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I don't understand! NF

Big Cliff

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I don't want to turn this into a political thread and I sure don't want anyone else to so please don't! My question is an honest one, I would like to understand!


I am having a really hard time understanding the protests and riots that are going on South of the border because of Trump being elected.


It seems to me that it was democracy in action, the majority of the people that voted, voted for Trump and as a result he got elected. It doesn't matter what your personal views are, the MAJORITY of the people that VOTED chose to vote for him. That those who opposed him didn't get their way is too bad but poop happens and they were the minority.


Smashing windows, looting, riots in the streets...... What do they think that is going to accomplish?


Speak your mind by all means, hold rallies, voice your opinion (that's your right) but destruction of property and endangering the lives of others isn't going to change anything.


My heart goes out to all our American friends, there may be a border between us but we really are one people.


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Technically a majority of voters did not vote for Trump, HRC is winning the popular vote by 400,000 votes last I saw (they're still counting even though the electoral college votes are in). I understand that's how politics works and it can cut both ways, but it is a fact that more than 50% of votes were cast against Trump.


As for the protests, that's as much a part of democracy as elections. When they become riots I don't agree, but lawful protest is protected speech in the US as far as I know.

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i think this has to do with them protesting the bigger system...not to be political either...but he lost the popular vote, but won the election.




the right to protest is a huge part of democracy...as we see in countries ruled by dictators, protesting is struck down, to the point that people are even killed for it.

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I don't want to turn this into a political thread and I sure don't want anyone else to so please don't! My question is an honest one, I would like to understand!


I am having a really hard time understanding the protests and riots that are going on South of the border because of Trump being elected.


It seems to me that it was democracy in action, the majority of the people that voted, voted for Trump and as a result he got elected. It doesn't matter what your personal views are, the MAJORITY of the people that VOTED chose to vote for him. That those who opposed him didn't get their way is too bad but poop happens and they were the minority.


Smashing windows, looting, riots in the streets...... What do they think that is going to accomplish?


Speak your mind by all means, hold rallies, voice your opinion (that's your right) but destruction of property and endangering the lives of others isn't going to change anything.


My heart goes out to all our American friends, there may be a border between us but we really are one people.


I totally agree with you Cliff :dunno:

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...and it gets better. So many big talkers.."I am gonna move to Canada...blah blah blah" All these whining celebrities will stay exactly where they are, and continue to collect their millions of dollars a year. Not one will move. I wish there was a way to force them to keep their word, but they are a lot like the politicians in that regard...they won't!

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If you look who is protesting you will find out many of them did not even vote

And they are protesting because it didn't turn out the way they wanted it

Which in my view is how most kids today think. Me me me.

You have a system in place you lost, get over it

Oh yeah in school these days they don't keep score and no one fails no one loses


I guess they think they get to have a do over

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If you look who is protesting you will find out many of them did not even vote

And they are protesting because it didn't turn out the way they wanted it

Which in my view is how most kids today think. Me me me.

You have a system in place you lost, get over it

Oh yeah in school these days they don't keep score and no one fails no one loses


I guess they think they get to have a do over

OH how true it is Terry how true it is...

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They're making damn sure that the new law makers know that they will have their voices heard. The leaders need to know that they are the leaders of ALL the people, not just the ones (less than 27%) who voted for them. A lot of people who aren't white men are legitimately concerned for their safety and lawful status in their homes and communities considering the terrible things that were said about them and the big target that was put on their back with some of the awful vitriol that was spewed during the election campaign. It was also a test to see if Trump truly knew what the 1st Amendment means now that he's president-elect. Judging by his tweet last night he obviously doesn't.

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" Over 90 Million Eligible Voters Didn’t Vote in the 2016 Presidential Election "


You don't have to vote here to have the freedom to whine about the results of your inaction? Some people don't vote here because they may suffer the inconvenience of being called for jury duty by registering to vote. We are also dealing with the 21st century media, and anyone can create a website and stir the pot?

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They're making damn sure that the new law makers know that they will have their voices heard. The leaders need to know that they are the leaders of ALL the people, not just the ones (less than 27%) who voted for them. A lot of people who aren't white men are legitimately concerned for their safety and lawful status in their homes and communities considering the terrible things that were said about them and the big target that was put on their back with some of the awful vitriol that was spewed during the election campaign. It was also a test to see if Trump truly knew what the 1st Amendment means now that he's president-elect. Judging by his tweet last night he obviously doesn't.

yes every time they burn a cop car or break into and destroy a business In think They're making damn sure that the new law makers know that they will have their voices heard. The leaders need to know that they are the leaders of ALL the people, not just the ones (less than 27%) who voted for them.


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​Not hard to understand at all Cliff when you realize the instigators are all paid to cause trouble by George Soros.

For instance the protesters in Austin Texas were all bused in to create havoc!!!




These protesters are being gathered by the same people that did it during the election.

​It's all the doing of a billionaire globalist trying to cause a revolution in the US to get his way.

We can only hope the evil old man croaks soon.



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WikiLeaks posted about how the DNC undermined the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. If true, that's the true undermining of democracy and they got a serving of humble pie putting their support behind Clinton, who wasn't even favourable to voters to begin with-so corrupted. I feel that they've failed on all accounts on doing what's best for the people. I'm sure the Clinton supporters were looking for a big fat pay cheque when Clinton was suppose to win the election. And they were probably even celebrating a bit too early when they realized that Trump was the opposition, thinking it would be an easy win. For the most part, I think their arrogance grossly underestimated Trump, as had most critics were in the early stages of the election, and it blew up in their faces.


This is all speculation on my part :)

Edited by FrankTheRabbit
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Millennials with nothing better to do than cry and pout when they don't get their way. They don't like to work unless it's on their terms (meaning come in late, leave early, and spend the day on Facebook). They believe protesting is just as important as working...crying out for someone to recognize something they say as being valuable or worthy...which it rarely is. I"m sure this will ruffle some, but I'm only going on what I see around me. I've stop hiring Millennials which is sad, but a few bad apples have spoiled it for all the rest. I heard a quote from a Millennial in Portland that stated they're setting an example for all Americans on how to stand up for what is right. What a joke. Since when is destruction of property and assault 'right'? How about stand behind a lawfully elected official...and don't throw a tantrum when your candidate loses.

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yes every time they burn a cop car or break into and destroy a business In think They're making damn sure that the new law makers know that they will have their voices heard. The leaders need to know that they are the leaders of ALL the people, not just the ones (less than 27%) who voted for them.


Whatever this incoherent nonsense is supposed to mean I guess I didn't address destruction of property in my post. Destruction of property is bad. You're welcome.

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WikiLeaks posted about how the DNC undermined the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. If true, that's the true undermining of democracy and they got a serving of humble pie putting their support behind Clinton, who wasn't even favourable to voters to begin with-so corrupted. I feel that they've failed on all accounts on doing what's best for the people. I'm sure the Clinton supporters were looking for a big fat pay cheque when Clinton was suppose to win the election. And they were probably even celebrating a bit too early when they realized that Trump was the opposition, thinking it would be an easy win. For the most part, I think their arrogance grossly underestimated Trump, as had most critics were in the early stages of the election, and it blew up in their faces.


This is all speculation on my part :)

Yes, it is true that they undermined Bernie Sanders. The debate questions were provided to Clinton, but not Bernie, ahead of time. I don't think that was the only advantage that they party gave to Clinton.


That may very well have been the downfall for the Democrats. Trump didn't win by getting more votes for the Republicans; he won because of a drop in the votes for the Democrats. Trump actually had the fewest votes of all major candidates (including Hillary Clinton) in the last three elections.




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