of soil appear from nowhere... After raking to mounds out I found holes.... Next morning more mounds! Very frustrating....





This time of year we are having the same issue


It is skunks and coons digging for grubs

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So ironic this came up tonight. Noticed last week a few holes, today just above my septic a 10 foot area has been ripped to shreds, and although no noted grubs in daylight, when I lifted some grass a strange beetle scurried away. Not voles doing this, although the damage the OP photographed this spring was evident on the lawn here too. What's here now has to be the work of something bigger than voles... and I did catch whiff of a skunk a week or so ago. Maybe hiding under the porch too.


Critters like these... KILL 'EM ALL!!!!

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In my situation I know it is a burrowing critter, as I could see dirt being pushed out of one of the holes I raked out... So whatever it is, is underground. I pulled back a patch of grass yesterday and was able to put half the rake handle into the hole! Seems like large holes for a small little vole. And a lot of dirt moved in one day for such a small creature.


Any advice short of blowing up my front lawn is appreciated



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In my situation I know it is a burrowing critter, as I could see dirt being pushed out of one of the holes I raked out... So whatever it is, is underground. I pulled back a patch of grass yesterday and was able to put half the rake handle into the hole! Seems like large holes for a small little vole. And a lot of dirt moved in one day for such a small creature.


Any advice short of blowing up my front lawn is appreciated



Do you have a small shed near by? Voles do tunnel and make foraging paths but seem to call a special place home. If you can find that place you can help make them move on. under sheds, under compost heap, so on and so on. Pretend your a vole and look for a reasonable spot to live. Then do whatever means are necassary to make them move on. or in short befriend a dude that works for Orkin or the such.

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Do you have a small shed near by? Voles do tunnel and make foraging paths but seem to call a special place home. If you can find that place you can help make them move on. under sheds, under compost heap, so on and so on. Pretend your a vole and look for a reasonable spot to live. Then do whatever means are necassary to make them move on. or in short befriend a dude that works for Orkin or the such.

Thanks for the advice. Being the "whateveritis" are digging up my front lawn there is little there in terms of sheds etc... They seem to be loving the ditch on my front property, I will take some pics in the morning and post them here. We have a pest control company at work.... Perhaps I can swing a deal if I can't do it myself. Thanks for the reply :)


Edit to add... Perhaps it's the culverts under the driveways of all my neighbours driveways they like? It would be difficult to convince my neighbours to allow me to block them off




Edited by Gerritt
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