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Fishing forums that appreciate a fishing report?


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Going a bit off topic but I went back to your report and at the time I had recommended the Chamberlain clips for downrigging.


I've since used them a lot and vouch for them 100%, amazing product. It's actually 4-5 loops you need to make in the line which is really easy. Just as easy as securing a regular clip really. Once you get them dialed in (takes a couple trips), you never miss a fish. I had a 0.5lb dink trigger the release once.

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To clarify


Some people took things out of context...(bound to happen when there is a lack of tone) by my statement, I am calling out every able body on this forum to get out fishing...


I have had conversations with some of the legends around here who are physically incapable of fishing due to age/disability. Hence they 100% get a pass from me because I can tell by the conversations I have had with them, the fact that they cant get out and fish is excruciating to them. I couldnt imagine...


All I have to do is look at my main fishing partner, my very own father...There is no way in hell that he is physically capable of going out in a four foot chop to toss musky baits. Hence, I would never call him out for not fishing.


Irish - my boat is in Pointe Au Baril...ive seen the 12 footers


Brian - as per my most recent report http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82786&hl=%2Byear+%2Breview


I cant post every time I go fishing or id be posting multiple times per week. I also dont want to bore everyone with 100 photos of 3lb smallies. I try to post photos of PB's, master anglers, first time catches or any musky over 40. However I have a 9 day trip commencing Friday and the intention was to post a report summarizing from the end of July to the middle of November upon my return so stay tuned.


so to summarize, if you are able bodied, get fishing...and send us some pictures.


Just a couple points to contemplate and then I'm done with this thread.



It's not your place to call anyone out to fish

It's not your place to give passes to those that you deem as too old

That posting reports is a personal decision

Status or success is not measured by posting reports

Many of the "oldtimers" on here have forgotten more than many of us know


People use this site for many reasons...some it's just a spot to drop in and get caught up with the banter or see how the fishings has been lately. For others, it's a way of advertising their position as fisherman for personal or business reasons. Whatever. Either way, do what you like but what everyone else does is none of your concern.

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Are there really that much people interested in poaching spots?


I can only speak for myself but I love the search for new spots/lakes.


If someone tells me were to go its like planning a dear hunt and then shooting a cow on a farm aka not very exciting

This is the south. And by that I mean anything below Sudbury or North bay. I stopped putting reports online about a dozen years ago, I've seen spots burn hard as a result of the Internet. The only place I'll put a "report" is on my private Facebook page, and even then only if it's a really good day, or if I'm out with my kids or if I'm fishing with a partner and we do well. My longtime fishing buddies are all very experienced fisherman and have no desire to see me posing selfies of 5 pound steelhead or 2 pound pickerel on Facebook, or fish laying in the dirt (no that was not a shot at you, just a fact about my fishing buddies). The only people who will see what I occasionally put on Facebook are folks I know personally and that includes a couple folks on this board. Anyone else I could give a damn, I don't need to measure the length of my Johnson online. Post away as it suits you but most of us living south of the IQ line long ago gave up putting stuff out there. The last time I mentioned anything about the lake our family cottage was on I got a few PMs looking for spots. I'm not about to cut out backgrounds to take photos and if I posted them online as is, I'd have new best friends all summer.

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This is the south. And by that I mean anything below Sudbury or North bay. I stopped putting reports online about a dozen years ago, I've seen spots burn hard as a result of the Internet. The only place I'll put a "report" is on my private Facebook page, and even then only if it's a really good day, or if I'm out with my kids or if I'm fishing with a partner and we do well. My longtime fishing buddies are all very experienced fisherman and have no desire to see me posing selfies of 5 pound steelhead or 2 pound pickerel on Facebook, or fish laying in the dirt (no that was not a shot at you, just a fact about my fishing buddies). The only people who will see what I occasionally put on Facebook are folks I know personally and that includes a couple folks on this board. Anyone else I could give a damn, I don't need to measure the length of my Johnson online. Post away as it suits you but most of us living south of the IQ line long ago gave up putting stuff out there. The last time I mentioned anything about the lake our family cottage was on I got a few PMs looking for spots. I'm not about to cut out backgrounds to take photos and if I posted them online as is, I'd have new best friends all summer.



I guess the demographic is vastly different north vrs south.


Not lake our lakes are pounded on masse


Id be pissed if my reports led to people flooding to my cabin as well


Here all the anglers know the real good lakes, and all those lakes have numerous hotspots so it rarely gets crowded(exception being sawbill)


The small lakes are hit or miss. But thats part of the fun! And when I find a good one I dont mind sharing because most around here arent willing to haul a motor through the bush 2km lol

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Great stuff Rick,I have probably been the worst all year. Lot going on in my life right now.I look often,have not replied to anything for a while.Having said that post because YOU want too,hundreds look.!not mean we do not appreciate it. I should be more active come the new year. Keep it up bud !!!!!

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Thanks davey!


Ive solely used ofc mobile so I forgot views were event counted as they do not show up.


Everyone here knows ill get pissy or whiney once in awhile for whatever reason.


It passes


In the end ill always post and contribute to threads I find interesting(and basically every fishing report/×2 if it involves someone getting the kiddos out!)

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Any out there im missing?


I have many friends here but this is rediculous.


Maybe its the nyquil talking? Lol


But christ guys, i post like 50 pics, 3 threads and get little to no responses????







Post a political thread or a free couch(no disrepect cliff) and it goes pages.


I take the time to post intimate pics of myself and my family, fishing, camping, nature, and nobody gives a crap


I love others reports and always chime in. It takes time and im very appreciative members take their time to show us their adventures.


Ofc should put a week hiatus on any post not fishing or huntin related and see how the response is

I'd bet the average age of a member has increased dramatically over the last ten years and people have less time in their lives. I did look at your first thread but not the other two. Nice fish by the way. :)


The lack of responses? That is always hit and miss. Could a possible reason for the low response rate could be that you make so many posts in political threads that you get a reputation as being a political poster and that might drive viewership down?

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well I chipped/cracked a tooth this evening and I'm in some pain so it's beer o'clock and advil time. there is my report for the day...

Bummer dood!our son just did the same at hockey practice 10mins ago?


Scuro, over 7 or 8 years I dont think ive made alot of political threads??? Guess id have to search


It is very possible some members just dont like me?


And miigwich!

Edited by manitoubass2
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I agree southern ON spots can get really busy fast with the internet. Not everyone understands that or some don't care which blows my mind. However you can still easily post reports without naming specific spots or lakes! I appreciate all the reports I've read over the years here, it helps fuel the love for fishing when not on the water. I actually read this whole thread and should of spent my time reading something fishing related... but I guess these have to happen sometimes to clear the air. What is the age cutoff for throwing bulldogs in 4ft chop anyway? (just joking akr). Hopefully we all get a chance to get out fishing soon.

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Im with you Rick, I really enjoyed reading all the musky reports, main reason is that I know I won't ever get to go out to even try anytime in the near future (lack of boat and musky gear) so all i can do is dream and read the stories.


personally, my summer was so damn busy, I got out for the first 3 weekends after bass opener, and that was it til the end of september, went out for salmon in the creeks, managed to land 1 out of 5 hook ups. then went out the next weekend with my buddy that hadn't sen in a year and half. that been it for my fishing this summer and fall, planning on heading out this weekend though, long as the rain stays away lol


but guys have moved on, mike borger, who used to post epic reports, since he got his mag off the ground, hasn't posted much of anything here. i know lew has all but hung his rod up.


and others, well if they are scared of their spots being burned by a picture, well i have this to say if you can post a picture without a location, and someone recognizes the spot, guess what, they've been there, and know about it, those that have never been there, won't know where it is.

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Would love to post a TR but I didn't pull a sock off any of my rods at all this year. NONE ! I just stare at them in the corner of the office, open the tackle box now and then and think of washing lures on imaginary trips haha. Just no time this year unfortunately.


But keep your reports coming Rick (and everyone else) I need something to get me through November ;)

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and others, well if they are scared of their spots being burned by a picture, well i have this to say if you can post a picture without a location, and someone recognizes the spot, guess what, they've been there, and know about it, those that have never been there, won't know where it is.


Exactly...if you are so concerned take your photo without the recognizable cottage directly behind you...if you can recognize a rock in my photo and figure out my exact GPS coordinate, more power to you.


The whole paranoia around losing spots is ridiculous...you are litterall 1000000x more likely to have someone physically see you fishing and take your spot then come onto OFC, see my photo and then boat to that exact GPS coordinate and subsequently also be extremely succesful while fishing the spot.


I posted some winter walleye this year...i am way more concerned about the 40 other people that were out there fishing getting skunked watching me catch fish than someone on OFC going up in february, snowmobiling down the old trail and finding my exact spot and subsequently utilizing the only technique that we could get to work...kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

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Exactly...if you are so concerned take your photo without the recognizable cottage directly behind you...if you can recognize a rock in my photo and figure out my exact GPS coordinate, more power to you.


The whole paranoia around losing spots is ridiculous...you are litterall 1000000x more likely to have someone physically see you fishing and take your spot then come onto OFC, see my photo and then boat to that exact GPS coordinate and subsequently also be extremely succesful while fishing the spot.


I posted some winter walleye this year...i am way more concerned about the 40 other people that were out there fishing getting skunked watching me catch fish than someone on OFC going up in february, snowmobiling down the old trail and finding my exact spot and subsequently utilizing the only technique that we could get to work...kinda ridiculous if you ask me.

Your experience is not what others have found. You are painting everyone with the same brush. I guess you are going to need to experience it first hand, before you will change you opinion.



Edit - and this by no means the first or last time we have had this conversation over the years. Perhaps a search of past threads would shed some light on the subject.

Edited by Headhunter
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...As this board has become the go to site for people looking for free information, mostly "guests", many have stopped putting up reports. Giving away free information to those unwilling to put the work in to develop their own hows and whys, has scared many off posting reports in areas that are within easy driving of populated areas...




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Two separate planes took off from Cochrane to land on the ice at Kesagami Lake years back, think it was 07 or 08. Knowing a plane out of Moosonee (had to announce on radio... VFR or whatever, to land in a Prov. Park) they came in that day my bet is to specifically find fishermen, not fish. This lake is 30km long and about 8km at it's widest and they landed on Brenda's and my head and drilled spots next to our. I could throw a snowball at them they were that close. They shut down the bite that afternoon with all their drilling and engine warming. When I went over nicely (but fuming inside) I introduced myself. The one old fella said, "yeah, I know you, you're Moosebunk. Knew it was you by your green parka." I went on to tell them it's a big lake, even a big spot, and they didn't need to land on and set up on top of us. This guys response, "we've never fished here before, usually over there, but we knew you'd be on the fish."


First experience with that sort of thing.


Power of the internet.

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Two separate planes took off from Cochrane to land on the ice at Kesagami Lake years back, think it was 07 or 08. Knowing a plane out of Moosonee (had to announce on radio... VFR or whatever, to land in a Prov. Park) they came in that day my bet is to specifically find fishermen, not fish. This lake is 30km long and about 8km at it's widest and they landed on Brenda's and my head and drilled spots next to our. I could throw a snowball at them they were that close. They shut down the bite that afternoon with all their drilling and engine warming. When I went over nicely (but fuming inside) I introduced myself. The one old fella said, "yeah, I know you, you're Moosebunk. Knew it was you by your green parka." I went on to tell them it's a big lake, even a big spot, and they didn't need to land on and set up on top of us. This guys response, "we've never fished here before, usually over there, but we knew you'd be on the fish."


First experience with that sort of thing.


Power of the internet.


WOW...I didn't see that coming! Last trip for the green parka?

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