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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Nicely done Spiel. About time you did something special for yourself. Flawless artistry as always.
  2. Maybe my experience with Bell is not the norm, but i have 3 cells, home phone, Expressvu tv, Hi speed internet, at both home and my bussiness, 4 local lines, 2 800's and use thier Avantage program to run my bussiness. Never had 1 single issue with billing or rates.Always had good service when i needed info or help. Unless they dont provide service to your area, i would not go with anyone else...EVER.
  3. That would kill me LOL !!!! I better start my weight training program soon. Awesome vid Dave.
  4. Want me to ship some up to ya Skp? Best fresh curd cheese in the world.
  5. But they do that all the time with every law they make...... don't they?
  6. The quebec automobile insurance association my little eskimo buddy !!! It gives us the right to run things over with impunityB)
  7. I found myself sayin "Run Pigeon...RUN !!!"
  8. lol !!! Another ligitimate thread about to bite the dust. I tend to agree with Spiel on this. If you cant afford to maintain a vehicule, and ensure its safety on the road, maybe public transit is the way to go.It could save your life in the long run.
  9. I was waiting for you to chime in Societe d'Assurance Automobile du Quebec, mon p'tetite bloke
  10. The Quebec Gov. was influenced by the SAAQ(our no fault insurance) to mandate dedicated snow tires on all domestic vehicules, in an effort to reduce death and injury. It has done that and more.
  11. I have looked into them in the past.They work on a seperate battery, just like a regular trolling motor. I would think the extra drag of it always in the water would slow you down at WOT. I believe it was designed for pontoon boats originally, where mounting is not often easy.
  12. Yup. Winter tires save lives.Winter tires in good condition though. The Stats here i Quebec prove it, with a phenomenal drop in fatalities in this province since the manditory law was instated.I am interested to see in the next year if fatalities begin to rise again after all the brand new tires installed a couple of years ago, begin to wear down. Most people cant afford the 1000 dollar average expense for good winter tires every few years.
  13. LOL !!! I was thinking the exact same thing.
  14. Awesome report Man !!!! Some real quality fish and dude....you are one lucky man to have a girlfriend who out fishes you like that LOL !!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing:Gonefishing:
  15. YOU'RE KILLING ME LOL !!!!!!!!!
  16. Now thats the best theory of all !!! Thanks for the chuckle Bobowski !!!!
  17. This is incredible:clapping: 11 pages of discussion with no baiting,name calling, flaming or insults.I am impressed. Looks like the theory of evolution applies to the members who have stated thier opinions herein. Congrats to all of you. You have evolved into respectful, open minded adults:thumbsup_anim:
  18. Incredibly beautiful Chris.Thanks for the breath of fresh air.
  19. :rofl2:
  20. I just saw that Randy.Eye opening program.Based on evolutionary proof too.
  21. The evolution of mamals. I thought we evolved from Mokeys , not RATS.
  22. yes
  23. Good Theory:good:
  24. This is just getting sillier and silier....................No one on this forum, past present or future has the answer to any of this stuff. Theologians and scientests claim to. Who really cares?
  25. Dude You may have to settle for smoke signals, but only if you can get the wood for free.
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