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DES MOINES, Iowa - An Iowa high school wrestler who was one of the favourites to win his weight class defaulted on his first-round state tournament match rather than face one of the first girls to ever qualify for the event.


Joel Northrup, a home-schooled sophomore who was 35-4 wrestling for Linn-Mar High this season, said in a statement that he doesn't feel it would be right for him to wrestle Cedar Falls freshman Cassy Herkelman. Herkelman, who was 20-13 entering the tournament, and fellow 112-pounder Ottumwa sophomore Megan Black, who was 25-13, made history by being the first girls to qualify for the state tournament. Black was pinned quickly in her opening round match.


"I have a tremendous amount of respect for Cassy and Megan and their accomplishments. However, wrestling is a combat sport and it can get violent at times," wrote Northrup. "As a matter of conscience and my faith I do not believe that it is appropriate for a boy to engage a girl in this manner. It is unfortunate that I have been placed in a situation not seen in most other high school sports in Iowa."


There were several thousand fans on hand Thursday at Wells Fargo Arena, but many were watching other matches when the referee raised Herkelman's hand to signal her win. There was a smattering of cheers and boos from the crowd before Herkelman and Northrup were whisked into the bowels of the arena.


Tournament organizers declined to make Herkelman available for questions. Her next match is Friday.


In a text message to The Associated Press, her father, Bill Herkelman, said he understands Northrup's decision.


"It's nice to get the first win and have her be on the way to the medal round," Bill Herkelman wrote. "I sincerely respect the decision of the Northrup family especially since it was made on the biggest stage in wrestling. I have heard nothing but good things about the Northrup family and hope Joel does very well the remainder of the tourney."


Linn-Mar athletics director Scott Mahmens said the school would not penalize Northrup for defaulting. Because he defaulted and didn't forfeit, Northrup is eligible to compete in consolation rounds. Black will also compete in the consolation rounds.


Wrestling is hugely popular in Iowa, and this is the first time girls have qualified for the state tournament, which began in 1926.


According to the National Federation of State High School Associations, just more than 6,000 girls competed in wrestling in 2009-10 — compared with nearly 275,000 boys. Though most states require girls to wrestle boys, California, Hawaii and Texas now sponsor girls-only high school wrestling tournaments.


I've been involved in martial arts for 20 years. I've fought many girls in sparing and grappling matches. I would have no issues wrestling a girl. I wouldn't back down one bit.


The guy stated faith had something to do with his decision. I can understand that I guess?


You can’t really hold anything against this guy, it’s just not the decision I would have made.

  On 2/17/2011 at 10:15 PM, NAW said:

I've been involved in martial arts for 20 years. I've fought many girls in sparing and grappling matches. I would have no issues wrestling a girl. I wouldn't back down one bit.


The guy stated faith had something to do with his decision. I can understand that I guess?


You can’t really hold anything against this guy, it’s just not the decision I would have made.



Have you ever lost to any of these girls?


Chilvary is still alive and well! I was raised that a man never went in a woman's purse and a man didn't hit a woman. Two things I have never done in 65 years with one exception, When Sue had a heart attack and I needed to get her medical information for the Dr.'s. It is a little thing called respect! Good for him and his family for supporting and believing in traditional values.

Posted (edited)

As father to three girls and grandfather to three grand daughters, I have very mixed feelings about this. I'd like to think my daughters and grand daughters should and will have all the opportunities to pursue anything they what to try or achieve, but there is an old world value that I still have that thinks that females should be protected from violence and held in higher place then men in that concern. At what point does our society decide that there should be no differences between the sexes? Where's the line?


This should be interesting to see the different responses.

Edited by Old Man

I think girls should be in girls sports and boys in boys. I personally don't think it should ever be mixed. I don't care what the sport is just don't mix it up. Not trying to offend anyone...that is just my honest opinion.


When my son was young there was a 3 year span where he had girls on his hockey team. At that age it didn't matter. One year it was twin sister's. One was our goalie and the other a defenceman. Both where good players and good kids. But 3 years later the worst player on my sons team would make either of them look stupid. Once the boys started to mature they where just too fast and strong.


My niece played girls hockey at the highest level. Her team even got to play against the Chinese or Japanese Olympic team in a tune up game when they where here for the Vancouver Olympics. She would have probably been on the next Olympic team if she had stuck with it...she was that good. But I can honestly say from watching her play Midget hockey that a good boys Bantam house league team would have killed them every game no matter how many games they went head to head...the difference was that great.


In other sports there might not be as much of a difference say in pool or darts...but in physical sports I think nothing is gained by combining boys and girls. My High School CWDHS had an awesome wrestling team. We had a girl back then who entered a tournament and a friend of mine on the team drew "short straw" and had to wrestle her. It was awkward and he absolutely hated it. He was not one of our better wrestler's and he dispatched her in no time. I could never ever figure out why these things happen.


Both my kids had equal opportunity to play sports. But no way in hell my daughter would ever play on a boys team and visa versa, that's just the way Debbe and I both felt.


however you feel it seems like all parties involved handled their objections with class, or at least are well versed in TSN style interview speak.


personally, they should have both girls and boys classes. in many cases it seems the girls are req'd to join the boys teams for lack of competition or opportunity. girls played boys hockey in our town because there wasn't enough players for an all girls league.


i wouldn't want to wrestle a girl either. (unless it was after a few drinks and dinner). tough to explain to the wrestling team your second place ribbon in those circumstances.


at least no one acted like buffoons and started WW3 over it.


girls can't play in a mans world


but to be politically correct girls have to be abler to compete/work with men even though the are not equal..

which out a doubt there are some women that can do a mans job, but I have seen where a female ambulance person was not able to help carry the person down the stairs..putting people at risk

same can be said for firefights and cops.....



back to the real question


I remember when the allowed girls to joint the boy scouts


the troop didn't want them, the boys didn't want them...they couldn't play the more physical games and boys around girls act differently, the alpha male comes out and causes problems

can boys joint the girls guides ..no


can boys joint the girls weight lifting club..no

can boys joint girls hockey..no


then why the hell let girls joint the boys club.......they are different so why try to make them the same.......

oh and if the boy wrestling her touched her twit by mistake.....what kind of mess would that be...........



good for him for not wrestling her


What Big Cliff said. I might go a step further and say that I don't believe that a human being should hit another human being (male or female) for any reason. Lots of fight fans here so this declaration won't make me more unpopular than I already am but hey, it's what I think. I also won't condemn anyone for enjoying the fights.

Posted (edited)

The girl chose to participate in the matches knowing she would have to wrestle boys. She must have been proud of herself for earning that right. I would be.


I enjoy wrestling with my boyfriend and take great pleasure in making him beg for mercy, but if I were to even suspect that he was throwing it because I am a girl, well I would be offended...it wouldn't be any more fun so why bother?


This is my personal opinion. I dont have an opinion on the boys decision, that was his own to make.


There is a difference between hitting out of anger and competing in a sport.

Edited by Teressa

Good for him. A man with principals and integrity :worthy:


Unless the play wrestling was going to lead to sex, :blush:


how could anyone knowningly be engage in an activity


that could really cause some serious harm to a woman :stretcher:


Hats off to this guy :good:


its a lose lose situation for the guy so he did the right thing.


beat the girl = he's a wussy for beating a girl


lose to the girl = he's a wuss for losing to a girl

  On 2/17/2011 at 10:46 PM, Roy said:

What Big Cliff said. I might go a step further and say that I don't believe that a human being should hit another human being (male or female) for any reason. Lots of fight fans here so this declaration won't make me more unpopular than I already am but hey, it's what I think. I also won't condemn anyone for enjoying the fights.


Your opinion is truely respected here Roy.


As for the post. The days have changed saddly.Women want to be on top.Im not complaining. :devil:


The lad made a moral choice and stood by it. Good for him, end of story.

As a reservist, my combat instructor was a 110 lb woman who could wipe the floor with the carcass of any man stupid enough to play tough guy. She was damn good at what she did. The days of women staying home and tending house and family are long gone. How one deals with it personally....?


crappie perch hunter you have cojones as hard as hockey pucks for making that hockey comment but i gotta agree.

(i'll go down with you brother!}


rico boxing great point - lose lose.


c'mon roy its wrestling, the oldest of combat sports - no biting or nothin!


Wow......this should be interesting. the guy should be commended for chosing not to fight a girl.Its how he was raised.Men dont hit women......EVER.thumbsup_anim.gif



Posted (edited)
  On 2/17/2011 at 10:50 PM, Teressa said:

I enjoy wrestling with my boyfriend and take great pleasure in making him beg for mercy, but if I were to even suspect that he was throwing it because I am a girl, well I would be offended...it wouldn't be any more fun so why bother?


This is your father and I didn't need to hear that!!!!!! Well, I do kind of like it when Claude wimpers in the corner going "yes dear, what ever you say dear" LOL.


Truth be spoken men and women are not the same. That doesen't mean that one is weaker or smarter or better, just in different ways. The two together compliment each other without each other neither would survive.


Fun wrestling to me is very different than trying to see who is the strongest, fastest, weakest. Men and women are different and I'm sure glad of it!

Edited by Big Cliff
  On 2/18/2011 at 12:27 AM, solopaddler said:

Let the girls have at 'er, as long as jello is involved.

In Russia/Ukraine it's honey wrestling. (insert drool smiley)

  On 2/17/2011 at 10:20 PM, cwpowell said:

Have you ever lost to any of these girls?


Yes.. Not ashamed of it either. There was extenuating circumstances that I'm not going to get into, but this woman kicked my :asshat:.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i respect his reasons for not fighting, but if you've ever watched a martial arts tournament you know how skilled and tough ladies can be.


i know a husband and wife with blackbelts that go at it pretty good in the gym and she could definitely whoop my :asshat: . it might even be the ultimate form of "relationship counselling! :dunno:

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