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Everything posted by mercman

  1. 2 things i never ever discuss in my store. Politics and Religion.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigugli


      Sti9ck to beer, fishing and meat.

    3. spincast


      How about the politics of religion - or religious politicians?

    4. Christopheraaron


      "Religious politicians" couldn't you just say politicians?

  2. Yup....That sounds like the Ron I know. He is a gem alright. Ron and I have shared many moments ove the past couple of years. Some sad, some really funny. He is a generous, and sincere gentle man. Good on ya Skipper !!!
  3. Awesome report !!! Wish I could fish with my dad again................
  4. WOW ! !! I second Roy's comment. Stunning......
  5. Why is it that you and I and all us "little guys" know what the problem is, and how to fix it.....and our "LEADERS" (term used loosely) can't ???????
  6. Works fine for me. And like BFW said, Moose and Mike do some of the best epic trips I have seen in here. No offense to others. I like all the reports equally !!
  7. Now that's a nice lookin gator !!!
  8. Better reinforce my Musky gear. Gonna be a blast catching those on a figure 8
  9. Well I may only get out for them once or twice a year Lew. But like you say, they will be with me for life, and I always wanted to own them.
  10. I leave a radio playing in my garden shed. Usually on a news or talk chanel. The little stinkers will avoid the sound of a human voice. There are also electronic devises you can buy at most big hardware stores, that you plug in and leave. Works well and I haven't had 1 im my yard this summer.
  11. Good news !!! Thanks for posting this Albert !! Let him know that I think of him often.
  12. A police officer pulled over a driver, and informed him he had just won $1000 in a safety contest because he was wearing his seat belt. "What are you going to do with the prize money?" he asked. The man responded "I guess i'll go to driving school and get my licence" At that moment his wife who was seated next to him chimed in "Officer, don't listen to him, He's a smart ass when he's drunk" This woke up the guy in the back seat who upon seeing the police, blurted out "I knew we wouldn't get far in this stolen car" At that moment there was a knock from the trunk and a voice asked "Are we over the border yet?"
  13. Shimano Calcutta D for casting, Tekota for trolling. For me its over kill, but I wanted them, and I bought them with cigarette money I saved since I quit
  14. You are a good story teller Bud !!! Nice pike anyways, and keep up the search for the Aurora !!
  15. Who woulda thought they are predominantly Bass anglers!! Awesome
  16. Did they have little name tags saying "Hi I'm a Seperatist" ??? What a joke. I'm wondering how much of this is real, and how much is contrived
  17. I kinda take offense to this generalized statement. Its a bit like me saying, I live in Quebec because Ontario residents are wishy washy and hickish. Some are....some aren't You probably had a bad experience or stayed in a cheap resort. 4eyes.....Check out Mount Royal, St Josephs Oratory and Botanical Gardens. There is an International Horticultural Sculpture contest going on there till sept 29. Bring a rod and reel too. Great walleye fishing right off the docks in the Old Port. Day permits are around 12 bucks and available at most of the tackle shops around town.
  18. I bought a bunch of BooYah chatterbaits last year on special at Sail. I tip them with Slammers and they are awesome for Bass and Pike.
  19. You are a bad man Roy
  20. That would be way cool !!! Just stay away from Mercs Rockpile.
  21. The river and joining lakes around Montreal are polluted with them. I have seen hundreds caught and photographed over the last year. Here we have a possession limit of 1 per year. I have seen them caught on walleye gear, catfish bait, crank baits and anything else.
  22. I just got my new Okuma Strata Master SM20 in last nite. Looks like the Convector, but sexier LOL. Can't wait to use it.
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