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Horse Meat


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If you know anyone, or come into hamilton at all the Dutch toko sells it in slices, called rookvlees (pronounced roak-vleys) or if you can find a local Dutch store there's probably a good chance they have some or know where you can locate some


just did a quick google search and this place appears to have it, although they list it on their full list as some people frown on horse as a meat lol


Edited by leaf4
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Modern North Americans have got to be the biggest "holier than thou's" on this planet when it comes to food. Not uncommon to eat horse, or jackass for that matter, in Europe. We get on our high horses because the Chinese eat dog on the other side of the ocean. We get into stupid arguments over which species of fish should/ should not be consumed. Reindeer has always been a popular meat in Scandinavia, yet people here will protest the sale of it at specialty import shops. By the way, I like spring bear and curried goat.

These are the arguments of a society that has more than it needs, and lacks for near to nothing. A society that consumes far more meat than the world average, and certainly far more than is good for most of us. We have the luxury of deciding what is too cute and cuddly to cull. The ARA's play on these selfish based emotions to promote their agenda

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Modern North Americans have got to be the biggest "holier than thou's" on this planet when it comes to food. Not uncommon to eat horse, or jackass for that matter, in Europe. We get on our high horses because the Chinese eat dog on the other side of the ocean. We get into stupid arguments over which species of fish should/ should not be consumed. Reindeer has always been a popular meat in Scandinavia, yet people here will protest the sale of it at specialty import shops. By the way, I like spring bear and curried goat.

These are the arguments of a society that has more than it needs, and lacks for near to nothing. A society that consumes far more meat than the world average, and certainly far more than is good for most of us. We have the luxury of deciding what is too cute and cuddly to cull. The ARA's play on these selfish based emotions to promote their agenda


Too true. Food choices are very cultural. Just as 1 trivial example,pickled herring on a bun is sold like hot dogs on the streets of Amsterdam, but probably would not be a bi hit in TO. People turn up their noses at blood pudding, but what do you eat when you eat good steaks? Yep, blood!

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People turn up their noses at blood pudding,

WAAYYYY back in the day I loved blood pudding and would have it all the time, boiled in the skin and then covered in mustard. I'd cook up a ring and eat the whole thing for a snack.


Then I got away from it and never had it again for about 20 years, then saw it in the store one day and decided to have it again. Cooked it just the way I always had it and it was the foulest thing I'd ever eaten.


Don't know if the recipe had changed or if it was my taste buds but I'm done with it for good after that. :lol:

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you can try a couple processing plants up by port perry and little britain, try pineridge meat packers, and little britain meat packers, if anyone will have it, they would know. we don't carry it all just cause the owners wife and daughter would kill him since they both own horses lol if they don't have it, try contacting black angus meats, they carry exotic meats like camel, musk ox, emu croc and gator, snake, pretty much anything, http://www.blackangusmeat.com/

Edited by FloatnFly
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Too true. Food choices are very cultural. Just as 1 trivial example,pickled herring on a bun is sold like hot dogs on the streets of Amsterdam, but probably would not be a bi hit in TO. People turn up their noses at blood pudding, but what do you eat when you eat good steaks? Yep, blood!

Pickled herrings, and pickled smelt, are still a big thing with the son and I. Forget the simple dutch stuff, too basic. Get some of the Scandinavian sil . it comes in close to a dozen different pickling brines and is to die for. Now I'll have to run over to IKEA and get me a fix.

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A more extreme example---On 1 of the so-called reality shows the challenge was for the contestants to eat what was, for most of us, a disgusting looking bug from the S pacific. One of the women at work ,from the Phillipines I believe, was wathing it and drooling at the nice juicy bugs that she wasn't able to find here in Canada!

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When I was a young boy,I asked my grandmother what this was,that I was eating.


She replied back horse meat. Looked at my pop. Yup,good aint it.


When your brought to eat what is put in front of you,ya,it,s good. LOL


I would be willing to give it a try now again. Meats meat. Horse,cattle,deer,moose elk,ostridge. The list goes on.


MEATS MEAT. And if it fills yer bellie,alls good.

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Thanks for the input guys.


My father in-law put some sliced meat in front of me and told me to try it a few years ago. I assumed it was horse, and it was, it was lean and a bit salty.


He is Dutch, I don't think he knows where to buy it anymore either. Guess I'll make it a bit of a hobby to find some.



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There are a few shops in TO that carry horse meat as stated previously. Father in law has butchered practically his whole life and was raised in a place and time where the last sibling to wake up usually didn't have a pair of shoes to wear that day.


That being said there is almost nothing that is taken from the animal of choice that isn't used as food. Over the years he has introduced me to a world of interesting food choices and horse meat has been one of the tamest on the menu.

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Don't look up horse meat, look up 'sweet meat' as it is generally referred to. Should be able to find it. We used to eat it every now and then, havent for a while but did growing up. My uncle once said to me..'they are not all pets' referring to the horses on his beef farm..



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My uncle once said to me..'they are not all pets' referring to the horses on his beef farm..



I was always taught that in farming their are 3 types of animal; a]Vermin, b]work animals, and c]livestock.

If group b fails to earn its place it joins group a or c

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