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So long OFC/OFN it was a blast


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It has come to my attention that I have an unhealthy addiction to fishing. It is what I think about most of the time. When I am not fishing I wish that I was. When I am out fishing I dread the last cast and always want to stay longer. When I can't go fishing I get angry. When I can only go fishing for an hour or two I feel rushed and get angry. Whenever I pass a new lake river or body of water I want to fish it. Now for some members here this would seem normal, but to non-fisherpeople it is not. So here is my dilema. I have a family, a wife and 3 young daughters, of which non really enjoy fishing that much. Everytime I am out fishing, I have to leave them with mom. When I am out there I feel guilty for leaving them and think about them quite a bit. I also get angry at my wife who puts limits on the amount I fish and when I have to be home (she is actually correct in most cases). hen I get home I am often short-fused because I want to be fishing more. When I don't fish I have no patience for them because I often blame them for taking up some of my time that I could be fishing. Fishing and family is a delicate balance that I can not seem to master (or even come close to balancing). Although I fish only twice a week I really need to spend more time with my wife and my 5, 8 and 10 year old kids. For this reason I am selling my boat and giving up fishing totally for 5 years or so. I know it sounds extreme but this is what I have to do. I have to remove those temptations. At this point some of you might be laughing and I wish I were too but it truly is an addiction. Last night I made a conscious decision to focus more on my family and to do this I have to stop fishing (not slow down).

I am aware that I have an addictive personality and it is for this reason that I don't drink alcohol. I quit drinking at the age of 21 (actually before I could actually become a serious drinker)in order that I did not get addicted. I don't know if that makes sense but I did not want to test my addictive personality.

Anyway, I will miss fishing. I will miss all the members here. I am thankful for the members I have met and fished with and wish that I could have have fished with all of you. I learned loads here and hopefully helped a few members out as well.

Take care guys and gals. You are a special community.

Tight Lines



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Sorry there wasn't a happy medium / compromise that would have benefited you and your family. This is probably the best , if painful decision to make and as Terry noted, priorities come first. As long as the rivers run and the lakes are filled, the fish will be waiting till you can wet a line again.




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wow, it sounds very well thought out and well said, good on you for putting family first though.


I just hope that my wife doesnt see this post or she might expect the same out of me, I am definitely addicted to fishing and see some of the same symptoms that you do.


good luck in the future, and I will miss seeing those fat Simcoe Smallies!

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Wow Cudz. I can tell this has been something you have been thinking about for a while. It's well thought out and I sincerely hope it all works out for you. I have enjoyed your reports and input here, and along with many others here, I will miss them.


Good luck with everything...the internet will still be around 5 years from now and I hope to "meet up with you" again here.


All the best,


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I always fished and golfed,played hockey when we had our boys. Guess it helpped when then enjoyed and did what I did.The mrs on the other hand,well thats another story,but now we do alot together.Only took 29 years.LOL


Tough call bud.


Later Chris


Good luck


Hope to se ya around.

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Very well written Cudz....I understand the MENTAL OBSESSION to fishing.

I too have an "addictive personality".... but find fishing to be THE THING that keeps my own mind from ever wandering back to the bottle that I crawled out of 20 years ago.


An old friend of mine once said to me when I was about to make a life changing decision:


" If it is a good idea Today, it will still be a good idea Tomorrow"


No matter what though, those kids come waaay ahead of fishing.

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It has come to my attention that I have an unhealthy addiction to fishing. It is what I think about most of the time. When I am not fishing I wish that I was. When I am out fishing I dread the last cast and always want to stay longer. When I can't go fishing I get angry. When I can only go fishing for an hour or two I feel rushed and get angry. Whenever I pass a new lake river or body of water I want to fish it. Now for some members here this would seem normal, but to non-fisherpeople it is not. So here is my dilema. I have a family, a wife and 3 young daughters, of which non really enjoy fishing that much. Everytime I am out fishing, I have to leave them with mom. When I am out there I feel guilty for leaving them and think about them quite a bit. I also get angry at my wife who puts limits on the amount I fish and when I have to be home (she is actually correct in most cases). hen I get home I am often short-fused because I want to be fishing more. When I don't fish I have no patience for them because I often blame them for taking up some of my time that I could be fishing. Fishing and family is a delicate balance that I can not seem to master (or even come close to balancing). Although I fish only twice a week I really need to spend more time with my wife and my 5, 8 and 10 year old kids. For this reason I am selling my boat and giving up fishing totally for 5 years or so. I know it sounds extreme but this is what I have to do. I have to remove those temptations. At this point some of you might be laughing and I wish I were too but it truly is an addiction. Last night I made a conscious decision to focus more on my family and to do this I have to stop fishing (not slow down).

I am aware that I have an addictive personality and it is for this reason that I don't drink alcohol. I quit drinking at the age of 21 (actually before I could actually become a serious drinker)in order that I did not get addicted. I don't know if that makes sense but I did not want to test my addictive personality.

Anyway, I will miss fishing. I will miss all the members here. I am thankful for the members I have met and fished with and wish that I could have have fished with all of you. I learned loads here and hopefully helped a few members out as well.

Take care guys and gals. You are a special community.

Tight Lines



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That is very respectable, man. I know it might seem selfish to some people, but my wife and I never planned to have kids partially because everyone we know who has kids never seems to have time to do anything. I'm lucky to have an understanding wife, but I could see that changing if we ever had kids. I wouldn't want to stick her at home with them all the time, and I too would feel guilty. I already feel guilty when I go out and she stays home, but she comes often enough with me and doesn't mind because she has other hobbies of her own to do. But if it came down to it, I hope I'd have the ability to make the same decision you did. Removing temptations is hard, and it's often the only way to succeed in many areas of life, not just fishing. I can't see anyone laughing at you over this - that'd be petty and stupid. It's honorable, and your family will probably see your sacrifice and respect you and love you for it. Have a happy life, man.

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You can always fish another day but time not spent with family can never be replaced! I had a similar situation when my family was younger and didn't hunt or fish for almost 10 years. Once my family was grown to the point where they had their own intrests; girl friends/boy friends, a wife with hobbies of her own, I was able to get back into it and enjoy it even more.


I really do hope that you will still stay in touch around here, this board is a lot more than just fishing, we are a family and you have been an important part of it. Do what you have to do but please don't forget us, I know many on this board won't forget you!

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I think the toughest call would be the one where you disregard the needs of your family only to wake one day with the knowledge that some other man has taken over. Take care and protect that which you hold the most dear to your heart.


5 years is nothing - time really does fly. Enjoy your girls - enjoy your wife.


All the best.

Edited by twilight
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Sad to see ya go, always loved the reports from simcoe and the big brown bass there!! But I know how u feel, I fish and play hockey, baseball and golf and it cuts into the family time, to the point my fiance also gets mad and for that I have had to cut down the amout of fishing I do, pretty much limited to tournies, and hockey is out as well.


Ill be lookin for ya in a few years to be back.


When will u be selling the boat? I'm hoping to get one, the lady got her engagement ring, and she said once she gets that, I'm allowed to get a boat! Lol

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This is a sad day...we shall have a moment of silence in remembrance of Cudz. Family is important man but no matter how much I get yelled at I'm still goin fishin haha. I'll see how it is years down the road when I have my own family.


I got a funny feeling well see a ice fishing report from ya this winter :P

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