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Will This Rabbit Live? Should I call Animal Control? NF


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Saw this cute little Rabbit in my yard tonight and was shooting a few pics then noticed his paw :o:o




















He otherwise looks healthy and there is obviously no way I can catch it, so should I call animal control or just leave him be????

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I would say let nature take it course... it may have battled to free itself from something.. or escaped a fox/coyote.... if it is still alive and adapted I would say it has a fighting chance... if not... well they take the weakest first... leaving the stronger bunnies to procreate


part of nature hun...



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Thx for sharing this Joey. I hope the little bugger makes out OK. Years ago in the spring by accident I ran over a toad while tilling my vegetable garden. Took one of his back legs clean off. I felt terrible when I discovered him. But I let him be because he seemed to be doing fine. For anyone who doesn't know...Toads are very territorial. That 3 legged toad was in my garden for 2 summers!!!! I guess I had enough food and shelter out there for him so he hung around. I sure missed him the third summer when he never turned up again. Hopefully your bunny hangs in there so you can enjoy his company as well.

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Whack him on the head with a stick!!!

Then stick him in a pot. ;)




odds are it'll get infected and he'll suffer for a while before it kills him. if not, he'll be an easy meal for whatever predator decides to eat him as rabbits rely on a speedy escape if sitting still/camouflage doesn't work.


sometimes finishing the job is better for the animal...

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Thx for sharing this Joey. I hope the little bugger makes out OK. Years ago in the spring by accident I ran over a toad while tilling my vegetable garden. Took one of his back legs clean off. I felt terrible when I discovered him. But I let him be because he seemed to be doing fine. For anyone who doesn't know...Toads are very territorial. That 3 legged toad was in my garden for 2 summers!!!! I guess I had enough food and shelter out there for him so he hung around. I sure missed him the third summer when he never turned up again. Hopefully your bunny hangs in there so you can enjoy his company as well.



Aww, that's kinda neat. I'm glad he made it 2 more years. I'll keep my eye out for the rabbit and see how he's making out. Maybe putting him out of his misery would be better, but I don't think I could do it. Might have to get Tybo on the case :)

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Actually Rabbits are very strong. That wound looks old. and not infected, he should be fine. I raise rabbits for meat sometimes im surprised to see what they can endure. I once seen my friends rabbit hutch invaded by a coon. They chewed the rabbits feet to bits thru the cages at night. He was able to save the 3 adult rabbits long enough to get them in the freezer..

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In my area we have a lot of wild rabbits,the dogs are actually scared of them.Its funny to see a 100lb dog running from a rabbit.I bet your bunny will live out its natural life span.



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He looks pretty healthy other wise so there's a good chance he'll make it. Just so you know animal control would not likely come out unless you had the rabbit contained somehow. Good luck to him...



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I say let him be and let nature take it's course, there is no need to kill anything unless you intend to eat it or it is a threat to you or your property. I have seen plenty of animals survive with only three legs, you'll be surprised at how well they can adapt.

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Like most others here, I say go with Nature's plans...


Hopefully there not some sick twisted person in your neighborhood snaring rabbits, and steeling their lucky feet!


Maybe it's a crazy leaf fan!!! If that's the case, then watch out for more one footed rabbits, cuz it's going to take a lot of them to give the leafs a shot at the cup!!!!!

Edited by N.A.W
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Like most others here, I say go with Nature's plans...


Hopefully there not some sick twisted person in your neighborhood staring rabbits, and steeling their lucky feet!


Maybe it's a crazy leaf fan!!! If that's the case, then watch out for more one footed rabbits, cuz it's going to take a lot of them to give the leafs a shot at the cup!!!!!



Thanks for the morning chuckle Nick :lol:

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Funny thing about the toads I have an area under my deck that this great big toad lives. He decided it was a nice place and he eats bugs so I decided to help him out with the food thing. I put out a night light next to his hole and he would sit under it and feed. I then found 2 more toads in the area that were in the garage and feeding from the same light. It got to the point that they would line up in the garage in a 8ft area and feed together because I started to catch crickets and slid them over to them. The big boy thru summer was up to 4 crickets a night I guess I had to much time on my hands. lol




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If the rabbit is still hanging around today; put out some food (your dog’s kibble?) and water; you may end up with an outdoor pet and at the same time give him a safe sanctuary?



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