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My family day weekend


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Short Version:


This family day weekend was great. I went on my first speck hunt, and had success. Did a little crappie fishing, and cough more crappie then I ever have in my life. Plus my fishing partner had a PB Crappie. Had dinner with my in-laws, and a good'ol fish fry with my side of the fam. And I went coyote hunting for the first time ever. And though we didn't get any dogs, we had some come in just outside of gun range. See pics bellow for more details!



Long Version:


I usually try to keep my reports somewhat brief. My grammar is horrific, so the shorter the better. But this report is something special to me. I have a very big personal announcement to make, but you'l have to wait until the end to find that out.


My family day weekend started off on Friday, when I had to work late...What else in knew :wallbash: :wallbash:



My fishing partner has been talking about going on a speckle trout hunt for a few weeks now. He did a bunch of research, and picked a new lake that he's never been to. Either of us have been on a hard water speck hunt before. We set off a 5:30 on Saturday, headed to the Algonquin park area (not in the park though). 2.5km hike to the spot. It turns out the trail was all packed down by snowmobiles, thank god, because I forgot my snowshoes!! The first few spots where a bust, but we finally managed a few fish. Nothing big, but prefect size for eating! I think I might get addicted to this speck hunting. It's so peaceful out there. The exact opposite of Simcoe.


Here's a few pics from Saturday.


The one speck's eye is a little mangled cuz I missed my mark with the club, and shanked his eye by accident.. :oops:



My god, these are one of the tastiest fish on earth :thumbsup_anim:




We headed out to our Crappie hole for the morning. Both of us had family functions planned for the following day, and we each promised a fish fry.. So the pressure was on to catch some slabs. It took a while to find them, but once we did, I iced about 30 Crappie. They where all small, and about half where thrown back, but I did keep 15 for a fish fry. My fishing partner iced a few as well, including two titan 14" crappie. Once I got home from fishing it was off to the in-laws for dinner. My mother in law can COOK..


Here's us with our feed for the day



Me with Steve's fish :huh:




Here's diner at the in-laws. Delish!! And I drank almost all of their beer :stretcher:



I asked for extra whip-cream with desert. Somewhere in there is a piece of"wallnut and Ricotta" cake



After dinner we sifted through some old stuff they had kicking around. They where going to throw out this old book. I thought it would look good on the book shelf at home, so I scouped it up!




In the morning I had a ton of house work to do, then clean 15 Crappie. My mom, sister, brother in-law, and their two boys (2 and 4) came over for a fish fry. We had fried crappie, chicken wings, shrimp, and taters. I'm tellin ya, those little boys love fish! Like clockwork, my family left, and as they where pulling out of the drive way, a few of my co-workers pulled in, all loaded up for coyote hunting. It was a first time event for all three of us. We tried all sorts of stuff, but couldn't get the dogs to come in to shooting range. We did hear them coming close though. After they left, I went and sat in one of my tree stands to watch the sunset. I managed to get a few dogs to come in to about 200 yards, but didn't have a clean shot through the trees. I did get a few scenery shots for you to see, but no coyotes!


Here's my lunch (before the shrimp came out of the oven)



My nephew loves ketchup..



The gang enjoying time together.



Maybe we went over board, cuz we all left with full stomachs, and this was the left overs!



And rather then dead coyotes, here's some scenery shots. :blahblah1:

This is on the way out of our first Coyote hunting spot.




And here's the view from my tree stand.




Had we killed a coyote it would have been a perfect weekend, but I'm not complaining. The weather was incredible, I got a sun tan, and I got to spend lots of time with my family! That's was this weekend is all about right?


And to top it all off. As a few of you may know, my wife Mel and I have been trying to have a baby for a long time now. It's been 2.5 years of practice with not even a sign of success. I have to admit, it's getting a little stressful. However, as of today, my wife is 12 weeks pregnant!!! I'm going to be a DAD!!! YYYEEEEEEHHHHHAAAAAA :good::D:thumbsup_anim: I've been holding of on telling my friends per the doctors orders. He told us to wait until 12 to 13 weeks. Today is the exactly 12 weeks, so now I can tell everyone. The due date is September 3rd.


Thanks for reading my post. Sorry for the crappie grammer, and the poor cell phone pictures!

Edited by N.A.W
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Absolutely excellent report.Great fish, good food, and you are going to be a dadclapping.gif I knwo how you feel. Barb and i have had no success either.I have a daughter from a previous marriage, but we havent been as lucky.

Last friday we had our last of 5 in-vitro attempts.If this fails, we will turn the page on that part of our lives.


Congrats man !!!!

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Congrats Nick and Mel. You are gonna make a GREAT dad.

Thanks Blair! I sure hope so..


Great post and congratulations, Nick!!!!! Specks and crappies, mmmmmmm...two of my favorites on the plate. :clapping:


Ya, I had some really good eats this weekend!


Great report. A couple of successful outings. Time with family, and at the end, the best news in the world. Five words that make most men feel they're on top of the world; "I'm gonna be a DAD" :clapping:

Thanks Bruce! "on top of the world" is an understatment!!


AWESOME Family Weekend Report N.A.W.!!! And a HUGE congrats on the baby - I'm so happy for you guys after trying for 2.5 years! Best of luck with everything!

I appreciate that! I just have my fingers crossed that everything works out.


Epic report. Wonderful time and great pics :thumbsup_anim:

Well, I don't know about Epic. But thanks Joey!! I'm glad you liked the pictures!


Thanks everyone for the kind remarks!

Edited by N.A.W
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I gotta admit Nick...i scrolled to the end of the report to find out the news :blush:



Congratulations! Fantastic news. What is it with all the practice it sometimes takes! Was and is the same for my wife and me....then there are some coup[les who only have to look at each other in a suggestive way to conceive....lol.


The fishing report?....dude...fantastic....those crappie are slabalicious for sure!



Once again...Congrats to you both...excellent news!

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Awesome report bud,and the last part of the post is great news. Congrats to you and Mel. :thumbsup_anim:


Good thing you have a deer stand close.LOL


Thanks Brian!


Ya.. Good thing my stand is close. I'll be able to hear the baby crying from my stand :wallbash::canadian:

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