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A few Brook Trout


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Despite my hectic schedule lately, I was fortunate enough to find the time to get out before the Brook Trout season closes here on the 15th of Sept. I met up with a couple of Buds on Thursday evening, only to find that fishing had been slow. They had only caught 3 fish all day. Being too late to fish when I arrived, I enjoyed the evening camp fire with great company which included Guidofisherman. It had been a few years since I've had the pleasure to chat with Al and it was nice to catch up on things. Al had pulled out early the next morning and I never got to see him again.


Friday was a bust. Not one fish in the boat all day between the three of us. We saw fish. We had follow ups, and we even had a few fish on, but nothing in the boat. One of the nicest things about the day was being greeted by this guy at the launch. He was there every morning.




Saturday started off a little better. My buddy Dan had a small fish in the boat within the first hour. It was maybe 14". A while later Dan was into a better fish. This one was pushing the 20" mark.






Our optimism was now lifted as the follow ups from yesterday turned into boated fish. But the minutes soon turned into hours without any more action. The decision to run further up the lake finally paid big dividends for me. My first fish of the weekend was a gorgeous 23" brightly colored male.




The release..




Several more hours of fishing that day never produced another fish. But I was content. My weekend was made. And we still had another half day to fish. Perhaps things would finally turn around for us on Sunday.


On Sunday morning we ran back up the lake to the shoreline where I had caught my fish the day before. Several fish were hooked, which got our blood pumping, but they turned out to be Pike. The ultimate disappointment when you think you might have a trophy Brook Trout on the line. With only an hour or so to go before we would have to pack up for the weekend, we decided to troll along a rocky shoal that had produced in the past for us. I saw a nice Brook Trout dart away from the boat as we trolled past it. Thinking that it was spooked, I was pleasantly surprised when I had a fish only only seconds after seeing it. It turned out to be almost a twin of my fish from Saturday. This guy measured 22 1/2". Another brightly colored male. If there's a prettier fish on the planet than a male Brook Trout in spawning colors, I'd like to see it. This guy was absolutely beautiful.




It wasn't my best trip for numbers. I only caught two fish all weekend. But I'm not complaining. One of these guys would have made my weekend, let alone two.



Here's a few other photos that I shot during the weekend.









I hope you all had a great weekend too...

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To have heaven in the backyard eh bud??? Sometimes it just seems so far away to ya though. You gotta change that if ya can. Nice to see you get out. I wished you would have joined us for a night or two... I kept telling the boys to expect either you or BillM to just show up.


We had a good week but I did notice sizes and numbers were down a little though. As busy as last year for traffic but with more consistency through the week and seemingly less on the weekend.


Still, I got a new PB. ;) I'll report soon enough I think.

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