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Well it is that time of year again! Christmas! With all of the mindless consumerism that we have somehow been conditioned to deem as normal.. The real meaning of Christmas has been lost. I am not going to talk about the religious side of what Christmas means, as we all know the story...


I am talking about family.


I am talking about friends.


I am talking specifically about those people we love and care for that are no longer with us...


Our sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles.. and our furry friends as well..


To me this is a time to reflect, to remember and to honour what they meant to us.. The joy they brought to our lives, the unconditional love we shared and the time spent together.


There is not a day that goes by I do not think of those important to me that have left for a better place.... however for some reason this time of year seems difficult for so many reasons..


My son would be 11 years old... and I wonder if he were still alive today... what would he want to see under the tree?, would he still believe in Santa Claus?, would he still help me setup the tree?, would he leave out milk and cookies?, how tall would he be?, what would his personality have been like?, would he of been a kind kid?, what would his hobbies of been?, what sports would he want to play?, would he still want to hang out with dad @ 11?, Would he still let me hug him without getting all embarrassed?


This year I plan to honour my son by releasing a few balloons with some notes inside of them.... sounds corny I know... but it helps. I will also say a little something to whoever "up there" listens before I begin my Christmas meal..


This post is not about looking for sympathy or pity, as I can have pity parties all by myself... It is to remind people what the true meaning of Christmas is... FAMILY! It is not the latest video game, toy, or DVD or spending hours at the mall going into debt ,that our society has conditioned to believe is the meaning of Christmas, it is about spending time together, sharing a laugh, a smile, a hug...


So I ask those of you are have lost someone close... to spend a couple of minutes and "Honour" your loved ones that are no longer here with us... Take a couple of minutes and remember...


And be thankful for the time you did have together..


This is what Christmas means to me.


Merry Christmas OFC.



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G the tears are running down my face as I type. I know this is not what you wanted , we can all have our own private pity partys . This is one if not THE BEST post I have ever read on this forum . Merry Chrismas G and all the great people that come here , family , the ones still with us and the ones who have passed on, are the most important things in our lives , allways remember this.. Bruce

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Gerrit, that is the first thing we did this year, remember our mom we lost last March. We NEVER spent a Christmas without her by our side. In the past few years she got to know 7 greatgrandkids and that was special. We made it a point that there will be gifts from her this year.


Your post is very touching, All the best to the OFC community.




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You have captured the true spirit of Christmas in this post Gerritt. Remembering those that are no longer with us is at the top of my mind this year. This will be the first year I am celebrating Christmas and my birthday without a grandparent. I miss the 4 of them dearly and their memory lives on inside me. For myself, it's another day now and I don't get too worked up, for my girls however, who are 6 going on 18 and 5 going on 6, Santa Claus is coming to town and they are excited because it is daddy's birthday as well. Live your lives by this folks:


'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that is why they call it the present'

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Thanks for the post Gerritt and for reminding us to really take stock of what's important and what's superfluous. It's been a few years since my dad passed away and he was the glue that brought everyone together for the big dinner so he's always missed. I bet your son would never have gotten tired of hugs from his dad in spite of how uncool it may look to his friends. He also probably would be giving you a run for the money bringing fish to the boat.


A very Merry Christmas to you this year and I hope 2012 smiles it's good fortunes upon all the members of this great community.





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Merry Christmas to you Garrett! Your post was well written. Although I'm sorry for you loss, you have your chin up high and proud..Good for you. I hope Christmas is wonderful for you and your family!..Sure set priorities strait for me..I almost got caught up in the rat race here. Thanks for reminding me what really matters. I think im going to pick up my daughter at school now and give her a BIG hug..

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I lost my father 11 years ago to brain cancer. He was the glue that held our familly together, and after he was gone, my brother, sister and i, drifted apart.

I have reconnected with my brother, over fishing this last summer, and slowly, after many attempts, i have convinced my sister to join us for Christmas this year.

Your thread hit home really hard with me.Last year, i almost lost my mother, the week before Christmas, but miraculously, she was back with us.

This will be the first Christmas that my brother, sister and i will be together under the same roof, since my father passed, so, ya, Familly is the key to happiness for me this year.


Gerritt...Have a wonderful Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

And yes, i believe your son would still let you hug him, and would still love to be around you all the time.


Be well my friend

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Thanks for sharing and putting things into perspective.

I got home in a horrible mood after going to 2 different malls and waiting in line for way too long but I am spending time with my wife's family tonight and driving to Montreal tomorrow to spend my last Christmas with my parents in the house I grew up in.

That is what matters the most. Thanks again for reminding me what Christmas is all about.

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I've never met you, only known you from this board and after reading your post, was moved profoundly and thought I'd share a different view of yours if you may.


From a son loosing it's father.... Dad past away 3 years ago... never easy to loose your best friend at any time of year, especially when enjoying the great things in life but when the moment arrives, the world ends and seems like there's no way out.


So Christmas without my dad will never be the same simply because he was my icon, my guidance, my mentor, family to him meant more then anyone, come Christmas, family reunion was all he thought... and much more.


I can only cherish our moments together to this date and truly miss him. I try to pass down his wisdom to my family but find myself short of this task just because of the influence he had and because he had a strong determined personality.


God bless... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


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Thanks for keeping the season alive G !


Christmas # 26 without Dad, #3 without Mom and sister Wendy, but this year at least I don't have to sit in the local hospital with Jennifer on Christmas Eve and that definitely dulls the hurt.


My Brother's jet just pushed back in Toronto.. destine for Amsterdam and then back to Kazakhstan by about 5am Christmas Day. He was only here for 10 days and we couldn't make a connection even for lunch. I asked him to watch for Santa on his way back to Kaz... as he goes around the world the opposite way! :D

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alright Gerrit ....at first i didnt know how to respond to this ...sadness from you loss or joyess that you found a reason to find a reason to somehow enjoy this time of year....heres some answers to your questions...... what would he want to see under the tree? ....Anything HUGE with tons oF BLINDING light that makes exsessive noise beyond the decibal ratings of a parents ears........., would he still believe in Santa Claus?,............of course not .....no child of yours would beleive in the tooth fairy either....but they would know how to keep a secret and learn to split the profits of coookies/milk and pillow money......... would he still help me setup the tree?,.......of course he would....just to prove to you that he is as good if not better than you ....at the task at hand...... would he leave out milk and cookies?,....absolutltly he would....and he would help you eat them too as to not ruin the perception of the younger siblings....... how tall would he be?, .....based ONLY on the pictures ive seen of you....probably more girth then height.... what would his personality have been like?,............chip off the ole mans block....... would he of been a kind kid?,...of course.....{mom had a little bit to do with the construction too)...... ......what would his hobbies of been?,......fishing fishing and hockey...what else is there? what sports would he want to play?,refer back to dads influences of fishing fishing and hockey....hopefully mom has no influence of ballet and curlig.... would he still want to hang out with dad @ 11?,....you know he would....but it might be a different anwser at the age of 24....not that your ugly though! Would he still let me hug him without getting all embarrassed?......at the age of 11???Hell yeah!!! 17 or so YOU might feel more embarrassed then him....but im quite confident he would love it (as long as his friends werent around)


Gerrit .....i cant imagine to feel what you have unfortunatly have had to endure....but i do know the love that goes between a father and son...{as conflicted and compassionate as it can be at all ages (up to 25 anyways) ....i wish you and yours the very best...(not only at this time of year)


Cheers to your post of love/respect and tribute to never forget who....makes you who...you are

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