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Life is good!

Big Cliff

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Sorry I haven't been around for a bit. last couple of weeks have been a little hectic.


As many of you may remember, last Feb. I posted about returning from holidays only to find that I no longer had a job. I won’t bother going into the details again but I got blindsided and took it hard


After wondering what to do next and considering all my options, Sue and I sat down one evening, put on some music and had a real heart to heart talk. I knew I wanted to work; no, I had to work if I was going to be happy. Silly as it sounds, I tried retirement and it just isn’t for me.


For the past 40 years I had held middle or senior management positions in sales and or marketing positions. I had enjoyed it but there was just something missing, I was very good at what I did, I had built and sold three very successful businesses, all of which are still running today.


Did I want to start all over again and build another one? The opportunity was there however I thought about the long hours involved and the fact that I was tired, perhaps even bored with that type of work. The question became, well, if not that, what do you want to do?


I started exploring options, went to a couple of job fairs, attended a job finding course, talked to a councillor at Victoria County Carer Services. This councillor mentioned a website that I could go to and do an aptitude test and that perhaps that would give me some direction.


Well, the results came back and the top five things listed were: Gunsmith, Locksmith, Appliance Repair, Marine Mechanic, and Small Engine Mechanic. Go figure, I have been fixing things all my life, love working with my hands, enjoy problem solving and most of all helping people. That I should work in that sort of a field had never crossed my mind, (smart eh?) LOL.


I ruled out Gunsmith, with all the controversy and regulations regarding guns these days, I just didn’t want the hassle. Locksmith; the only place I could get the classroom training was in Red Deer Alberta. Appliance Repair, not quite what I was looking for. Marine Mechanic, too seasonal for my liking and Small Engine Mechanic…. Now that would fit the bill perfectly. Sanford Fleming here in Lindsay has the course.


Well, this could drag into a long story but I did my research, found that I do qualify for an apprenticeship program, found someone who would hire me as an apprentice and officially started working as a Small Engine Mechanic Apprentice on July 9. (although the let me hang around the shop for about 6 weeks before)


The work is hard, dirty, and I am tired at the end of the day but I have never been happier! I spend my entire day solving puzzles, fixing things, and helping people. From one moment to the next I never know what is going to hit my bench; chainsaws, trimmers, walk behind lawn mowers, even lawn tractors, snow blowers, pumps. If it has a gas engine in it it could be next up.


My employer is fantastic, I am working with four mechanics that between them probably have in excess of 60 years experience. They have had me doing everything from valve jobs to carburetor overhauls, sharpening lawnmower blades to rebuilding engines from the crank case up. Most of all, they are the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of working with.


I still have to do two years of schooling and start my first year in Jan. but in the end I will have my license. It will seem strange going back to collage after all these years but I’m excited about it and I am in the process of fixing up a nice little work shop here at home, (here I go, bringing work home with me again LOL).


Just to put a cherry on top of everything: In the last couple of weeks I have had two phone calls from former suppliers wondering if I might be interested in representing their product lines in Canada. It seems that my former employer hasn’t been doing too well and is now trying to sell the Div. that I worked so hard to build for him.


I guess he isn’t having much luck finding a buyer and I suspect that the employee that took my job may soon be looking for a new job again himself. From boom to bust in less than five months; guess they weren’t as smart as they thought they were. (Yeah, I guess I am gloating just a little)



Life is good!

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That's a great story and sounds like a happy ending. Sure was great to read that you and your wife sat down and worked through this together. It's good to hear that you are happy in what you'll be doing and that's the most important part. I wish you all the best my friend. (My lawnmower is acting up .... can I drop it off sometime :D ).

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Great to hear from you Cliff. I'm glad that you've found something that gives you that much enjoyment with a paycheck to boot.

I once took one of those tests. I never found out if I was suited for any kind of work at all cause the answer came back " Please have your father write the test for you."


Enyoy your new career and hug that Sue cutie for me.

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Guest lundboy

That sounds like just the work you needed. Congratulations! Starting something new after being in the same field for so long is always a very tough and scary decision.


What was the website that you went to for the aptitude test?

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Doesn't it feel great to look at the former boss and say to yourself, "See I told you so." :whistling:

I'm happy for you that the engine repair is working out so well for you. Proves the theory about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks isn't so true anymore. B)

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Sounds like you have things sorted out Cliff.

Good for you.


Nice to hear your former employer

is having difficulties. :P

It was bound to happen

without an important ingredient like you missing from the mix.

What comes around, goes around. :whistling:

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Hi Cliff,


Well I am not surprised at all, as I said in the past posts on this topic that I would not deal with your former employer as a result of the way business was being conducted with the new kid on the block. I refused to do any business with him and then of course when you were let go for no apparent reason (other than this weasel getting his way) well that put the nail in the coffin for business from our store. They did call stating that my products were in and ready for delivery and well you know my reply was a professional and a definite NO not interested.


If you decide to take the products again and wish to be a distributor for them Cliff then you can count me back in. Oh I almost forgot, wipe that silly grin off your face five months wasn't that long to wait. :clapping:


Best regards,


Edited by DT10Sam
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Cliff...very happy to read this post! I never like it when members of this board are going through hard times, but to see things work themselves out is fantastic! I'm very happy you have found your new groove...you can hear it in the tone of your post. Congrats! Being happy is number one!



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That's just fantastic Cliff. I am so happy for you. You are a wise man :thumbsup_anim:


Good luck with your new endavour and I'm almost jealous that you are happy in your job. Sometimes mine makes me wonder what I want to be when I grow up. What's that website you went to to see what you were best suited to? Maybe I'll take the test.



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Big Cliff,


Certainly we have never met, but I have read many posts of yours and I have come to respect you and your ethics and take on life. I am certainly happy for you and the decisions that have led to a better place for your life.


I am writing to offer some encouragement for the next couple years in school in that I too have had a similar experience. At 52 I decided to chuck it all and go to college. After nearly 4 years I have graduated with a BSBA a couple of months ago. Now when I complete a job application or other correspondence and check the area that says "Indicate Level of Education", and I can enter Bachelor's degree, I mentally strut around like a school kid with a new pair of shoes.


Good luck, I know that you will continue showing the rest of us the best way to approach life.



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Cliff...I think some of the most fun I have had working has been since our so called retirement 7 years ago. Besides the stuff I do out of the house, my starting to work at the campground 3 years ago has been a blast. Between the office on weekends during the summer to cutting grass, plowing snow, operating our grounds equipt and doing light maintaince after summer is over I just have a a great time. I think things are just more fun when you don't have to do it but just work because you want to!

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Good stuff Cliff,couldn't happen to a nicer guy.I would like to welcome you to the world of service work.Plumbing,HVAC,Mechanic and Farrier.Its all the same thing,know your trade and make the customer think that you are their "go to guy".You will do well and have a blast with it,dont know if Art or I will ever "retire"its too much fun to go to work each day.Best of luck and glad you landed on your feet(not that there was any chance of any other outcome).


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:D Good morning all!


Thanks for all the replies! It is nice to have the support when things are rough but it sure is fun to share the good times!


The website I went to was http://careercruising.com but you need a username and password. I just tried the old ones I used but they didn't work. I'll try to get current ones in the next few days for those of you that want them.

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Yea that karma she is a good old girl. She makes sure all of the good/bad are rewarded. Working with your hands is one of the most satisfying things you can do in life. To be able to take something broken and make it work again feels really good. The interaction with the people when you can return a unit to them working again for alot less than a new one is a win win situation. With this career you should be able to work on products till you are old and grey and then have a few employee's trained up to the point were you get to just smile and greet all of the customers when you just dont quite want to get so dirty that day. I am glad that you are felling happy about were you are right now.




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Cliff, you and I have shaken hands on more then one occasion. I have to say that your new outlook is very promising indeed! I wish you all the best... Infact I know you will do well... who could not like a person with a heart as big as yours is.. I am very happy I clicked on this post... you made my night!! Thank you!



I wish you all the best!



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