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OK, I'll open the can of worms, US Presidential Election thread

Old Ironmaker

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I haven't been here for a few years but if you remember me you know I love to rant and with informed opinions. I research the financial and political scene for at least 3 hours per day. I first became intrigued about Obama when he made his keynote speech at a Democrat convention while still a State senator. I was shocked to see his audience of clapping seals screaming their approval as if it was at an Elvis concert but his speech was nothing less than a long list of meaningless cliches, slogans and buzzwords. It would have made a good Saturday Night Live skit ridiculing politicians. I was so intrigued that I have since purchased over 20 books on him. Likewise, I have 6 books on the Clintons. There are only two things you need to know about Hilary. Number one, withing 2 days of Slick Willy's first election she actually stated ..."WEEEEE are the President". That must be the first time in history that the spouse of an elected national leader is automatically included as a co-winner. Not being a shrink I'm not sure if that means she's a narcissist, a sociopath or a psychopath. I have read opinions of psychiatrists who conclude that she is at least one of the first two. Don't take my word on it, just do your own homework. Also, do your homework on "Chinagate". In a nutshell, The Clintons after receiving a huge contribution to their Clinton alleged foundation, immediately loosened the foreign trade rules that allowed the Chinese communists to get secret missile technology that they needed for their ICBMs which enabled them to more accurately target American cities. When an investigation began, suddenly Americans involved took the 5th and Chinese nationals involved immediately fled home to the People's republic to avoid arrest. Call me silly but I believe that used to be called high treason.


The law pertaining to Hilary's emails is very specific ...

United States Code: Title 18. Section 2071:


(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record filed…in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

( B) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.

Hilary was forced to admit that she deleted tens of thousands of emails the majority of which was government correspondence and we now know included top secret information. TheDemocrat government is so corrupt that even the head of the FBI said she should not be prosecuted because they didn't know her intent. The obvious escapes him. Anybody else would be in prison by now. At a very minimum, that law says that she could never hold ANY government office let alone the Presidency. I'll spare you the long list of Clinton crimes and incompetencies. Her admission to her deleting emails is all you need to exclude her from office.

Trump is the last of the Republican candidates that I would have chosen but he is the only one who has addressed the issue that has most concerned me going back literally decades and that's the huge trade deficit that is killing the country. It's now at 700 BILLION annually. The U.S. now has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. No wonder companies have fled the country in droves and continue to do so . At least Trump understands business while Hilary is a die hard redistributionist. Her track record is one of endless failures. When the country is at stake who cares about Trump's alleged womanizing. Those accusations are now falling apart. Compared to the rapes and assaults of sex-obsessed Bill Clinton and Hilary's defence of him while bad mouthing his victims all the while claiming to be a supporter of women. The decision becomes obvious. Sometimes you just have to hold your nose and vote and not worry about the predictable accusations of the left of predicting the world will fall apart and there will be a nuclear war next week if Trump is elected. Prince Justin is another rant.





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Welcome Back Canadave as usual you have hit all of the high points of our political issues. I now have to take back my statement that ALL Canadians do not understand what the US is against. Lol well summed up my friend.




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It's easy to say that the USA has the highest corporate tax rate, but they never seem to mention the rate they actually end up paying?


I'm sure no jobs have left our country for cheap foreign labor or less government oversight on pollution controls?

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Hire Trump as president. If he performs poorly, he could be impeached and convicted in a short time. Pence would do well. Not so sure about Ryan as his VP, but would be better then Kaine.


If Hillary wins we'd be stuck with her for at least four years because her loyal followers will overlook anything she does to our country. Democrat House and Democrat Senate would vote almost 100% to allow her to continue her term.


I'm not positive what Trump would do as president, but there's a chance he would surround himself with good people and I'd be hoping they'd do whatever it takes to keep him in line.


I'm almost 100% certain Hillary would continue do destroy our country as she'd done in the past.


I'm 100% certain Hillary is worse than I realize. There's more information coming.

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Art, you have to understand when your next door neighbour is the most powerful neighbor in the world you look over the fence with great interest. I know more people up here that are more interested in and are more involved in US politics and politicians than Canadian politics and politicians. Canadave is a great example. You have to be on the outside of the US looking in to understand that. The US farts and we get covered in crap.


I do hold dual citizenship, I have recently found out that I am eligible to vote in this election. I do not think that is right and refuse to vote. Just because Mom was a US citizen when I was born shouldn't give me a say in US matters whatsoever other than concerning my property there.


That Defcon site is suspect for sure. It says the Defcon rating is not set by the US government? Unless all those movies that I have seen where the President turns to the General covered in scrambled eggs and says "Go to Defcon 3!" have it all wrong.


Rick, locker room talk is usually about the game and where you are going for a beer. Guys in any setting that brag about sexual exploits are usually the ones that go home to their PC's for sex.

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Pence is impressive to me. I would cast a vote for him without a problem over any that ran for the nomination.


I have a Devil on my shoulder wanting to see what Trump would do or act as Prez. The morning news would be interesting for sure, if mourning comes. His list of things to make America great again, of which I don't think exists, will never happen because the Democrats will own the House of Representatives as well as the Senate for the next few years at least and pay back for killing most Democrats Bills in the last 8 years is a b&^tch.

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Art, you have to understand when your next door neighbour is the most powerful neighbor in the world you look over the fence with great interest. I know more people up here that are more interested in and are more involved in US politics and politicians than Canadian politics and politicians. Canadave is a great example. You have to be on the outside of the US looking in to understand that. The US farts and we get covered in crap.


I do hold dual citizenship, I have recently found out that I am eligible to vote in this election. I do not think that is right and refuse to vote. Just because Mom was a US citizen when I was born shouldn't give me a say in US matters whatsoever other than concerning my property there.


That Defcon site is suspect for sure. It says the Defcon rating is not set by the US government? Unless all those movies that I have seen where the President turns to the General covered in scrambled eggs and says "Go to Defcon 3!" have it all wrong.


Rick, locker room talk is usually about the game and where you are going for a beer. Guys in any setting that brag about sexual exploits are usually the ones that go home to their PC's for sex.

Believe me I understand but until it is something that you have control and an ability to change you are just wasting your breath. Even the almight Canadave who I have known for years and feel he is a very credible source has zero pull with the voting public in the US. Except me but that is because I see the same things he does. So far this has not fallen into the typical politic thread pattern and it can go on until alcohol or stupidity steps in. We are not repeating last winter trust me on that.


Just so you know the defcon rating for the average US citizen last held relevance in the 60's Cuban missile crisis with a brief resurgent after 9/11 for 6 months.



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Just Sayin',


A former member of OFC is on Trump's short list for SCOTUS.


He's well qualified, active in fishing Great Lakes & Ontario and a regular guy.


He'd be a welcomed guest in the boat of most OFC members.




GCD for supreme court justice :tease:

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I'm in the position where I meet a lot of American fishermen and to listen to them, it is really an eye opener.


Friends of mine from Colorado are loyal republicans and as such are ardent Trump supporters, they claim Hillary should be in jail for all her crimes.


Our neighbours from Minnesota are ardent Hillary supporters and believe that Obama will go down in history as one of the best presidents in history. they tell me that if you asked any American if his/her life is better now than it was 8 years ago, they would all answer in the positive .


i'm just glad we seem to have a much more efficient and polite way of electing our officials because some of the stuff i'm seeing in the elections ads in the states is really dirty.

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I'm in the position where I meet a lot of American fishermen and to listen to them, it is really an eye opener.


Friends of mine from Colorado are loyal republicans and as such are ardent Trump supporters, they claim Hillary should be in jail for all her crimes.


Our neighbours from Minnesota are ardent Hillary supporters and believe that Obama will go down in history as one of the best presidents in history. they tell me that if you asked any American if his/her life is better now than it was 8 years ago, they would all answer in the positive .


i'm just glad we seem to have a much more efficient and polite way of electing our officials because some of the stuff i'm seeing in the elections ads in the states is really dirty.

The minnesota comment is odd. Thats where im from.


Travel through and its nothing but trump endorsements accept lil town like st cloud outside of minneapolis, they are very pro hillary

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I don't wade into politics very often if at all because I'm a anarchist at heart but will you please Canadave list these books you've read, I'm 100% positive :sarcasm: they are not bias in the least. I do not care who wins the election down south as I don't subscribe to the US being the be all to end all. Trump wins...great, Clinton wins..fantastic, the world keeps spinning & life goes on!

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I'm guessing he has a lot of support because of all the media attacks and lies, Democratic lies and cheating and the fact his own party is against him.


I find it incredible that the media is so liberally biased and they refuse to actually report news (Leaked eamils, scandals etc) and report on important things like what someone said a decade ago.


There hasn't been a single word in any news media that the military have raised their alert status to DEFCON 3 from DEFCON 5.

I guess threat of nuclear war doesn't make for interesting news.



The US media biased? Even MB2 has got to admit that Trump sucks all the oxygen out of the room, he drives the news cycles. Film of him admitting to groping of genitals certainly sells more papers then Wikileaks -Clinton cooing up to Wallstreet emails.


What a lot of neo-cons fail to realize is that they are constantly parroting a different kind of biased media, and often they don't know it. Here we go again, another conspiracy...DEFCON 3 from DEFCON 5 and the mainstream media doesn't report?!??!!!!


Well no. A 30 second fact check found this.


Edited by scuro2
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Ahhh but what if the websites you frequent secretly have been brainwashing you with highly biased information for years? I'm guessing you don't fact check with the mainstream media? :)

Snopes responds, "Are we Republicans or Democrats? Conservatives or liberals? Administration supporters or a secretly-funded tool of the opposition? According to our readership, we're all those

things — from what they tell us, we've performed the remarkable feat of being decidedly biased in every possible direction".
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ckeyley ... This'll keep ya busy for a while.


Fool Me Twice

Culture of Corruption

Red Army

Courting Disaster

The Amateur

The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama

Obama Zombies

The Manchurian President

The Case Against Barack Obama

Deconstructing Obama

No He Can't

Conduct Unbecoming

Crimes Against Liberty

Obama's America

No Higher Power

Shadow Warrior

Judicial Watch (This one will make you want to start a revolution and string up Obama)

Treason ( One of a few by Ann Coulter that talks about Obama)

I had a few more that I have since given away but I can't remember the titles. It was probably something like Hilary and Obama should be strung up, drawn and quartered and bull upon.


Books on the Clintons


Hell to Pay

Clinton's Secret Wars

The Final Days


Because He Can


Hilary's Secret Wars

The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy ... Dossier on Hilary Clinton


One of my favourites on a different subject (Senator Joe McCarthy) is:

Blacklisted by History This is a 600 pager on how not only has it since been proven that Joe McCarthy was a great American patriot but he was totally innocent of charges against him and the infiltration of the American government was far worse than he claimed. Since the end of the Cold War, KGB records and records from the Venona Project, a CIA counter-espionage project at the time of McCarthy proved that every name McCarthy mentioned, were in fact KGB agents including Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs that the left to this day love to genuflect to. It's a national crime that 60 years later his name is associated with infamy.

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