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Everything posted by mercman

  1. You captured the essence of that charge Perfectly Bushy !!! As always, may i add.
  2. Very interesting Marc, thanks for shareing:good:
  3. Ouch !! I could feel that all the way over here:stretcher:
  4. Very nicely done Garry. Happy Holidays:santa:
  5. Hey guys !! Great report. We saw you on the water, but wasnt sure it was you guys.We were on the other side of that barge in a 16ft Lund, holding on for dear life LOL. Woulda been nice to have mt you all.Another time for sure.We launched out of Picton Harbour, not far from Lloyds dock.
  6. Mike you are a gifted and blessed man. Keep on keepin on Bud.
  7. Poutine is from Quebec:whistling:
  9. Blair !!! Billy Bob will be so proud of you. Bless your redneck heart !!!
  10. Nice going Pete !!!!!!!!!!!! congrats. And a real clean beautiful fish.
  11. AHHHHHHHH!! Sounds like my EX, and i underline EX lol !!!.
  12. We anglers are a sick group LOL !!! Great report Blair. We didnt have ice on Quinte this past weekend, but we had a crazy cold north wind blowing at 50 K. Seperates the men from the boyz in a hurry.
  13. oh ya....so whats my excuse:dunno: ..................no...wait....don't answer that Sin:glare:
  14. SAMsquatch SAMwiches.......numm numm....Love self flossing sandwiches!!!
  15. Dana !!! Congrats my friend. You and he are gonna get that Aurora for sure.
  16. You guys sure know how to eat. If i lived down there i would seigh 1000 lbs. That bird looks delicio. !!
  17. Nice tribute, and a great looking catch. My brother and i do Bass opener on White Lake, Arnprior, every year in memory of my Dad.Its a special day on the water for us.
  18. All the more reason to keep your hamster on a leash:whistling:
  19. Ya Right.....
  20. Beautiful specimen Bud !!!
  21. Happy thanksgiving to all my Americain brothers and sisters !!!
  22. :rofl2: YER GONNA KILL ME SOME DAY!!!!
  23. congrats:clapping: beauty fish
  24. My deepest sympathy for your loss.Been down a similar road of sorrow my self lately, and i know how you feel. A wise old friend, many years ago, told me in a low moment."Paul, if you cant fight, and you cant flee,.....................flow. Paul
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