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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2020 in all areas

  1. People typically walk their dog within a few streets distance from home. If you live a few streets from the lake you might have a leg to stand on though I don't think so personally. The overwhelming majority of Ontarians drive, often for hours, to get to a lake. You can be asymptomatic and not even know you are bringing COVID-19 into the small town you are traveling too. The local emergency services and hospitals are staffed to the level of the local populace, and 100 or 1000 additional fisher people in a region has the *potential* to put a strain on those services. If you have an accident at home and have to be treated you are keeping the potential exposure within your immediate community. If you make any stops on route to the lake (food, gas, restrooms) you are bringing that potential Exposure into another community which is how it spreads. And you may not know you're sick, it is contagious for days before symptoms show up. As far as I know no one here was around for WW2. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians put their lives on hold, most voluntarily, to support their Country and community. Many paid the ultimate price Now our country is asking something so simple and so easy, and all I see is people ranting about their freedom or government conspiracies. Shame on you all. Don't let me see you guys talking about being proud Canadians down the line. You are putting yourself before your country and your people. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right even if no one is doing it.
    6 points
  2. Guess who is still open and doing hair, nails and brows? The Mortician!! You want an appointment? Keep going outside.
    4 points
  3. I’ll be fishing Monday with my wife. It’s safer to feed us this way then a dirty food store.
    4 points
  4. So I'm at the boat ramp and I slip and fall into my boat breaking my leg and dislocating whatever. I manage to call for help. Two paramedics; 8 volunteer firefighters show as well as one police officer. It takes at least 6 of those front line workers to get my sorry ass out of the boat and back to the waiting ambulance. All the while working at 2ft. or less from one another. Arrive at the hospital tying up even more front line workers ( x-ray technitions , specialists and nurses etc) all the while possibly putting myself and others at risk of contracting covid-19. Plus after the lengthy hospital stay and return visits. Ya I know; I could break my leg going to the grocery store. I believe the idea is to put less strain on front line workers as much as possible by keeping people at home until we can get a handle on this enemy. We are at war.
    4 points
  5. I really doubt that the taxes they collected on cruise and airline flights are going to come anywhere close to covering what is being spent to combat this situation! Governments all over the world were telling people not to travel long before this was declared a pandemic but people continued to go anyway.
    4 points
  6. Let's keep this friendly or I will lock it. While this is trying times, we all need to do what is right for each other. If you can avoid going out and possibly spreading the virus stay at home. If you need to go out for an essential trip take all of the precautions that you can. I wear a cloth mask over my mouth and use sanitizer on my hands before I leave my vehicle as well as when I get back in. I do this because I do not want to spread this to my family. I think I might be able to survive the virus but what if I don't? What if I do survive it but kill my Mom or brother? I don't want to find out so I do what is needed to lessen the risk. This is NOT the Flu it is much worse. Are we making more of this than what it needs to be? We will never know because if we do these steps it will be over quicker and have less casualties so it proves both sides of the argument. Take the time to try to understand that this is not like a war where you know that the enemy is just over the hill and you might die but think about it as a invisible enemy that will attack you 10 days before you know you have been shot. Be civil please and don't think that your answer is the only one that is correct or that other opinions are not valid. thanks Art
    3 points
  7. You might want to but a bowl from me. Only $300 plus shipping while supplies last!! Re the petition---thanks but no thanks. Over 100 names WOW!! 😁
    3 points
  8. I live very close to the lake if I drive I have zero contact with people Walking a dog or going for a walk can not say the same most ramps are most closed but not all and And my small boat can be put in the water anywhere and it is just as legal to fish as walking , when they stop all legal activity I will obey as everyone should but at the moment it is legal exactly the same as walking only safer
    3 points
  9. Your walking you dog ,your going for a jog and the same can happen. And there are thousands and thousands doing other activities that can result in way as your fisherman and they are all allowed so why fishing and not walking
    3 points
  10. Stay home. It's not just about you. Lives are at stake.
    3 points
  11. And that was my point. Canadian gov keeps giving to other countries I hope they have the strength , the guts , the smarts to cut off any country that cuts us off
    3 points
  12. And this is why I say take care of your own. Canada has given out $$$$$$$$ to aid other countries, wheres the pay back ? Keep our $$$$$$ here from now on. Also you will see that big name actors are donating millions in the US to help health aid . Where are our big stars ? Oh wait, living state side . Hey Drake, you got some spare change ? Maybe donate, instead of your tootsie foot move vid showing off your mansion .
    3 points
  13. One thing for sure, it's sad that it comes to this.
    3 points
  14. Please lets not get into a "us" versus "them" thing here, we are all in the same boat. Just because one person doesn't want to row with the team doesn't mean we should all stop. The death toll is into the tens of thousands already and this is a long way from over. It might not seem like much yet but if you or one of your family make it into those numbers it will become a lot more significant I bet!
    2 points
  15. Look, I am not going to get into a urinating contest here, but for every rock thrown there is a legitimate one to be thrown back. Having been married to a Canadian since 1985, I fully understand the undercurrent of anti American sentiment. As I said before, be careful what you wish for.
    2 points
  16. I think we are 1 small step away form the Emerg Measures Act(nee War Measures). We have been asked-maybe we will need to be told.
    2 points
  17. And in the last 3.5 years neither did Trump. This is not a time to point fingers. The current situation is unprecedented. It is however front and center with many governments now that the impact is clearly known. Both from a healthcare and warfare standpoint.
    2 points
  18. I have no idea what your point is. The thread is about public boat launches. Not launching a small boat from anywhere. If people just can’t reason out the difference between going for a walk and filtering activity through a ramp, this explains why it continues to spread. If there was ever a time to use a sledgehammer on a finishing nail, this it it. We can either all observe the rules and be done with this in a month, or cheat because we think we’re smarter than the health officials and still be living this crap in September.
    2 points
  19. I can be to either Lake St. Clair or Lake Erie within a half hour drive of my home. My boat will not be in the water until Covid-19 is done. Staying at home is such an easy thing to do.
    2 points
  20. I will be 70 next month, but remember my elementary class had one survivor in a wheelchair, another wore braces and one a limp from a withered but still usable leg, that's 3 out of maybe thirty . Those younger probably don't remember their mother's fear of simply letting kids play together before the vaccine. Do things need to get real close personally real before they care to do the right thing. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/closures-equipment-shortages-and-insights-from-canada-s-polio-invasion-1.5517204
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. I agree. And huge fines for morons who don’t keep their distance
    2 points
  23. Yes. Everyone should have the right to be equally irresponsible.
    2 points
  24. For as long as I can remember smallmouth bass have been my favorite fish to catch. Aggressive, sometimes elusive but never dull I love fishing for them While I haven't fished for everything that swims based on my current data set smallies are the cats A#$ for me Newest post if up https://www.northernjacks.com/post/the-bronze-bomber Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  25. You would think those doing the show would know about this kinda crap .LOL Oh well, guess my next on the list is Philly . Meet Rocky and eat at Adrian's . He is my hero .
    1 point
  26. Dog's shots are due monday, phone conversation when the vet called today. Park in front, call that you are there, get dog out of vehicle on leash, they will come out and attach their leash, i remove mine, they take the dog inside for appointment and call me when finished and bring the dog out and reverse the leash thing. Pay by credit card or debit, no cash, they will bring the machine to me outside.
    1 point
  27. I just hope you are not going to share our little boat launch locations . Last thing we do not need is, our fan base that want to talk and get our autographs . Aint got no time for that .
    1 point
  28. Here is the snip from the March 24th ON Reg 106. Maybe it's a matter of interpretation but to me, 'pet grooming' doesn't seem to fall in the 'health and welfare of animals' section any more than a barber shop would be considered an essential 'health service' for humans. That said, it really isn't specifically listed so I guess it's like a lot of the other things that are pretty grey....let's just leave it at that, it's pretty irrelevant anyway. Sorry to question you.
    1 point
  29. If you are standing on legal technicalities to avoid the inconvenience of doing the right thing to protect others, it will be you we have to thank when government is forced to declare martial law. If you are demanding the Prime Minister "put Canadians first" while refusing to do the same, you need to take a long look in the mirror. Apparently freedom is lost on the free - it doesn't come without responsibility.
    1 point
  30. Had some apples that were starting to look a little tired so I made this. (didn't make quite enough pastry so I had to do a lattice top LOL) One thing I'm not loosing over this pandemic is weight LOL.
    1 point
  31. Cdn Tire is now non essential. people are trying to shop now before it becomes curbside or delivery only. we shld have dropped the hammer weeks ago.
    1 point
  32. I knew you lived close to the lake and I suspected that would form the basis of your argument. Every government official and public health official in Canada is begging people to stay at home and warning that failure to do so will cost lives. As people continue to flout this advice they are bringing in ever stricter measures to try and gain compliance. If you will only do the right thing when forced to under penalty of law then that is unfortunate.
    1 point
  33. That's some Final Destination type stuff right there, lol.
    1 point
  34. Well I sure would not try to launch at a closed ramp with a fixed income that would really hurt
    1 point
  35. It's a gamble, $880.00 if you get caught. If you get Covid 19 it could be your or someone else's life. I'm not that much of a gambler.
    1 point
  36. Keep in mind after H1N1 that Obama never replenished supplies afterward.
    1 point
  37. Like him or not, Trump is doing the right thing. One has to take care of their house hold first, then offer help elsewhere.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/tim-hortons-to-open-400-locations-to-support-truck-drivers-211046742.html
    1 point
  40. I’m gonna make a list of the people that are a problem and I ain’t on it.
    1 point
  41. Michigan received convictions: Onie Miller III, Onie Miller IV, Makes you wonder about the future of Onie Miller V
    1 point
  42. honestly...when you go to that extent, how is there no jail time? Fraud, falsifying documents, hiding and destroying evidence...all for significant monetary gain. Thats gotta be jail time.
    1 point
  43. Using government failings to justify doing things is one way to go about things, I guess. If you need to fall back on "Well they did/didn't, so why should/shouldn't I", I'd call that a reach.
    1 point
  44. How many people are going to die because some people won't accept that this is not a game?
    1 point
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