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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Nice going Bud !!! You'll ace it next year for sure. If Natalie was in the boat, you would have taken it !!!
  2. Glad to see i'm not the only dufus angler out there LOL !!!! great story Simon, and beuty fish. Good to see you relaxing bud !!
  3. Really nice fish !! Pike are a great first step towards Musky. ;-)
  4. I can't even put words to how this makes me feel. I'll just say that it is in the nature of humans to be cruel and self absorbed. No other species kills for the joy of killing, or creates such hateful scenarios. Personally, I feel sadness for the author of the letter. Her life is filled with hate, and her energy is misdirected. Love and hate can not occupy the same space at the same time. Try to imagine what its like to only feel hatred, and to never know love. That's all Paul
  5. 15,16 AND 17 !!!!! Prolly get a slap on the hand and a month or 2 in Juvie. Like Cliff said, as parents, our hands are tied by society decideing how we should raise our children. Very sad story, but not a damn thing we can do about it. This will happen again.
  6. I love these father/son reports. Makes me remember days with dad on the water. Congrats Rob !!
  7. Oh dear God......I can see this being written into one of Shaun Majumders routines, along with our plastic weapons and beer rations.Sheesh............
  8. Nice Dan !!! This should be a real treat for you. Congrats Bud !
  9. Deepest sympathy my friend. I know exactly how you feel. Paul
  10. Great report Rick !! You have a way with words that kept me reading. I went back to see the pics though Looks like a piece of God's country up there. Would love to do that some day. Paul
  11. My little girlie hands fit the Okuma better. That's the only reason I like em.
  12. Accudepth or Okuma. I prefer the Okuma for its shape. Its round shape makes it easier for me to "palm" it. I learned this past weekend, not to put my finger between the line guide and the side plate with a fish on!!! OUCCCHHH !!!!
  13. Thanks Rich !! Considering its 5 inches longer than my biggest, it may take me some time to top. She did however, let me know that mine was prettier LOL !!!
  14. Nice Musky Lew !! I was up on the Franny with Mike last weekend and the G.F. caught the musky of a lifetime as her first fish. Pics are lower down in the forum.
  15. Sounds to me like you may have helped a young person get into fishing !! He shoulda just asked you if you could take him out.
  16. Great report Beans ! 3 bucks is a lot of cash to spend to have a great time!!!! I blew through many 3$ in my day ;-)
  17. It sucks really bad, but just think what drove the idiot to do something like that. Who knows what or why, but it shows a certain desperation that should be pitied. Thievery is seldom driven by greed, but more by poverty or addiction. Still, I would kick his keister if I found him. Paul
  18. Thanks Simon !!! Hope all is going well with you and Sean and your whole family !!
  19. No help catching it She chose the lure, and didn't think twice about grabbing the rod and hauling the big girl in!! Said her arms were still sore this morning too
  20. lmao !!! Squirrels are like that.......can't get their attention long enough for them to listen!! I ha a sparrow fly into my dining room last summer. It landed on the lite fixture, crapped on my table and let me catch it and carry it outside.
  21. Thanks everyone !! She actually prefers to fish Walleye now. She said it was "NEAT" to feel them tapping the lure, then grabbing it and running ! She's a wicked tough little woman. Custom made just for me
  22. I havent posted a fish in a while, because, well, i havent fished in a while. My girlfriend and I just bought a house together, and we have been really busy feathering our nest. She has never fished before, but has always shown an interest in trying it. Well, this past weekend the timeing was right, and i called my bud Mike Rousseau, and we headed out for a mixed day of Musky and walleye. I had shown Natalie pics of Musky and told her as much as i dared so she wouldnt get scared, but when her rod got hit, she almost jumped out of her seat, Here is her very first fish ever. A fish of a lifetime !!!!! 53 inches of BEAST !!! Now to get a scale, Mike is 6'5" Natalie is 5'. That fish was 7 inches shorter than her Sorry for the pic quality, in all the excitement, i didnt realize the sun was in the foreground Couple of shots, and back she went. Cool water temps made for a quick release, and after trailng her for a few minutes to protect her on the surface while she caught her breath, she swam off back to her lair. I was ecstatic, and my girl friend was shakeing with excitement.Me......Out fished again as usual She like that, but she really had fun with the walleye. She had 5 caught before i caught my first, but all in all we boated 22 walleye and 6 smallies. We kept a limit of good eaters, and released the rest. By the way....Natalie accepted my marriage proposal back in May, and we are sheduled to wed next June or July. Its never ever too late to find your soulmate !!! Hope you all enjoy this Paul
  23. With all the weekend warriors out there churning up the water, i'm surprised we don't see this more often. Glad you are ok, i'd have him charged with operating a motor craft while being stoopid !!!
  24. Better back off on the WIFI Randy....it'll attract them everytime............
  25. Dan the Man !!! Awesome pics and a great read! Good to see ya getting some "you" time bud !!
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