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Weight Loss


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First came the quitting of cigarettes 6 yrs ago already!! My how time has flown by!! My next phase is to lose the 70 or so extra pounds that I have put on over the last 20 yrs. I am fed up with asking my buddies to tie my skates LOL just kidding. I see this as an opportunity to improve my health and allow me to live longer LOL. So starting on the 15th of January I will be in the bariatric clinic in Hamilton General embarking on the biggest challenge of my life.

My freinds tell that it will take will power, determination and courage to go through with this. I hope that I have what it takes to go through with this.The diet consists of 4 optifast shakes a day ( 900 calories) for 3 months. Nothing else but water and excercise. While on the shakes we will be overseen by a staff of nurses, nutritionists, doctors, nurse practitioners and psychiatrist. I know that folks will say that this is dangerous etc... but it is very carefully monitored by the staff to ensure that our health is of utmost importance.

I am tired of being the fat guy in midlife and I want to improve my life. It is so easy to say 'hey just excercise' or stop eating etc.. What folks need to understand is that everyone is a unique indiviual with unique needs and wants. For me, I have never really tried to lose weight. Being a jock most of my life up to having kids gives me a perspective of what is needed to stay in shape and if I started working out now with the weight I would probably have a heart attack. I am thinking of taking a picture of myself at the front door of the house on a weekly basis to see how I look and progress over the next 12 weeks. Wish me Luck!!!

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Good luck Pete... You can do it.... if you want a peek at my families cardiology history it would be enough to scare you there alone! I dropped from a high of 228 to a consistant 191, simply by taking regular Pepsi out of my life and switching to diet. Same amounts... just removed the sugar.

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Geez Pete I had no idea you felt that way about your stature, I kind of thought you were like me, vertically challenged and horizontally endowed :lol:


Seriously good luck with the weight loss, I hope you just don't lose your sense of humor.


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Best of Luck Pete. I know you can do it, and although 900 cals a day will be hard, it can be done. The hardest part I'm afraid to say is keeping it off after. I hope they have a plan for you for the "after" part. If not, I'd suggest Weight Watchers to keep you on track. I've done lots of diets and weight loss programs, as I don't like to get over a certain weight. I can attest that it creeps back on very easily, but if you stay on top of it, you can keep it off for good!!


Updates would be great !!

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Good luck!!

I lost 25lbs last year by going on the 'keep your dang mouth shut diet' I have patented it. Nothing but water after 8pm and be more realistic about what you eat. Try to walk as much as you can. Exercise makes any diet much more efficient.

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I know how you feel Pete I hope to drop done by musky season in June. I was shocked when we were fishing in december snd you said it was 6 years since you quit smoking that time went so fast.


I'm trying the cutting some junk out of my life and actually moving route. I wish you the best of luck and I hope that come summer neither of us have our shoe laces tied to the side.


For anyone who is not or has not been over weight you have no clue how hard of a choice this has to be for Pete.

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Good luck. You can do it. 2 years ago I dropped about 40 pounds and the first couple of months was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life, but now having succeeded I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Although everyone has their own needs and wants one thing everyone needs to be successful is support. We're all rooting for you.

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Good luck with it. Figuring since you were able to quit smoking, you should be able to conquer this as well. A guy I work with went through the exact same place you are going to. He did lose weight but I guess he lost his will power and put it on again. But you are right, determination and courage will be needed in large quatities for your task. But after awhile, if you keep with it, will hopefully just be a normal life-style for you and won't require all that much courage and determination. Good luck.

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Hate to break it to ya, but losing 13 pounds in 5 days is likely entirely water weight, and extremely risky behaviour.


Don't think so I did this diet 10 years ago and dropped 33 pounds in 10 weeks, ketosis works for me while other people have difficulty with it.

Appreciate your concern!

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" I hope that come summer neither of us have our shoe laces tied to the side" Too funny Mike!! Anyone who is overweight totally gets this comment!! LOL Thanks for all the wll wishes and stories of weight loss. It is really encouraging to read so many stories of weight loss. I wish all who are on this path to continue with the battle of weight control. My biggest fear is Diabetes. This disease will creep into your life without a thought and strike you down with no warning. To all of you who do not watch your weight or do not have annual blood tests done, I strongly recommend that you get checked out. It could be your live saver. Joey I will update this thread as I progress through the weight loss journey. Best part about this diet is that you have to attend a class every week on nutrition and proper eating habits. So when you do start back on regular food you become accustomed to your new life style.


Sinclair, I believe that this diet is kind of a ketosis diet. I will look further into it but I believe that I will be consuming less than 23 grams of carbs a day. This is what is required to go into ketosis. Forces the body to attack the fat for energy in lieu of the carbs kinda thing.

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try to put on some muscle, lift some weights -- it'll make keeping it off afterwards easier; speeds up your metabolism, and gets your body consuming more energy even while you're sitting on the couch munching on celery sticks.


while it may be a little difficult on 900 cals / day tho, most people who are overweight can still gain muscle on a calorie deficit before plateauing.


good luck!

Edited by Raf
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Hey there - good luck on your quest

Last March I decided I wanted to lose some weight - and for added motivation my brother and i made a bet

largest % weight loss by Sept won - loser bought winner his choice of single malt scotch


I followed the Eat Clean diet to begin with and then made my own modfications plus I started to walk the dog for 30 minutes every night and do 50 push ups a day


I lost 45 lbs and have kept it off - started at 230 and have been 185 for 6 months

Check out eat clean - bottom line - limited salt and refined sugar, good carbs and limited booze - and for me the weight melted off

For carbs - i ate a lot of sprouted grain bread - ezekial is the brand - and always began the day w plain rolled oats with flax seed and bulgur wheat added in - fills you up



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