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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2020 in all areas

  1. Well I have been very fortunate to have had (and still do have) many wonderful fishing partners but the best one was my brother in law Herb. Herb was a lousy fisherman, not very good on the net, but he let me sleep with his sister 😁
    10 points
  2. Always have plenty of gobblers in the yard and it's interesting to watch them looking for a friendly lady.
    4 points
  3. oh wow, by the title I thought you had just hit the gym and were headed home to the missus...😬
    4 points
  4. Those are the idiots that are going to make this much worse than it needs to be. They are everywhere!
    2 points
  5. I had to pick up the boat yesterday. I stopped into the CTC store who's website said they had zero gas containers in stock. Yea right, I bought the 4@20 liter jugs they had that weren't supposed to be there. Filled the boat and 6@20 lt. jugs I had with hi octane at 92 cents I was diligent as far as using gloves and using my hand sanitizer. It is near impossible not to be exposed but almost is better than nothing. My wife is still working in her essential position as a cosmetic dept. manager. Make up is essential? Yea right. At least they are suppling gloves and she won't except cash, debit or Visa only. The most problems she is getting are with Sr. citizen customers, some just don't get it. Also the Mom's that bring in 3 kids and those kids touch everything in sight and Mom couldn't care less. Then there's the lady that is going through all the magazines without gloves on. The lady got upset when she asked her to read the sign. The customer demanded to see the store manager, "I am the store manager mame." You can't fix stupid and especially stupid and ignorant.
    2 points
  6. Years ago one of the guys in our bass club asked me to fish a tournament series here as his partner. Never had fished with him except a couple of late evenings while at one of our tournaments in New York. Those could be like family gatherings, a number of us took vacation time, rented a cabin or trailer, and brought the wife and kids along. I had actually met him and learned of the bass club thru his mother in law who was one of my customers. First tournament, no problem, second tournament, no show. About 10 am his wife calls the house, Paul? yep, aren't you fishing? nope your dude didn't show! She was calling my wife to see if she wanted to have a cook out ready when we got home. Never talked to the dude again, he was shacked up somewhere.
    2 points
  7. Reliability. Be on time, don't cancel at the very last min. So far my dog has never let me down
    2 points
  8. Some one who DOESN'T wear crack pants.
    2 points
  9. Another few weeks of lock down and he's gonna look good in the oven! My "group of 7" that go by the shop door every day might just become the "group of 6" soon...
    2 points
  10. I was down and out for pretty much 4+ years after I sold my boat at the end of 2012. I never lost the desire, just the means to accomplish what I wanted to do. I made due to some extent with renting a boat on occasion, but you don't get things like trolling motors and electronics that you become accustomed to. In 2017, I purchased a new boat package.....and then promptly had a speeding dump truck try to eradicate me from this earth!! The last couple of years are seeing more and more outings, but I got to admit....if we ever get out of this isolation or "social distancing" crap, I am chomping at the bit to get back at it!! Here's to getting all of hose purty boats in the posts above, wet as often as possible this season!!
    2 points
  11. For public door handles, pumping gas etc Use disposable (nitrile) gloves if you can find them If not, use doggy poop bags No Lysol wipes? Saturate a rag with Lysol or bleach, put it in a baggie and use it for pumping gas etc. Don't pick up your mail unless you must. Disclaimer---Will not work for everybody in all situations. Rather than pick holes in this, pls offer alternative suggestions.
    1 point
  12. Wishing Beans a very happy birthday. All the very best to you old friend!
    1 point
  13. Those mallards on the river are looking better every day!!
    1 point
  14. If this thing lasts until August, I'm going to need a volunteer to meet me halfway across Lake Erie and smuggle me into Canada. Also going to need a ride to Sturgeon Falls. Keep it between us. Please.
    1 point
  15. 17", why not take a pic of that beast next to a tape measure like many do for trophy fish before released. I don't want to be pessimistic but that guy wasn't doing the elbow tuck. Regardless it is scary huge. edit: I did a unscientific experiment. Assuming the guy is of average height and his arms are pointed straight out from his body I measured the distance from my 2 index fingerswith my arms held out straight from my body which I measure it to be 12". The guys right index finger looks to be 1" from the fishes mouth so +1"=13". The mans left hand index or ring finger is under the fishes anal fin so I would add another 4" from the anal fin to the tail pinched together. Guess what? That massive Yellow Perch measures 17"!!!!! I take my naysaying back. It's a 17" grotesque Perch.
    1 point
  16. Yup nothing worst then sitting at the parking lot waiting for your fishing partner to show up only to get a text message he’s not coming ,even 10 o’clock the night before sucks also a guy who bugged me to take him fishing showing up with his 9 year old daughter without telling me she was coming
    1 point
  17. Been doing the same . Some thought it was silly . Not I says I . Even the package inside got a wipe down .
    1 point
  18. I'd do it but then I'd have to self isolate for 2 weeks.
    1 point
  19. Ya don't wanna go to Sturgeon, A hairy bigfoot lives there...😆
    1 point
  20. Nice fat fish but there is no way anyone could accurately guess its size from this photo. I'm sure many people who target perch like I do have caught fat 12 or 13 inchers and if held as close to the camera as this fish is would get similar photos.
    1 point
  21. Someone that doesn't mind fishing 10-12 hours in the boat before going in.
    1 point
  22. If it wasn't shut down guys would be inches from each other. Happens every year. Glad my county is stepping up. Only ones that are missing out are the birds. Several times fishing there I would look back and see a seagull with his face right in my minnow bucket.
    1 point
  23. Roll of dog crap bags... tear one off, put your hand in and fill your gas and shake the thing off into the garbage.
    1 point
  24. Maybe to prevent fishermen from “schooling.” Perch is not worth an illness.
    1 point
  25. Gathering spot for fisherman. Gotta get there before 2am or you ain't getting a spot lol.
    1 point
  26. Most any professional auto part supply stores should have them. CarQuest fo example. Dan
    1 point
  27. Oh come on Cliff with your reputation how are we to believe thatyour sister would do that. Good on her! Dan
    1 point
  28. What a bad pic. Wish he would have taken a normal picture.
    1 point
  29. Hey bye . How you healing up ? Is the pier damaged ? Or is a gathering spot for perching ?
    1 point
  30. Thank you Gerrit. It's fairly clear, sort of. Why producing steel is an essential service when other manufacturing isn't beats me. Pics, you have rights and I know that you know what they are.
    1 point
  31. Yes, found out this morning I am working as well . Not sure how essential we are with all customers closed til mid April ? Not complaining, keep banking those holidays .
    1 point
  32. I don't want to get into a p&^^ing contest here I just want to get the facts right. Being laid off is dismissal. Like I said earlier on this forum there is no such thing as a temporary lay off, when you get that pink slip or whatever colour they are today is a dismissal, termination without cause, unless you have a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) clause or contract that supersedes the law in Ontario. I'll try to contact Ed Canning out of Hamilton tomorrow and find out what's what. It's very important to my wife to know exactly her rights. 30 years of service without a defined pension plan. I posted here earlier that I recommend Ed Canning in Hamilton and Lior Samfiru in the GTA if anyone had labour related questions. I listen to Mr. Samfiru's broadcast when I can and have called in a few times myself. I have learned much listening to Samfiru even with my 25 plus years dealing with what we called Industrial Relations now called H.R. I've been out of the loop for years. Never too late to learn. As far as the LCBO or The Beer Stores closing that would put a strain on our already tapped out health care system. Alcoholism is a disease and one just doesn't stop drinking cold turkey. They would be one of the last to shut down I predict.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Won't ever forget all the fun I had in this one... The WarCanoe.
    1 point
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