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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Good luck Bud !!!! I have lost 38 lbs since Nov 1, 2012, the day my wife left while i was fishing :-) I decided then that if i was going to find me a new fishing partner, i would have to get lean and mean again.It does take something like that to force me into a new pattern of liveing.I started exerciseing, (i have a tread mil, stationery bike and weights down stairs), and i do it faithfully each nite after i get home. I eat when i am hungry, and if i am not, then i have a light breakfast type of meal.I add lots of veggies to each meal becaus ethey seem to fill me up, and are easy to digest and are low in calories.I have fought the battle all my life, and emotional eating is very difficult to cure with dieting and medication.You have to decide that its not worth being fat, if you are going to die younger.What i am trying to say here, is that it takes more than diets and doctors, it takes a complete lifestyle change to make weight loss a permanent thing.But if i can do it, anyone can, cause i am a wimp LOL !!! Good luck, and keep us posted.There is loads of support on this site. Paul
  2. Yup, same as others. Using windows 7 and IE. Printimg way too small for these ole blues Some graphics and logos missing, I like all the new smilies though LOL.This morning there was no status box either.
  3. Finally feeling better. I am 90% now.The flu keeps getting worse every year.

  4. Nice haul !!!! Chris is one of the members that i have really gotten to know. He is a stand up guy and a true gentleman. He and i have shared many PM's during the few years i have been in here.Some happy, some sad, and i consider him one of my closest friends. Great job bud!!! And post the pics of anything you catch on them Brian. I'd love to see them:good:
  5. Back in the days when i used to hunt, a buudy and i were hunting deer in Rawdon Que, just north of the city. We were in the bush at sun up, and were carefully walking a trail through the bush.We were about 100 yards apart, but within site of eachother. I was looking at the ground, following some fresh tracks, when i heard my friend of in the distance going Psssst.....Psssssst. I glanced over at him, and he was franticly pointing for me to look left. At this point, my concentration broken, i coud hear a sound comeing from my left, that made me want to release my bowels. I slowly pivoted and found myself less than 5 feet from the biggest bull moose i have ever seen:o How i got so close without seeing him, i have no idea.I froze in mid pivot, and realized the sound i was hearing was his deep breathing.He looked down at me from a head at least 8 feet off the ground, and turned and slowly walked off into the bush, hardly makeing a sound at all. Scared the beejesus outta me, since i had heard stories about hunters being chased up a tree by them. Ya see, i dont climb trees verry wellB)
  6. Your place at Christmas is like a wonderland.Awesome !!!
  7. Is that before or after you got bit by the rabid cat, and pulled your own wisdom teeth out with pliers. Black bears and Donkeys don't even phase you dude. You are Dr. Danger:good:
  8. It was a ridiculous ammount of snow. Haveing found myself single again, and geting over bronchial pneumonia, i wasnt sure if i was going to be able to clear all this stuff. Thank God for good friends. Mike came over and helped me shovel out:clapping: You're a good man Mike !!! I appreciate the help.
  9. :rofl2: Choked on my turkey sandwich !!!!!
  10. Its perfect Spiel....just perfect.
  11. A vastly under expoited resource, and veritable cornucopia of information, that Google.
  12. Remember Winters in Gagetown? Open the door to go to school, and be met by a wall of snow higher than the house:w00t: ...........This aint nothin'.
  13. Jacques, you have my deepest sympathy, for you and your familly. Sounds to me, like your Father in law would be proud of the support you provided to your wife,children, and familly, during his battle.Enjoy the good memories, and never be afraid to grieve him Jacques. Its all part of the beauty of love.
  14. My Pomeranian stepped off the deck and disappeared:w00t: Thank god my Lab is a trained Pom Rescue dog. She went in after her, and made a trail back to the stairs.
  15. So if there are no fines for rescue, that will affect your decission whether or not to "Venture out on any kind of iffy ice"???? Sheesh, i would think whether or not your life is at risk would be more the concern when on thin ice. Why would you even contemplate walking on "Iffy Ice" ???
  16. Waste high snow the full length of my driveway, drifts 5 feet on the lower deck. The dogs cant even get out for a pee:o
  17. Rick, Thanks for this thread my friend.Sorry to hear about your father in law.I can relate to all of it, and to you also Jacques, i feel the sadness. This christmas, i found myself parent-less for the first time in my life. Also my wife left me in the begining of November. But I celibrated Christmas just the same, with a smaller entourage of familly members, and with a new Lady Friend. This year i truly found the spirit of Christmas, and it was in my heart all along.No fancy gifts, just close familly, and good friends and neighbors. Who could ask for a better Christmas than that?
  18. I got no gifts at all this year, except the gift of love....I am so spoiled:santa:
  19. Now thats the real gift Skip. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Bud.
  20. Heh heh. ..............shoot me a Pm bud.
  21. We have an incredibly talented bunch of members in this community. Awesome work:clapping:
  22. DUDE !!!!! What a chic magnet he is. Congrats.
  23. Nice going guys !!! I bet you have a lot of members drooling over this thread LOL:thumbsup_anim:
  24. Awesome Bushy !!! That one makes me itchy for softwater season again !!! Keep posting bud, your art makes my day.
  25. mercman


    I shed tears of sorrow and pain at the thought of the famillies and loved ones at this time of year, haveing to bury beloved familly members and friends as a result of senseless violence like this.
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