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Met up with friends on Simcoe today


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We met up with our usual partner in crime today, Terry, on Simcoe to do some fishing. Had a special guest with us, Fidel (Highdrifter) and headed out to the planned spot where Lloyd and Keith were already set up.


We followed Terry out, making a Fidel sandwich on our sled, pulling two huts with all our gear. Before you know it, Terry is airborne, and then so were we. Must have cleared a good 12 feet before we landed with a thud. We all got off and made sure nobody was hurt, flipped back over the overturned huts and had a good laugh. Epic was the word Fidel used I think. Checked the sled and found some cracks :wallbash::wallbash::stretcher: Some yahoo moved his hut and did not put a branch or tree to mark it and you couldn't see the big mound until you were right on it. Oh well, nobody too hurt so time to move on.


Total damage to us was the sled, Paul's fishfinder and my new thermos. Terry broke a rod and a few other items, he can post his losses!










Got to where Lloyd and Keith were already set up and got ourselves set up. Not long after, Terry has a fish on and a nice whitie at that :thumbsup_anim: Yes its true, Terry caught a fish :lol:






Shortly after that, Keith got a nice laker, followed by a whitie!!!








Paul had one on, but it got off :( And I've come to the conclusion that its easier for a man to do everything with his tongue sticking out :whistling::lol:






Then I had one on, but it got off too :wallbash:


Lloyd also had some on and then off again.


We still marked fish the rest of the day, but no takers. Some good follows, but then back down they went.


Paul and Fidel shared a hut and I could hear laughter all day :thumbsup_anim:






We had a pretty uneventful ride back (thank God) and are home safe and sound, ready for the next outting.


Great to see you Terry, Lloyd, Fidel and Keith, we had a nice day fishing with you today :thumbsup_anim:



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always exciting when we go fishing


but we didn't need the evil knievel trick...really glad no one was hurt,,


I was really surprised how many things were broken that were in my hut


when I went to put my auger back on the rack I saw the rack was broken too

I tried to give it a quick fix

but half way back I saw it was almost dragging on the ground so I had to sit the auger on my lap


it's going to be a lot of work so I can go again next weekend

but I will be ready


can't wait to get out with you again

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Well it was good to see you all out on the ice once again. It was a slow day but as they say " you should have stayed a bit longer" lol

soon after you left the fish thought it was safe to come around and start hitting. Will see you next week. Kieth and I will be taking Dano :thumbsup_anim: out with us next Sat. :clapping::clapping:

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Morning Roy.

If you read her post carefully, you will find that she was driving.

she said terry went airbourne first then they did...

if paul was driving then they would have been the first to go airbourne, cause they would have been way ahead , and terry would have seen them and avoided the launch ramp. :tease:

you know paul, if ya aint at mach2 then get out of my way... :rofl2:

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Hey Joey, not much fun when some idiot almost ruins your whole day. I wish they would be a little more considerate for others out there. These are most likely the same guys that leave their garbage on the ice hope that it will miraculously evaporate before the ice melts. :wallbash:

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Great report.


Glad everyone "landed" their jumps and everyone is ok. Scary for sure.


It almost happened to me on Scugog one year except I was in my truck and towing the 8x6 hut behind me on the trailer. I saw it last minute and swerved putting me into full blown 360's on the glare ice with drifts. Spooky looking out your drivers side window and seeing your hut on the trailer beside you.


Luckily, all turned out ok. PLEASE mark your hut holes!

Edited by Harrison
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Thanks for all the replies guys, ya, it was scary, and my back and neck are a bit sore today (and chin) but as was said, we landed safely so I think Terry and Paul both know what they are doing in the sled driving department. :thumbsup_anim:


EC1, no fish for me, but I did get to play with one that took a good long run on me :thumbsup_anim:


Also yes, please mark your hut site if you move it!!!



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Thanks again for a great day. It was pretty awesome to spend it amongst such good company.. A costly day for you and myself (I still can't find my wallet) but, it's all good. Or was it "Life goes on"?!


And about the laughter coming from Paul's hut?! I think that might have been the leaky propane heater.. :tease:


Hope we can do that again real soon, hopefully when it's not so darn frigid outside.


Great to meet you Terry and Lloyd.

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