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The quintessential American fisherman


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you can never be too cautious, zombies and sasquatches love fresh fish


Rednecks do too. I was fishing in Pennsylvania a few years back and watched from the opposite side of the stream as 3 really rough looking camo clad hillbillies sneaked up behind my buddy and grabbed a trout lying on a snowbank 10' behind him. He had no clue.


One of the funnier things I've seen while fishing. :)

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Some areas we fish in a side arm is needed, as a kid we always had one in the boat for gators and snakes in the trees. You are running the boat thru canals that are sometimes 8 ft across with a complete canape of trees over your head in Louisiana. A nice tasty gator presents itself and you had gator and fish to fry up.




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No pirates here, all we have to deal with on the Ottawa river is Quebec wardens. You have to provide proof you are using Quebec minnows if you are fishing on their side of the river. Palez-vous francias? Mosieur Varion!

Edited by EME411
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