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Back from the Sparrow tourney


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Today was the day to introduce my son to the bass tourney scene,and I have to tell ya,he reminded of me when I was going to fish my first only a few years ago. You think he drank 20 coffees before we got there LOL


We arrive at the marina and the line up is back 20 boats or more and he says HOLY CRAP. I say yep,it all starts here.Prep the boat,move a few feet,stop,prep some more,move a few feet. We get to launch and this is where I tell him what has to happen, and he says,ME.I say yep.I luanch you off you just use the trolling motor to manuver around and just find a dock til I get back. This is where Im thinking only,what is/who is he going to bang into. :stretcher:

To my pleased eyes,he has the boat at the dock and alittle nervy as he tells me the trolling motor was on high,and almost went over.LOL Welcome to trolling motor 101.


It,s time to head for the blast off and Im manuovering between boats and trying to get myself in a good post postion spot so I can head right to our spot. He ,s laying back taking in the atmosfer, taking pics and I say,hang on. WHAT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I YELL HANG ON. poop,camera goes in his coat,he grabs the holly poop rail and off we go. :thumbsup_anim:


We are the first to get to the bay,then followed by one other boat.Now were fishing. I had already decided how I was going to fish today due to the cold front we have been having the last few days. Small and slow. It was no more then 5 minutes we had the first 3 pounder in the boat. Im saying, yes,it going to be a great day. 10 minutes later put a 3.5 in the boat,then the next cast a 2 pounder in the boat. Man we are smok,n. Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we were. :wallbash::wallbash:

It was like a switch was hit. Nothing for the next 4 hours,well keeper size anyways. We make a run to the north part of the lake were we had caught some 2 pounders a couple weeks ago. Then the rain came. Flip,n plastic sticks,my son finally put the forth fish in the boat. It makes the 13 inch min so now we have 4 fish in the well. I say to him just one more. Well we got 8 more,but nothing worthy of the well. Lots of pike today aswell. I thought I had the kicker of the day on a tube,turned out to be a 5 pound pike. poop.


The last hour of the day we run and gun trying to get that fifth fish ,but it was not to be.


To me as many know,if we do good and win something,great if not,hey I/WE learned.


I believe there was around 74 boats and we finished 31. Middle of the pack on a tough bite after a great start.


It was his day to be the man,I stepped back,let him fill the bag and head up to the stage,as I know that is a great feeling to bring fish up.

He did admit though,this is alot tougher then he thought. When you have to deal with slow bites,rain,winds it,s a whole new ball game. He will get another chance Sunday on six mile.We are fishing a club tourney.

I leave you with pic,s from the day.

Sorry about the weigh in ones. Rain got to the camera.


Ever since I recieved my shirts he has been eye one and bugg,n the crap out of me for it,I kept saying no,but I was going to give it to him on this day. He was a very happy fishermen.






















It was awesome to fish with my son today and see the smile on his face. I wouldnt trade that for anything. :clapping::clapping::clapping::Gonefishing::Gonefishing::Gonefishing:

Edited by misfish
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Well it's about time Brian, I have been waiting for this :D Great report bud, it was a tough day and you guys did well :clapping::thumbsup_anim: .

That last fish looked like a nice one! Glad your son had a great time...he may be hooked now :D


Have a great time tomorrow.



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way to go, middle of the pack aint bad at all. you have had a bunch of great reports, but i think this one may be your best ever. keep up the good work and best of luck down the road in all of your tourneys.



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That's just super B. What a good looking young lad too. You did well :thumbsup_anim:


Good luck in your next tourney. You'll be #1 in no time I'm sure.


What a great experience it must have been to go with your son. Mine still has no interest in going out with us..... yet!



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Your enthusiasm for these tourneys really shine through in this report Brian. I enjoyed reading it. It looks like you were more focused on showing your son the ropes of tourney fishing. Way to go. You guys did better than more than half of the field with a rookie in your boat. I'm sure that there's some first place trophies in your future. Good luck and keep us informed on your next venture.

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Great report Brian, thanks for sharing, Sparrow is a tough lake to fish at the best of time, to finish in the top half is a good thing. Congrats to you and the young'un



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Well you had just the opposite as us. I took my dad and we had a terrible start to the tourny. No fish till the rain started, around 10-11. I am drying out all my stuff as i speak. Going into this tourny i felt good and thought winning was possible as my spots had big fish on them. Wouldn't you know it no bites from my first three spots at all. all day. Not looking good. We managed to run and gun and pick off a few fish here and there for 33rd place. We were sitting in 16th for team of the year. This is really not going to help. Might have went from what i thought was a sure thing in making the classic to having to do extremely well on seymour and i don't even like that lake. Fished 2 tourny's there and not to good. Big fish just not enough of them. Are you going to do seymour also? Anyway saw enough rain and wind for 1 weekend. Good luck on six mile. Oh ya as for that kicker fish i thought i had one also A sure 6lber. Turned out to be a darn dogfish(bowfin). ciao.

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Hey Brian...You're a good lad ...tells your mother!


Partnering your son on his first tourney must have been the greatest of thrills (well...maybe second greatest)... :whistling:


I sure envy you my son... ;)

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