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Over Pricing At Tim Hortons!!


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I am one of the few Timmies dislikers. Always used debit and didn't carry cash. After a long day of fishing i would want a coffee for the drive home. Pull into Timmies of highway and find out it is cash only no debit. With all the money they make selling frozen donuts and other crap items they were still too cheap to have debit. :wallbash:

Apparently that is changing a bit now.


All of the Tims have Debit/PayPass now.

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Well, I usually have about 1 or 2 cups of their coffee a week, and when roll up the rim comes around, I always go nuts for them. I'm probably like 30 cups in since it started..


Do I feel raped? Very. Especially since I've won like 4 cups since the first day.


And lakerguy, Blueberry Fritters are amazing! :)

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To be honest I can live without either Timmies or McD's. Their coffee is garbage and I am tired of getting the wrong order 30% of the time...


I make my own one cup at a time and I get real coffee rather than brown water in leaky cups.


I guess I am not addicted enough not to be able to wait until I get home....

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I didnt read all the posts on here. I noticed when I order a large it costs $1.52 then I order 2 large one would think it would come to $3.04 right? No they charge $3.05 Why? :wallbash:


Large coffee $1.45+5% tx(0.0725) = $1.5225

2 Large coffee's $2.90+5%tx(0.145)=$3.045



If you feel robbed or don't like the food, FIDO, Fuddle It, Drive On, or don't you control your own life. Bunch of sheep... :devil: :devil:


BAAAAHHH Ram you !!

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I actually like McD's coffee better as someone else mentioned. I sure like the McD lids better. :angry:


Stopped at the Cookstown Tim's a week ago and while driving noticed the rim had already been rolled up for me :wallbash: how thought full of the employees! :asshat: How common is this courtesy out there??? :angry:


Dan O.

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If you feel robbed or don't like the food, FIDO, Fuddle It, Drive On, or don't you control your own life. Bunch of sheep... :devil: :devil:


Now wait a minute......I thought it was a Canadian Law that you were required to drive through all Tim Horton's while traveling in Canada....I believe I seen a sign saying that at the custom both on the Peace Bridge... :whistling::D

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I start my day, every day, with 2 Vanilla Caps, made in the comfort of my own kitchen.I use Kirkland coffee beans from Costco, by Starbucks, that i grind the nite before.I havent had a Tims or Mac coffee in 15 years, and probaly will never have another for the rest of my life.

Now DONUTS !!!! Thats another threadth_drool.gif

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Now DONUTS !!!! Thats another threadth_drool.gif

In the day, the best cup of coffee was CountryStyle. I'd still be hard pressed to fork out for a cup on a regular basis. As for doughnuts ( notice the Canajun spelling!) Tim's have shrunk down portion sizes to near half. Compare their fritter to one from CountryStyle. On the way home down the #11 1'll still stop at the CountryStyle south of Orillia.

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In the day, the best cup of coffee was CountryStyle. I'd still be hard pressed to fork out for a cup on a regular basis. As for doughnuts ( notice the Canajun spelling!) Tim's have shrunk down portion sizes to near half. Compare their fritter to one from CountryStyle. On the way home down the #11 1'll still stop at the CountryStyle south of Orillia.


I LOVE a good Angle Cream donut...and with a Timmies close by I tried them 3 different times....end result was always the same....donut very heavy or doughy and VERY little Angle Cream to be found....bottom line...DISAPPOINTING....grrrrrrr.....but I do like Timmies coffee...strong the way coffee should be....Starbucks is even better but WAY overpriced, and no drive thru's.....

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All I know is I have had at least 30 or more of those coffee's since the roll up started and I've won 1 coffee....yup just 1.


They make good coffee but the large dbl dbl is never stirred at the bottom...XL dbl dbl is the best coffee there...I wish there was a donalds close to my place in lindsay but there isn't so my morning walk is tims.


I haven't noticed a "price hike" on a coffee, my parents usually have the exact change counted out coming through the drive through so I think we would notice but ya never know...They had a really good BLT on a bagel there too i loved but since the tomatoes stopped being red i lost my taste for them all together...fresh is definitely a no no there.

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I think the joke is on all that frequent Timmies. There was a secret transaction many years back where our government actually purchased the Timmies company and are reaping the benefits through gold plated pensions. LOL

Personally I just don't understand the love affair with Timmies. I will always try to avoid it like the plague. Wrong amounts, taxes and orders all the time. Terrible donuts also.

I also don't understand how people can spend that kind of money everyday on Timmies. They must be making pretty good $$$$.

The beast is driven by the consumer.

However, the one thing that I know they do that is worthwhile, is send economically disadvantaged kids to amazing camp experiences every year.

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McDonalds coffee is never consistent, that's my problem with it. One day I'll get a great cup, the next it tastes like crap. The Tim Hortons I frequent on the other hand is extremely consistent and it's rare that I get a bad cup of coffee.


The conspiracy theorists in this thread are also cracking me up, lol!!!!

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Timmies only make their doughnuts in one place... Brantford. They are then flash frozen and shipped that way to your local shop. They are then heated by the shop "baker" and put out for customers.

Keep going to Timmies guys, Izumi needs his sponsorship!


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