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Maiden launch of the S S MOTV8TR


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And she didn't sink :thumbsup_anim:


Steve called me this afternoon, said he was on his way home from Toronto and would be up here by 3:00 if I wanted to take the boat out....ummmm...YAAA! I had pretty much given up and figured it would be next season before I got her in the water. I hooked her up to the little SUV, checked all the lights and with my heart beating a mile a minute, I was off to Penetang Bay to meet up with Steve (first time I ever towed anything . It was a noisy but uneventful drive.


Steve arrived shortly after me, and the next part of the adventure began...backing it into the water :dunno: . I didn't do too well the first couple of times so Steve jumped in beside me, got me straightened out and we were off like a herd of turtles :blush: . I managed to get it into the water without killing anyone, and thankfully Steve was my only audience :D and even better he didn't laugh at me...at least not outwardly, and put up with my bichiness ;):P when first trying to back in.


Parked the trailer and jumped in the boat. She started up first time :clapping::thumbsup_anim: not that I was surprised. Steve had already put in the stabilizer. We let it run for a few minutes and then we were off. She ran real smooth while we were out there, and the water was nice and calm which helped me.


We didn't stay out long, maybe 30 minutes or so, headed back and the adventure began again. Actually it wasn't so bad backing in the second time, and Steve loaded the boat for me while I stayed in the truck. It's going to take some practice, especially since I drive a 5 speed :P It will be a few trips before I feel comfortable going out on my own.


The only problem that came up was the trailer lights didn't work when I pulled the boat out of the water. No I did not disconnect the lights, Steve never has in all his years of owning boats and never had a problem. The part where the connection is never got wet, so I'll have to look for breaks in the wires sheathing. We also fogged the motor before I pulled it out so the only thing left to do is change the oil in the lower end. While I realize it would have been good to do it when I got home it was too dark so I guess it will just take a little longer to drain when I do it next week.


Getting it where I wanted in the driveway is a whole other story on it's own :P



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Well glad to hear everything went fine,and yes all it takes is practice,and trying it over & over,as well maureen you should learn to back it up with your mirrors as well as turning your head and looking back cause there is going to be times when you will have to use your mirrors so the sooner the better it will take time but practice will make perfect !!! hope to see you on the water some time cheers and good luck with the new boat :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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The only problem that came up was the trailer lights didn't work when I pulled the boat out of the water. No I did not disconnect the lights, Steve never has in all his years of owning boats and never had a problem. The part where the connection is never got wet, so I'll have to look for breaks in the wires sheathing


Connection was dry, but lights were under water. As soon as you apply the brakes the current flows. The water in the lights caused short circuit. Did the lights in your car worked. ??????. Check the fuses. Some light are water tight some not. I've experienced this myself.


BTW, congrats on the first launch :clapping: . Now it is only downhill :thumbsup_anim:

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Thanks guys, no I didn't forget the plug...this time :P


as well maureen you should learn to back it up with your mirrors as well as turning your head and looking back cause there is going to be times when you will have to use your mirrors so the sooner the better it will take time but practice will make perfect


Actually, I only ever use the mirrors, that's how I learned...did most of my driving in the beginning in a dump truck :D I find it hard to turn around and look out the back. Maybe I should practice that??? :dunno:


I'll unplug the lights next time and see if it happens again....but like I said, Steve has had boats for over 40yrs now and never a problem ???


No fishing was done this time out, but next spring I'll take the gear first time out :D


Hey Keram, the lights on the car worked fine.



Edited by motv8tr
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Way to go Mo!!! Our first launch was filled with anxious anticipation. The only thing I did wrong was forget the plug....LOL.


I now have a checklist for our trips...goes like this....

Before leaving the driveway

1) Check trailer ball to make sure it's in properly and put the padlock on it.

2) Check that the hitch lock is activated

3) Check the safety chains.

4) Check the main strap attached to the boat and safety back up ones.

5) Make sure the lights are plugged in....do a lights check (left and right signal, brakes)

6) Check the transom straps



Before backing up at the launch

1) Take off all straps etc, except for the main one.

2) Unplug the lighting.



Then I do the same list as the driveway one before leaving the ramp. (except that I take the plug out)


I'm sure it'll become second nature, but I make sure I do all these things for now.


The backing up thing is getting better for me...I even took it to a vacant parking lot to practice moving around.


Congrats on the maiden voyage!! The first of many!

Edited by ccmtcanada
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Thanks Cliff, I did all those checks, I've been with Steve putting his boat in enough times that I pretty much had that stuff down. I do want to get new straps for the back, and a couple of new safety chains and a transom saver. I noticed when I was driving that the motor was turning left to right...don't think that's a good thing. I looked at them when I was in BPS Sunday and was surprised at how expensive they are...but a lot cheaper than a new motor :D



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Maureen, depending on how good your seal is around the trailer lights cold water can get in there and hit the hot bulbs and actually cause them to crack. LOL short trailers actually pivot faster than longer ones. 30+ years of driving truck, give me a short trailer and I look like a rookie sometimes. Just an adjustment from what your used to.


Hauling a trailer just takes some practice, I am sure you will get used to it.

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Awesome Mo. I was hoping to see some pics, but I guess pics will be better with a fish in them ON your boat :clapping:


Good for you, and the trailering thing just takes a bit of practice. I still have to go at it about 3 time before I get it right myself. And don't pay any attention if you have others watching. Ignore them and just focus. Nobody gets it right all the time and even seasoned trailerers have to try over and over sometimes.





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Awesome Mo. I was hoping to see some pics, but I guess pics will be better with a fish in them ON your boat :clapping:


Good for you, and the trailering thing just takes a bit of practice. I still have to go at it about 3 time before I get it right myself. And don't pay any attention if you have others watching. Ignore them and just focus. Nobody gets it right all the time and even seasoned trailerers have to try over and over sometimes.






Thanks Joey, I had hoped to have some pictures, and I do, but not of the boat in the water...Steve's not big on taking pictures and he was pretty tired as he had worked through the night so the only ones I have are scenery :( Next year for sure :D



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Glad to see you got the boat out before the big freeze. Now you know it is ready for the spring softwater season. If your feeling a little overwelmed at the ramp you can go to a parking lot with a few cones or markers and practice your backing up. Have fun and be safe.



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Great to hear the 1st launch went so well Mo, but don't worry, you'll be doing it like an old pro in no time. Anybody that can handle a bus in this crazy town, can back up any trailer ;)


Really looking forward to your fishing reports from the new boat next season.

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