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finally found out the fine from the neighbours camp


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Last summer the mnr caught a guy at the neighbours tourist camp and I have been trying to find out the results of his case. Finally I went to the mnr office in town and asked what the outcome was. the secretary asked the c.o. and emailed me the result.


the tourist (who had been coming here for years) had 28 walleye. that was 20 over his and his wife's limit. the fine was 2500 dollars and 1 year suspension on fishing in Ontario.


but his real cost was, he sold his boat (that he just bought 2 weeks prior to coming) to the marina in town. and they packed up and left Canada vowing never to return.


His loss is our gain

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but his real cost was, he sold his boat (that he just bought 2 weeks prior to coming) to the marina in town. and they packed up and left Canada vowing never to return.




I guess he will just go break the fisheries laws somewhere else now.

Maybe somewhere like the USA where they don't care about their resources. :sarcasm:

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That's Bull......just a slap on the wrist.

20 fish over the limit... he should have had ALL his gear repo'ed and the fine should have been AT LEAST double that.


That's a clear ignorance for our fish/fisheries.

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But did they pay the fine before they left our province?

I wonder if the MNR can reach out to out of province offenders to retrieve funds?



I know that New York state has an agreement with Ontario for diving offences. I got stopped for not wearing my seat belt. I was warned by the trooper that if I didn't pay the fine; the MTO would not issue my license plate sticker until it was.

So hopefully there is something like that for the MNR?



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I heard Canadians being caught speeding in US and escorted into nearest town to pay the fine. MNR should to the same to Americans especially for an offence like that...


I got a ticket Friday somewhere in North Dakota.

They gave me the ticket and I can either send them a cheque or call up and use my CC.

Not only that the fines are way cheap down there. :good::good:

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I heard Canadians being caught speeding in US and escorted into nearest town to pay the fine. MNR should to the same to Americans especially for an offence like that...

Sorry that is not the case you will be issued a citation and then requested to pay it thru the mail . If it can not be paid do to the severity (DUI or reckless speeding etc) you must show up in court then you get to go to town to the magistrate. Same for anyone who drives a vehicle in the USA that does not have a place of residence to live at till the court date can be made.




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That's Bull......just a slap on the wrist.

20 fish over the limit... he should have had ALL his gear repo'ed and the fine should have been AT LEAST double that.


That's a clear ignorance for our fish/fisheries.

Agree. Unfortunately, for many that come north the goal is to fill the freezer back home.

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Sorry that is not the case you will be issued a citation and then requested to pay it thru the mail . If it can not be paid do to the severity (DUI or reckless speeding etc) you must show up in court then you get to go to town to the magistrate. Same for anyone who drives a vehicle in the USA that does not have a place of residence to live at till the court date can be made.




happened to a friend of mine driving through Virginia, the cop didn't return his papers until he went to town and pay the fine

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I know I might take heat for this... But is he any worse doing this a few times a year then the guy keeping his limit 5 times a week? Or a full time guide getting limits for 1-6 people per day all season....


I understand it's against the law... And that's wrong... But as far as abusing our fisheries... maybe not as bad as others do legally...


In a week I'm legally allowed to catch... Keep... And eat 28 walleye of any size... That's if I fish alone... If I bring 2 buddies that triples...74 walleye me and my fishing buddies can catch... Keep and eat in a week... I can even have 16 in possession at my house for my family of 4... And that's just walleye...


Now if I go out and keep that many on one outing I'm the worst case of resource abuse there can be...??


i don't think so... The guys getting 1-2-3 limits every week are doing more harm then this guy did...


If this is a reoccurring thing then yes I get it... Did he break the law and get punished... Yes... And that's great... But to make it sound like this 1 guy on possibly 1 day is the worst drain on our resources... That's a bit ridiculous..


But that's my weird view on the "limit" system we have... It's very flawed in my opinion... Bring on personal quotas....lol


To clarify... If "I" went out opening day and kept 28 walleye... Is that any worse then keeping 4 per day for 7 days on my vacation that week??? As far as abusing a resource??? No... It's the same thing... I just wouldn't have to clean fish 7 times...lol...Legally different story...


Anyway... Not picking a fight... Just looking to get people thinking about our real issues...

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