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17 minutes ago, Old Man said:

The basic question here is, “ Is it racist to expect immigrants to assimilate into Canadian culture?”

How does the word racist even fit into this sentence?   Immigrants aren't a specific race, they come in all colours...white, black brown, yellow, purple, blue, whatever.    People REALLY gotta stop using the word racism here because it does not fit.   Wanna call him a bigot?  Fine, but a racist?  lol no.  


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On 11/21/2019 at 10:32 PM, chris.brock said:


If my house goes on fire tonight when my family is asleep, I want an army of 6'6'' muscle head male, 25 year old guys to haul our asses out, I don't want females or LGBQ people, call me sexist or or whatever, if it offends somebody, so be it, I want the best for me and my family and it's common sense, not discrimination





You do realize that Gay guys are more likely to be strong muscleheads than regular 25 year old males right? The gay community is known for keeping themselves in really good shape. 

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8 minutes ago, Toronto_Angler said:

You do realize that Gay guys are more likely to be strong muscleheads than regular 25 year old males right? The gay community is known for keeping themselves in really good shape. 

I think it's pretty obvious Chris wants the best person for the job.   

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3 hours ago, BillM said:

I think it's pretty obvious Chris wants the best person for the job.   

That's not what he wrote. His exact quote "If my house goes on fire tonight when my family is asleep, I want an army of 6'6'' muscle head male, 25 year old guys to haul our asses out, I don't want females or LGBQ people, call me sexist or or whatever, if it offends somebody, so be it,"

He doesn't want a female or LGBQ person saving him

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2 hours ago, aplumma said:

This is going from a discussion to an argument. Discuss things without attacking others opinions  is the only way this thread will stay open.


Seriously Art its been a discussion? Half of this thread is a bunch of racism and bashing of "Leftys" in a political post which is not supposed to be allowed anyways because it always turns into a bash fest on both (Guilty of it myself thats what political posts do to ppl). Come on now

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10 minutes ago, Toronto_Angler said:

Seriously Art its been a discussion? Half of this thread is a bunch of racism and bashing of "Leftys" in a political post which is not supposed to be allowed anyways because it always turns into a bash fest on both (Guilty of it myself thats what political posts do to ppl). Come on now

Easy solution do not open it, do not read it, do not comment.  I get bitched at for letting them run or for shutting them down. Lets see if we can be adults here. 


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50 minutes ago, Toronto_Angler said:

That's not what he wrote. His exact quote "If my house goes on fire tonight when my family is asleep, I want an army of 6'6'' muscle head male, 25 year old guys to haul our asses out, I don't want females or LGBQ people, call me sexist or or whatever, if it offends somebody, so be it,"

He doesn't want a female or LGBQ person saving him

We're going to use the assumption that the female or LGBQ candidate isn't as fit for the job as the 6'6 muscle head and only got that job because of their sexual orientation.

But you knew this already.   So I really don't know what to tell ya.

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6 hours ago, Toronto_Angler said:

You do realize that Gay guys are more likely to be strong muscleheads than regular 25 year old males right? The gay community is known for keeping themselves in really good shape. 

send in the gay guys then, I don't care, I just want to best person for the job, not hiring based on filling quotas which is what's happening in this silly era

you're twisting what's been written and consistently missing the point intentionally to stir the pot, it's tiresome, you're counterproductive to your argument too




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little story- 

I saw a co-worker I haven't seen in years outside the Liquor Store. He looked a little different, a few years can do that though. We chatted for 1.5 hours in the parking lot.

He was toughest, meanest looking, most bad ass guy you could imagine, nobody stuffed with him. He could wear his Leaf jersey into any foreign rink and nobody would dare harass him. Now he was transitioning into a woman.

We're still friends like we always were, we always have great conversations, I just try and show some extra support on facebook because it's big change and some people can't grasp it.

I don't give a damn if someone's straight/ gay, skin colour, if I like hanging out with them, I like them

sorry if I offended anybody on this thread 


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On 11/22/2019 at 5:33 PM, cisco said:

Sorry but insulting the lawyer and calling names and saying the lawyer needs clock cleaning is childish. You offer no logical address but become insulting. Seems all you have to offer.

The term 'haters' comes to mind.



Not true---I already posted above that I think DC has done some quite good stuff.  Hater?? A difference of opinion and 'hate' are 2 very different things.

I didn't mean to offend you with that clock comment.  I have a weakness for smart assed comments. It's just that the silly 'logic' from your fictitious(I assume) incompetent lawyer didn't merit any detailed response. 

You do have a point about cutting people some slack when they mess up though. Sportsnet and the general public prob would have cut him some slack if he had offered an apology instead of a 'clarification'----did not seem very contrite.

I don't buy this 'leftie' vs 'rightie' business when it comes to people taking offence. It wasn't the 'lefties' who object to the Arabic being shown on police cars in London a few years back. (Heck, if they disallowed Arabic they would need to replace 911 with IX---try that on your cell!😁)


Racism is the the right word. Not to nitpick, but the experts class the people from the Indian sub-continent all the way over to the European sub-continent as being of the same race. Those brown skinned Indians are the same race as the whities---Google it!


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38 minutes ago, SirCranksalot said:

It's just that the silly 'logic' from your fictitious(I assume) incompetent lawyer didn't merit any detailed response.

So you apologize and then drop another insult in the next sentence.

I have yet to forward any counter-logic to the lawyer since none seem apparent yet. 

Here's an idea.

Please picture yourselves in a Tim Hortons lineup in the store. You are 3rd in line and the first person is elderly with a cane, glasses and is trying to cram a $20. into the poppy box with old knarled fingers. Slow going. The oldster meanwhile is chatting away at the counter person. Young kid wearing the mandated poppy. The oldster is talking about poppies, and blurts out the exact words Cherry used. The big guybetween you and the oldster immediately stops the oldster cold accusing RACISM! The oldster reacts saying 'everyone' was meant, sorry. But the accuser keeps on calling the oldster a RACIST!  Making a bit of a scene. Even says that the oldster SHOULDN'T BE OUT IN PUBLIC SPEWING SUCH VILE HATRED!! 

OK what are you going to do?  Stand with or against the accuser. Maybe walk away to not get involved. What? Maybe call the police as the accuser keeps going and getting louder in the face of the oldster? Maybe a combination of the above.

What? What will you do? 

A Canadian will hopefully be there. Drawing attention from the accuser and intervening. Canadians are the toughest people in this country. Individually may not look like much. Maybe fat or skinny or black or white. But a Canadian will address the issue and instruct the accuser to leave the oldster alone or to even apologize for being rude. A Canadian will not back down.  

Anyone here who would assist the accuser or would walk away needs a tune up in order to become a real Canadian IMHO. All discussion/arguing/theories/speculations/accusations and so forth aside I believe everyone here would defend/protect the oldster and accept their apology to put the issue to rest. As I am doing now. 

Many paper tigers here that in the field would do the right and honorable thing. 




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This is cribbed from the internet and is not aimed at anyone in particular, so don't take it personally. It might give something to think about though---a mile in someone else's shoes and all that..  


"Notice how it's white people who tend to say "people these days are too sensitive. Remember when people could say what they want and people were thick-skinned enough to not freak out?"

Here's the thing: such times never existed.

What you actually remember is a time when you could be an my father to people who society systemically discriminated against and they were too afraid to tell you that you were being an asshat because, if they did, society (including the police) would take your side and punish them for standing up to you.

What you're experiencing now isn't people being "too sensitive."

You're experiencing a time when sufficient equality exists that people can now safely tell you what an asshat you are."


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5 hours ago, chris.brock said:

little story- 

I saw a co-worker I haven't seen in years outside the Liquor Store. He looked a little different, a few years can do that though. We chatted for 1.5 hours in the parking lot.

He was toughest, meanest looking, most bad ass guy you could imagine, nobody stuffed with him. He could wear his Leaf jersey into any foreign rink and nobody would dare harass him. Now he was transitioning into a woman.

We're still friends like we always were, we always have great conversations, I just try and show some extra support on facebook because it's big change and some people can't grasp it.

I don't give a damn if someone's straight/ gay, skin colour, if I like hanging out with them, I like them

sorry if I offended anybody on this thread 


Thank you for clearing that up and good for you for supporting your friend as Im sure he has had a lot of people who didn't.

Similar thing with a buddy of mine. BIg time powerlifter/bodybuilder. One of the "Manliest" men you would and he transitioned. A lot of people turned on him for something he did that was his choice and only affected him. Sad to see. They actually made a documentary on him called transformer. Actually very interesting

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2 minutes ago, Toronto_Angler said:

Thank you for clearing that up and good for you for supporting your friend as Im sure he has had a lot of people who didn't.

I'm sick of your sarcasm and pointed jab comments, you're the biggest political crap disturber on here, if you knew anything you wouldn't refer to my friend as a he

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15 minutes ago, chris.brock said:

I'm sick of your sarcasm and pointed jab comments, you're the biggest political crap disturber on here, if you knew anything you wouldn't refer to my friend as a he

Guess this is one of those cases where the written word doesnt convey tone. Was actually very serious and it was my mistake to call her he as I dont have that lexicon right. Have a good night.

Also go back and read the rest of my post.

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5 hours ago, limeyangler said:

you would need to unpack what you mean or at least give a definition of what “Canadian Culture” is before an answer to this question can be arrived at.

Maybe start right here.....

But asking for a clarification of who you may be while standing in line behind a big upset guy bothering a senior ......... you surely are not serious. 


 Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

Marginal note:Rights and freedoms in Canada

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Fundamental Freedoms

Marginal note:Fundamental freedoms

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

  • (a) freedom of conscience and religion;

  • (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

  • (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

  • (d) freedom of association.

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9 hours ago, Toronto_Angler said:

Guess this is one of those cases where the written word doesnt convey tone. 

The reason I don't text or even email unless it's a short to the point blurb. 

Cisco, take it easy Sir. Life is too short to counter each and everything someone says that doesn't agree with you. And I have to ask what is a real "Canadian?" Are the tens of thousands of individuals that want to separate from Canada lesser Canadians, and not just Quebecers. Wasn't the main purpose many Canadians citizens, and some not Canadian citizens fought for our right to voice our opinions otherwise known as freedom? Popular or not.

Many vets have told me once the bullets start flying they are fighting not for the right to maintain freedom but to keep the guy beside you and yourself from getting killed. 

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2 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:


 Life is too short to counter each and everything someone says that doesn't agree with you. 


Wasn't the main purpose many Canadians citizens, and some not Canadian citizens fought for our right to voice our opinions otherwise known as freedom? 


1st you tell Cisco he shouldn't counter folks who disagree with him then in the next sentence you tell him about Canadians who fought for our right to voice our opinions.

Don't think you can have it both ways LOL

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