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Everything posted by mercman

  1. http://www.worldfishingnetwork.com/videos/channels/pro-tips-from-wfn-experts/how-to-tie-a-nanofil-knot-231300.aspx Personally, i hate this line. Hard to handle, and its white.......
  2. Hang on, i better go look in my driveway!!!!
  3. Welcome. Hang around, get in on the conversations ,respectfully. Share your thoughts, and listen carefully to whats being said. There are some good members from your area, and if you show them that you are genuine, they will be more than happy to help you out. Paul
  4. That brings back paniced memories LOL. Thank God i quit 23 years ago, or i would be all sweaty and shakey just thinking about it
  5. Drop me a PM with the Model number. I will send you a parts breakdown. Look for traces of the leak. Slow running water always leaves a trail, so you should be able to follow it back to where it started.
  6. I used to fish mainly Bass.Largies, but that didn't allow me to own enough rods and tackle, so i added, walleye, pike, muskie, and smallies to my list.Now i'm ready for everything, almost........
  7. Half measures availed us nothing.....We stood at the turning point.....we asked his protection and care with complete abandonment........Then we went fishing, and it all got better somehow You're in the right place.....keep comeing back. Paul
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSdNEeIQXYs nuff said.......
  9. No problem Cliff. You just let me know, and i will have it on its way in a heartbeat. Would be nice to get a few more suggestions from others though. I know there is someone out there just itching to help! Isn't there?
  10. You are such a good man Cliff I have no ideas, but i can still help out. I know how tough it is for young people to make a start at things, and if you believe in them strong enough to go this far to help them, then i am willing to help them too. Put me down for a 100$ donation to help them with the move. PM me with any details Cliff.
  11. Dental Phobia sucks...But i finally decided to get my smile back. In a month or so, and after 15K is invested, my new dentist garantees i will smile like Tom Cruise...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mr blizzard

      mr blizzard

      Looking forward to see u on the big screen, maybe your own fishin show

    3. Twocoda


      Tom Cruise eh? And is this a good thing somehow?....I suppose you could just show your smile while skypeing with Katie Holmes and get her to perform some tricks with ping pong balls...just a thought ....

    4. mercman
  12. Happy Birthday Pete !!!!!!!!!! You are giveing yourself the gift of life my friend !!! Keep it up.
  13. Absolutely fantastic Mike !!! You have come a long way in the last couple of years. I am glad to see your dreams becomeing reality. You are a good man, and deserve all the good happening in your life lately. Keep it up my friend !!!! Paul
  14. Congrats Cliff !!!!! glad all is well with you my friend. Missed seeing you in here. Seems like many of us are makeing life changeing decisions in thier lives lately. New adventure is the key to keeping young and positive. Really happy for you Cliff... Paul
  15. 9 weeks smoke free, plus, i am down 45 lbs !! Go figure eh?

  16. Had the chance to finally meet Marc at Thomas Marine last month. What an impressive, and pleasant man. Knows his stuff, no doubt about it.
  17. Thanks for the update my friend. I continue to send positive thoughts thier way. I know they are keeping the faith, and thats the key here. Paul
  18. Awesome !!!! Nothing feels better than accomplishing a goal, especially one that changes your life. You are a lean mean machine now Bud !! Enjoy the gift and happy bithday in advance. I bought a Calcutta TE and a Tekota LC as my gift with the money i saved not smokeing. I will appreciate them more when i think of that.
  19. And i wonder what will be said of me someday behind my back........some classless posts here, congratulations...... Tom.....BB is fine. I can get you in contact if you like. PM me.
  20. Great work Pete !!! I have dropped 45lbs since last Oct. Down from a 52 pant to a 46., and i'm on my 8th week smoke free. When i got divorced last year, it was as if i awoke, and realized that i was going downhill fast. Decided to get a grip, so i started watching what i was eating, ate when hungry, didnt when not.Started excersizeing in my gym, treadmil, weights, stationery bike. I can do 25 situps with no problem now, and 25 rep'ing with 75lbs weigths for biceps and pecs, no problems at all.I walk 5 k every nite, and bike 10 k twice a week.I love myself now, and so does my new honey Paul
  21. Still smoke free. Down 40lbs. Dropped from a 52 to a 44 waist. Life is grand !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nipfisher


      Awesome. Brand new life.

    3. Leecher


      Your doing great Paul!!! Keep it up my friend :)

    4. Spiel


      69 days and counting for me Paul, actually not that tough to do with the right mind set. ;)

  22. Welcome John !! You should hook up with Jacques(Trout Junkie) He lives accross the bridge on the Quebec side and is a Trout Magnet Paul
  23. Mines longer...:-)
  24. Yes Sinclair, i got the B/TE not the D ;-) I listen good huh?

    1. Dan668


      I picked up a D, like it so far.

  25. Well, i did it. Saved up, pack by pack, and Just picked up my new Calcutta 400.Mounted on my 7.5'' Compre, and ready for Musky.

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Way to go Paul,the results didn't take long!!!!!

    2. sinclair


      I hope you got the B/TE and not the D!

    3. Christopheraaron
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