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With yesterday being such a nice day my wife and I decided to put the boat in the water and go for a spin for a couple hours. We ran up Clear then cruised around Stoney then headed for home again. We were coming south in the channel thru Hells Gate just below the Church On The Rock and there's a lady and small boy in a canoe heading across the channel just ahead of me so I put the boat in neutral and waved to her to pass in front of us.


She waved thanks and proceeded across and just as she's about 60 - 70 feet in front of us here comes a guy in a 14' tinny wide open and heading right for us. I assume he's gonna pass behind me but nope, he goes right between us and the canoe and just keeps on flying and disappears behind the islands without a clue as to what he just did, infact he never even looked back to be sure they were alright. The lady and boy in the canoe both had a tight grip on their boat as they bounced in his wake and I thought for sure they were gonna tip, but fortunately everything turned out OK and they continued on their trip.


I spose maybe it's not a huge deal but it just shows how easily accidents can happen. This guy had absolutely no concern whatsoever for the safety of the lady and child in the canoe and didn't even take the time to look back as he flew past them not 30' away.


That's the whole story and I just felt like passing it on, but I'm sure every one of you has seen similar things on the water.


Be careful folks, specially in smaller boats, there's some real fools out there that we have to share the lakes with.

Posted (edited)
  On 5/24/2010 at 10:26 AM, Roy said:

Unfortunately, common sense is not as common as we think it is. Glad it turned out ok.

Common sense and courtesy are words only older folks seem to comprehend these days.


Mind you there are some right nasty old codgers out there as well. Especially if'n I tain't had my morning carfee :lol:

Edited by bigugli

i hear youm lew...ecmilley a.k.a ernie and myself live just down the lake from big cliff,and we see it all the time,but this weekend we have seen the opp police boat everyday and we were also stopped first thing saturday morn...they are out in full force,so its too bad they wernt around when that happened..we have many times been in a quiet bay bass fishing or trolling for walleyes and they come just barelling right by at 40-50 mph with no regard and without safety in mind.but after today we will be back to having it all to ourselves again..its just like watching the houseboats try to figure out what side of the bouys to be on..lol..lol tightlines shawn

Posted (edited)

I see that once in a while up on the French - lots of canoes and kayaks up there. We'll drop it back to a slow 'trolling speed' as we come near and pass. Sure would be easy for one of them to tip over and possibly have some bad results. We've seen a few boats roar right past without the first thought of their safety. Just have to shake your head in disbelief. We too make sure they're OK.

Edited by Rich Clemens

it seems to me that the way people drive on the road has followed to the water as long as its not within a few inches of them car or boat its not there problem the things they are doing or the place they ae going is the most inportant thing in the world a beep the rest of the world.

Last summer out on the ottonabee river south of peterborough in a small 14 tin boat these 2 ass hats in these 25 footish boats come flying up the river (aera posted no wake ) the wake was big enuff to that when the bow came down we took on water there was a couple of guys in a canone they were close to shore and were able to hold on to a tree other wise i would have bet they would have been swiming

  On 5/24/2010 at 10:37 AM, bigugli said:


Common sense and courtesy are words only older folks seem to comprehend these days.



Actually this guy was probably in his late 40's, early 50's and was certainly old enuff to understand what he was doing.....at least you'd think so anyways.

  On 5/24/2010 at 11:08 AM, lew said:

Actually this guy was probably in his late 40's, early 50's and was certainly old enuff to understand what he was doing.....at least you'd think so anyways.


Yeah but Lew, that dude bought a $20-$50 common sense card on the net.....now he knows all about buoys, rights of way etc...so it must be the canoeist's fault right? It's like you said, unbelievable.

  On 5/24/2010 at 11:08 AM, lew said:

Actually this guy was probably in his late 40's, early 50's and was certainly old enuff to understand what he was doing.....at least you'd think so anyways.



I know that exact spot. Most often you will see some boaters go ripping "around" the back side of the church because it is NOT marked as a no wake zone! I have been fishing right in the spot & have had some LARGE boats darn near swamp me...amd I'm in a 16 footer!!



Posted (edited)
  On 5/24/2010 at 11:08 AM, lew said:

Actually this guy was probably in his late 40's, early 50's and was certainly old enuff to understand what he was doing.....at least you'd think so anyways.


See second comment of post :lol:


There will always be some idjit who does not think the rules apply to them, or believe the lake is their private pond, etc... And as is typical in this day and age, "rules only apply to those dumb enough to get caught" as quoted from the son and his buddies :wallbash:

Edited by bigugli

Stupid is forever.


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Yep like Roy says---5o bucks worth of cheatin boaters exam at it's finest.


Canoeists have to be very careful not to end up in the drink especially in the spring---air temps are higher--water still spell hypothermia.

Posted (edited)

Lew, rules and common sense come to play. This happened at the Orillia Perch Fest. On lake simcoe side, their was about sixty boats anchored canoes small 12'ers and so on Perch were right their near the end of the channel markers. Guys with their cruisers & big Bass boats with 250's just had to show off how fast they can go, roared close to the pack of small boats fishing. Like you said, big wake, boats rocking, canoes all most tipping. Going that fast, if a small tinny decided to move out of the crowd and he hit the 12'tinny with a couple little kid's, I wouldn't want to see the results :stretcher: . Later, the Police boat came out checking boats for their safety equipment, I jumped right on him telling him he should be chasing those idiots roaring close to the small boats. The cop told me that they were in the right, soon as they get outside the channel they can go as fast as they want :spam: . I felt like climbing all over that cop. :wallbash::angry: Safe Boaters Card makes me sick. After he checked the boats, just to be an idiot, the police boat roared by us as if he was proving something :devil: . :angel: One thing that is not in the boaters test, is they should have a courtesy common sense part of the test.

"Some" of you Bass Boat guys, were fishing for perch, Bass season is closed. If your trying out for a TV show, your not starting on the right foot. Go roar some place else. I thought Bass boats were made for fishing. :dunno:

Edited by Fish Farmer

Boaters are responsible for their wake regardless of whether or not they are in a no wake zone.

I had a talking with a couple kids on jet skiis just this weekend. They were running right into the launch almost wide open, causing all kinds of wake. The good news was they at least listened, most of the time people look at you like you're just a jerk. Also this weekend saw 3 different boaters securing their gear right on the launch incline. Kids playing behind their boat while the adults were stowing gear, no tire blocks or anything, one guy actually was crawling underneath his trailer while on this steep incline. People just don't think.


We got a new neighbour 2 doors down; He spent a good part of Saturday afternoon out in front of here trying to see if he could sink his jet ski. :asshat: I was getting ready to go and help him when he finally quit. If he does it again I will call the OPP though, there might not be any law about STUPID but there must be some charge for reckless operation or something they could charge him with. Besides, no one could be that stupid without a few drinks in them!


Actually Roy the canoeist may not be fault free by crossing a channel and impeding the flow of traffic. If the canoe swamped and this ended up in court it might go 50/50.


WE are so lucky in Ca. to have so much water available to us but we mistakenly claim to have a territory around our boat and judge others according to our feelings and not the boating regs.


I had a boat fly by me about 15' away and not rock my boat at all because the hull was out of the water, speed doesn't always = wake. Deep v's give less wake the faster they go.


Whenever you hear a complaint that starts I was in a channel its never that clear cut.


When I was commander of the local power squadron I'd get all kinds of complaints about the cops playing chicken and swamping boats trying to zip in and gotcha. You don't want to ever be anchored from the side of your boat when the cops show up, a wake can flip you pretty fast.


Some boaters are unbelievable. The risk they put themselves and others at is incredible. Spending as much time as I do in a canoe (and boats) I've seen astounding acts of stupidity. What floors me is the more people don't end up paying for their, and others, mistakes with their lives more often.


BTW if you are in a canoe and run into problems DO NOT grab the gunwales, it always makes your situation worse, and almost guarantees that you will end up in the drink. Gunwale grabers kill.


And another thing while I'm on my high horse: It is spelled gunwale, but pronounced gunnel, like tunnel. Don't spell it gunnel and don't pronounce it gunwhale. Don't blame me, I didn't make it up, but that is the way it is.


Time to get down, I sound like an :asshat:

Posted (edited)

Its just too many people for me.

I was in North Bay for the weekend. I wanted to fish nippising with my daughter for a bit. Turns out we didn't have a lot of time but we had a good visit.

We went out in front of the sewer outlet friday night and joined the 30 or so other boats. No fish but i think its a bit early in the season...thats my excuse anyway. After waiting in the lineup we got out and one guy said he caught one.


Next day we heard Nosbonsing was a good choice so we decided to go there.

While driving over I told my daughter that when her and her brother settled somewhere that possibly her mother and I would move close to them to keep us all together..Maybe North Bay area or whatever.


Well, we gets into the lineup to launch and head out onto the lake. There was a good wind blowing so it was pretty rough. We tours around and fish a bit. There are boats running around everywhere. Zing, zing, zing, zing. Then a couple parties start at cottages. Loud music and lots of people trying to be heard talking louder. I'm thinking...wow..If I lived or had a cottage across the lake from that...I looks at my daughter and says...Sarah...remember what I said about moving...skip it...I'm couldn't take this...she kinda smiled and agreed.


Next day we are walking along the North Bay waterfront in the morning. About 30 or 40 boats out near the sewage outfall again. We are walking along watching them...all of a sudden they are all bunched together...I says...hey, Sarah...look...somebody musta caught one.


And the drivers there are the same as the boaters you guys are talking about.


Our city council keeps trying to entice people to come live here...I feel like going to the next meeting and slapping all of them.


I'm heading out fishing at 4 this afternoon...I will be snacking on walleyes tonight.


Oh yeah...if you're in a canoe and somebody makes a wake...point into it and ride it out...don't just sit and cross your fingers

Edited by Dara

As a few have stated.. I've found the OPP are the worst wake offenders going...


As for the canoes.. you can't win with them it seems. On Temagami I always slow to a crawl with barely a ripple on the water. I don't want to be responsible for all their gear hitting the water and you know sometimes it's just a real good view!! :whistling::good: Then last year I crept through about 14 canoes with 3 to a boat around Garden Island..... snot nose in the front of one yell'd "take a damn(no that wasn't the word she used) picture already". The temptation for a loop around her with all 275hp roaring was hard to resist!... but another boater beat me to it as he blasted up their port GUNWALE... :w00t:

Posted (edited)

Nothing a big bucktail upside the head wouldn't remedy. If I'm in a canoe or kayak and you're within casting distance when you roar past me, you're fair game in my book.

Good to see the new "Operators Card" is delivering more than just money to the government coffers :wallbash: .

Edited by jediangler

I know exactly what you mean Lew, over the years I have been that guy (in the canoe) and left feeling somehow responsible because I dared to try and share the bigger lake with boats three times my size ... I dont really enjoy canoeing anywhere except the small back lakes nowawadys because once too often I have been one strong paddle stroke away from being swamped by some yahoo who believed that I was just a nuisance between where he was and where he wanted to be ... anyhow - at least it didnt end badly this time and good on you for being courteous and considerate ... too bad we can't all be like that


Sometimes around here even my 28ft x 11ft 8000 lb boat gets waked by the bigger boats as they ply the legal buoy paths from the ocean to Washington D.C. Once a boat gets to be a certain size ( not trailer able) it is tough to jump on and off plane for boats that should not be on large bodies of water. I am referring to places were you can not see from shore to shore. I will come off plane for any boat that I will cause to be in distress by my actions but will also clue them in to how unsafe an environment they are playing in. This has nothing to do with the area you described and going on and off plane is expected and should be done.



  On 5/24/2010 at 6:24 PM, irishfield said:

As for the canoes.. you can't win with them it seems. On Temagami I always slow to a crawl with barely a ripple on the water. I don't want to be responsible for all their gear hitting the water and you know sometimes it's just a real good view!! :whistling::good: Then last year I crept through about 14 canoes with 3 to a boat around Garden Island..... snot nose in the front of one yell'd "take a damn(no that wasn't the word she used) picture already". The temptation for a loop around her with all 275hp roaring was hard to resist!... but another boater beat me to it as he blasted up their port GUNWALE... :w00t:


Can't believe you find that funny.

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