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up most of night/ out of work /Help


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well been up half the night guess I'm stressed out. I got a job about 2 months ago and really liked it. It didn't pay well just enough to cover my way to large of bills. Well I got lay off notice yesterday pretty sudden. I thought all was going not to bad the company was struggling a bit for jobs but we always seemed to be busy. Boss says a few jobs he was after fell through so they can't afford to keep me. I did over hear a bit of a nasty phone call he had last week that was talking about court and lawyers and contracts so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it either.


So I need a job I live in Delhi and don't want to up root the family to someplace else. I have skills and recently got out of college for a Automation and motion control course but I find companys don't look at that. They want a millwright. I see now the course I took is not offered and it has been rolled into the millwright course.


I will not be able to stay on top of all my bills/debt long at this rate and I'm looking for maybe some ideas or ways to help this issue anyone here know much on debt counseling. I have heard those ads on the radio but I'm just not really sure they arn't just after more of my money I don't have.


Also any Headhunters out here or Employment Recruitment type people that might be able to help me find work .I got out of college in 2010 and really have not had a worthy job since (well one but pay was low).


I would not be posting this if I wasn't in serious trouble please feel free to contact me off the board skinnyatkwic.com


Once again I'm sorry for the rant and hard luck story

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Well, I don't know if I can be much help; as far as the credit counciling services are concerned, I know of a couple of people that tried going that route and wish they haden't.


Living in Delhi puts you at a big disadvantage as far as work is concerned, places like Cobourg, Port Hope, and peterborough are always looking for good people in the production and manufacturing sector. Moving your family might not be what you want to do but for the sake of stability and future, it might not be such a bad choice.


Here is a link to the Job Bank, you can search by specific areas.


Job Bank


I wish you all the best of luck, just hang in there, everything that happens, happens for a reason.

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Try looking up Allen Personnel, Lucas Works, Kelly services, Knighthunter and Wowjobs. All have listings for the London area. You should be able to find something in London area depending on what you are willing to take for salary. Might be worth going to a placement agency to make sure your resume is solid and relevant for what you're looking for.


As for the finances, you really should talk to an adviser (maybe at your local bank?, or someone in your family recommends?). I hear talk of consolidation loans with lower rates etc but as Cliff mentioned there could be good and bad with that.


Its always a good exercise to determine what are your nice to haves and what are your must haves in case you need to sell something in a time of crisis.


You're on the right track reaching out and being proactive just in case you can't land something soon. Good luck in your search.

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I have been looking at all the job banks and have in past used a placement (temp) agency the wage was low and the work eratic. I have detrimed that I must bring in at least 15.00 per hour and not travel far just to make bills. I know something will work out at some point. I just can't aford to hold out to long. there is tons of 11.00 and 12.00 jobs out there.


thanks for the pointers keep them rolling

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I always said if I lost my job, I'd work 3 part time fast food jobs to make up for it until another butcher job came up. I had to plan for that when the store manager was trying to fire me from a personal vendetta. lol


Do what you gotta do buddy! Take a temp $12 job to help float until something better comes, cuz anything is better than nothing!


And in the meantime Action Angling pays $50 a day for on-the-water camera work ;-)

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Good luck Skinny..Have you tried looking in the Brantford area for work? If your interested shoot me a pm with your skills and I can let a few local trades companies I know of that your looking for work.. I run a smaller home based renovations company here in town. I know a painter and a dry Waller that are looking for guys to work. Also I'm not to sure about Delhi but there may be work in Simcoe. If I were you id go to every construction site within a comfortable radius from your home and ask for work. Dude if you want to work its out there..Its sad how often we see the graduates that spent the hard earned $$ on a “higher education” after high school then relegated to looking for whatever they can get work wise...Good luck my friend...I'm afraid your going to need it...

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When I became unemployed in April I put my truck to work for me doing scrap metal. Pay isn't consistent but you can make some serious coin of you are willing to put in the time. I sent out 33 resumes to machine shops for CNC jobs and not one of them called back! Not ONE!!!! I bit the bullet and applied at an agency and got a placement 3 hours later. Been there 3 months now but still do scrap on the side for spending money and gas for the boat. PM me if you have any questions on how to start. I may be of some help.



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Living in the Delhi area and with tobacco harvest in full swing; for the interim hit up the farmers for a job? With that course that you’ve taken; you could be a benefit to the farmer with all the automated machinery that they use now? Things like the automatic priming machines for example; they’re in constant need of repair and maintenance.

Not like when I was a kid on the tobacco farm, where the only thing that was automatic was the fact that you knew sooner or later the primer (person picking the tobacco) in the horse row was going to get stepped on and or knocked over by the horse. LOL

I still know a number of tobacco farmers and they all have the same complaint; they can’t get local people to work on the farm.



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i am not too sure where dehli is but if you got to the ABL emloyment website they could put you into some full time work pretty quick they have a bunch of offices across ontario im sure one will be reasonably close to you.

hang in there just keep positive :)

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Take what ever you can get right now, $12.00/hour pays of more bills than no dollars until you can get something better. you can generally talk to some of your creditors and work some temporary payment options with them until things improve. I had a rough time a couple years back and did this , you would be suprised how much some will work with you when you contact them. As far as debt counselling goes, the only people with the legal power to stop collection actions and interest charges are Trustees in Bankruptcy. There are credit counselling agencies out there that will assist you in negotiating with your creditors for better terms but have no real legal power to stop collections or interest charges. A Trustee will not charge a fee upfront ( walk away from anyone who does)and will generally provide you a free consultation, it does not mean you would have to declare bankruptcy as there are other options.For now try to find work and if it gets too overwhelming don't hesitate to call professionals for help.

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Market yourself as someone that has some of Millwright skills (?) and for the future consider contacting the college to see what they can do for you so you get the millwright certificate (there will be common ground).


Temporary services are good for you.....temporarily. They will try to take advantage of you but never mind that and get your stress level down by getting on top of this. Good luck.

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I read an article a couple of years ago that stated that Ontario will be short 12000 tradesmen by 2012, and 14000 short by 2014. This is largely due to baby boomers retiring from the trades, like me in a few years :thumbsup_anim:. That's a lot of well paying jobs with great benefits coming up if you play your cards right. Without turning this into a union vs. non union thread, here's my advice. Contact all of your nearest union trade offices, or halls as we like to call them. Tell them that you are interested in a job. They will take your name and call you when they they have an aptitude test scheduled. You write the test and then are placed on a list according to how well you do. When a company needs a new apprentice, and your name comes up, you will get a call and start your career. The "big three" that you may want to focus on are electrical workers union, sheet metal workers union and plumbers and pipe fitters union. These are typically the highest paid and most in demand trades. My local union (sheet metal workers 397) are looking for apprentices and had an aptitude test session just last Friday.


Good luck with whatever you decide.

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Good luck finding what you want. Meanwhile you might consider holding down a full time job, plus a part time job until the right job presents itself. It works. I've done it. More than once.


Along Connie's lines I see at least that you've been off line all day. Hopefully that means you're out pounding the pavement and not that they cut off your internet. Many skip the self "dignity" retention and head for handouts, I pray you don't do this. As you say there are lots of $11 and $12 jobs out there.. grab one NOW.. or 1.5 of them. Work 60 hours a week if you have to, been there and then 50 hours more. That's only 16 hours a day 7 days a week. Sleep is over rated anyhow at your age.


When work dries up, make your own if you have to... my next 1500 hours just came in today.


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I understand the japanese auto parts plant outside simcoe is always looking for people - Tiatsu ? (I'm sure i haven't spelled that correctly) - apparently not the greatest place in the world to work - but until you find what you want it might fill a hole or two

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well I wasn't online all day because I did a interview with a trades placment agency in Brantford. I have already sent out 55 resumes to places I see are looking for people. I'm doing what I can and have had some great advice from this forum.

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When I was a fireman in Toronto the schedule allowed alot of time off which was great as most of us worked extra jobs on the side. I drove trucks on my days off for about 25 years, plus did some house painting, drove taxis and even cleaned offices for awhile.


There's always plenty of work around even though it may not be exactly what your looking for, but lots to do to tide you over until you find what your looking for.


Best of luck in your search.

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well I landed a job I start Wed it's within walking of home and more $$$ than I've made since I got out of college



Great !!! There is a reason for everything that happens to us.The reason you lost your job, was so you could find this oneclapping.gif


It all gets returned.



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Dont mean to be a downer.. DONT STOP LOOKING!!!!!


I have been without a constant job since last October. Worked for so many contractors that its STUPID. 99% WERE NOT WORTH SQUAT.


Now I have 3 interviews Thursday with companys I want to work for..


However its a tough haul..




Best of luck (PERSEVERANCE) :thumbsup_anim:

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