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Everything posted by mercman

  1. And I thought I was the only one with a morbid sense of humor LOL !!! I laff even harder when my girlfriend say "That's just sick !!!" Great commercial for Shark Week!
  2. Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats my friend! Yer far too young to be a great grandfather !!! ;-)
  3. Took the words from my mouth !!!!
  4. All of you guys are great anglers, in my eyes. I love the reports by Mike B, and Moosebunk especially, but I love the immense knowledge found here on practically any subject. Joey's photographic skills are amazeing, and Terry and Misfish's sense of humor always make me crack up !! More that though, is the great lasting friendships I have made with some of the members here. That in itself is priceless, and keeps me comeing back for more. A huge thanks to the mods too. The sometimes under estimated, misunderstood, and forgotten keepers of the light that shines from OFC 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year. !!!! Paul
  5. We speak it....just can't write it
  6. Try your other hand Mike Just don't get lectrocuted before our day next weekend
  7. I don't think its cause no one cares. I looked at the few threads you started, and you got good views on all of them. The ones in the photography section, generate less interest because not all of us are photographers, but all of us are anglers. Don't be so hard on yourself
  8. Nice lookin fish Cliff !! Thanks for shareing
  9. the correct Quebecoise way of saying it is POOTIN. all one word, no vowel sound at the end. Bigugli has it right too. My arteries harden just thinking about the rank, slimey stuff.
  10. They make great trailers for spinnerbaits too.
  11. Simon !! I am so very happy things are looking brighter. You are a pillar of strength my friend. I look forward to "shareing" another windy conversation with you again soon. I admire you as a human being of great strength and compassion. Paul
  12. This is what I used on a Merc 40 4 stroke. installed in 10 minutes, and looks cool on the brite stainless finish ;-) http://www.basspro.com/SkegShield-Skeg-Guard/product/10200068/
  13. This is the ultimate rebuttal to some in this thread On a side note though, Mitchel 300's were and still are, the Cats Meow in reels, Mono is still a go to for many, and I own an Eagle Claw yellow fiberglass rod, in mint condition, handed down to me after years of use by my dad, Bass fishing in a 12 foot tinny he got from his Dad. Tourneys make "OUR" world go round. They are legal, well controlled, and tons of fun to watch on WFN. I would rather share the water wit an experienced Bass angler in a bass boat, than a weekend warrior towing speedo clad idiots in inner tubes or water skis all blinkin weekend. But that's just me......
  14. Art !!!! You have a way with words!!!! I tend to wiggle after, not during. Agreed its not needed during the act, but an essential "part" of the act. God, I love this place !!!!
  15. Awesome !!!! another bass eater. My fav fish to eat. Great report Don!
  16. I bet the perch one (if there is one) would be killer!!!
  17. Mike....you're a lucky man, and a great story teller. Thanks!!!
  18. Google it. This subject stirs all kinds of mixed feelings on a fishing forum. Similar to Cormorant threads Google is your friend
  19. I have a customer from there, and he finally called to let me know he and his family are safe and fishing in Northern Quebec. He believes he lost his friend and neighbor of many years, and his storefront is in the center of that mess. He will rebuild and keep on keepin on.
  20. Latest pics show the scope of this disaster. I guess we will find out soon enough the cause of this unfortunate disaster that happened not far from my new home town of Cowansville. http://fr-ca.actualites.yahoo.com/photos/explosion-mortelle-à-lac-mégantic-slideshow/-photo-1373294450630.html
  21. so this is why I didn't get my orders from yesterday. Thought maybe there was a snow storm
  22. Sounds to me like a lack of communication on the part of employee/employer at BPS. Happens everywhere from time to time.I'm sure it will be straigtened out. I shop by catalogue at BPS all the time and have never had a problem so far.
  23. WTG Andre !!!! Looks like a trip of a life time. Thanks for shareing bud. Great pics and great fish. !!!
  24. Something about putting a finger in your dogs ear ..........Well it worked once before,,,,,,,
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