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A tough week for our friends down south


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After 2 (what looks to be) "murders" by police officers and another 10 police officers shot in (what looks to be) retaliation this week, emotions are running high with a lot of people. I fear it is only going to get worse before it gets better. Thoughts go out to all of the victims in all 3 cases.


Terrible terrible stuff.

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I stayed up to watch the TO/BC Football game late and while channel surfing caught the beginning of the massacre. I stayed up until 5 glued to the TV. Sad state we are in, just sad. I haven't felt this sense of helplessness since the 60's when I was an adolescent and witnessed the riots and assassinations down south.


Can you imagine the folks who's loved ones are Police Officers in Dallas and watching firefights live on TV and not knowing how or where that person was?

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Obama says "Americans are horrified"....Ok, mildly surprised? Somewhat disturbed? But horrified??? Like nobody ever saw this coming? The lethal mix of blatant racism and firearms was going to lead where exactly?


It's an extremely sad day for a lot of families in the law enforcement circle and my heart goes out to them. God Bless Help America


A Happy July 4th image from another fishing site last week...says it all.



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live by the gun, die by the gun


the entire situation is just tragic and the factors at play here are so very deeply rooted that I honestly dont believe there will be anything remotely close to a solution for a very long time.


Its amazing that the plight of african americans continues on to this day hundreds of years later after being forced into slavery. Things took a turn in the 60's but unfortunately the damage was already done. Itd be nice to think that white people could stop being racist, and that black people could somehow overcome, but the cycle is so deep, i really fear that there is no end in site :dunno:


This is really what desperation looks like...people are just going off the deep end.

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i cant say if the cops did right or wrong

I cant tell if the guy was reaching for his gun while the cop was on top, if he wasn't then yes it may be murder

if he was then, they may have feared for their lives and i have no problem with them shooting him

the guy in the car i only saw him bleeding out and his girl friend making a video after the fact..who changed details a few times...so I have no idea what really happened........so how can one judge

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i cant say if the cops did right or wrong

I cant tell if the guy was reaching for his gun while the cop was on top, if he wasn't then yes it may be murder

if he was then, they may have feared for their lives and i have no problem with them shooting him

the guy in the car i only saw him bleeding out and his girl friend making a video after the fact..who changed details a few times...so I have no idea what really happened........so how can one judge



of course its hard to tell, but lets be honest here...when was the last time that a police officer pulled you over with your family and suspected the worst when you went to grab your license and registration. This simply does not happen to white people. The fact of the matter of the guy getting killed in his front seat is that the cop shot him for no reason at all. You and I and everyone in the world knows that buddy wasnt reaching for his gun to shoot the cop with his baby in the back seat. Lets get serious here. You are close to implying that the police have the right to shoot people if they feel that there is a potential threat, regardless of the fact that there is one or not. Thats a really slippery slope.

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Lets not turn this into a gun thread.


Horrible situation smh.


Thoughts and prayers to the victims/survivors of senseless violence.


A sad day indeed

I know you said it, but I wonder if it will take highly trained and armed government employees getting shot to change some people's tune. How can anyone possibly make the argument that more guns would have stopped this from happening?


Regardless, this is a sad and tragic state we're in these days. I don't know if it's perception or an actual increase in these incidents, but it feels like every other day it's either a minority in confrontation with someone/police, or another mass shooting, or both.

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but did he go for his gun

did he tell the cop to go to hell or he would shoot him

or did he say yes sir no sir 3 bags full


i don't know an neither do you

The story from the girlfriend was he told the officer he has a holstered gun on his side that he has a license to carry and needed to reach to his pocket past his gun to get his license.


That's what we're being told anyway.

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but did he go for his gun

did he tell the cop to go to hell or he would shoot him

or did he say yes sir no sir 3 bags full


i don't know an neither do you


give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Thats my point here. The guy gets pulled over for a traffic violation...hes got his family in the car and if you actually watch the video taken by his wife/girlfriend, the cop who murdered the guy is clearly distraught and you can tell he knows he screwed up. He made a very very bad decision based on what i percieve to be a bias. That a black male is dangerous and should be treated differently than a white man...thats the entire situation here, disparity in law enforcement.


IMO and the opinion of many others, if the driver is white, hes alive.


People are grasping at straws trying to give the cop the total benefit of the doubt...but what about the victim? We have some pretty serious video evidence, but we are all still grasping at straws trying to believe that the guy that got shot is guilty...come on guys


Now weve got people that have lost their minds just adding a whole pile more fuel to the fire...this whole thing is tragic as hell.

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of course its hard to tell, but lets be honest here...when was the last time that a police officer pulled you over with your family and suspected the worst when you went to grab your license and registration. This simply does not happen to white people. The fact of the matter of the guy getting killed in his front seat is that the cop shot him for no reason at all. You and I and everyone in the world knows that buddy wasnt reaching for his gun to shoot the cop with his baby in the back seat. Lets get serious here. You are close to implying that the police have the right to shoot people if they feel that there is a potential threat, regardless of the fact that there is one or not. Thats a really slippery slope.


The big problem in the States is that there are so many officers being shot at that they are very Leary when ever they pull some one over.

They are on edge and in fear for their own lives in a lot of places. I can say if I was a cop down there I would be no different.


The problem in this case is the gentleman said he had a CC permit and was reaching.

What he should have done if this was actually the case is kept his hands on the wheel and told the officer where the firearm was so the officer could take control of it while dealing with the individual. And then returning it when done.

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The big problem in the States is that there are so many officers being shot at that they are very Leary when ever they pull some one over.

They are on edge and in fear for their own lives in a lot of places. I can say if I was a cop down there I would be no different.


imagine living in this environment...change is neccesary

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i am not giving anyone the benefit of the doubt

I say every time ,innocent till proven guilty

and that I do not have enough facts to give an opinion on where I believe they are guilty or not


and hence, we will see, that an innocent man is unnecessarily dead because he was guilty until proven innocent.


Theres plenty of evidence and facts here to show logically what happened.


- We have a man driving being pulled over for a basic traffic violation.

- The man is not a felon, nor a criminal because he works in a school with kids.

- The man is with his family including a young child in the vehicle

- The man has informed the officer that he is armed

- We have a video of a damn good witness (sitting in the seat next to the victim) making a clear statement of what happened

- The witness feels compelled to take video of the situation because she wants to make it very clear that there was malice on the part of the victim

- The cop is clearly distraight at what he has just done


Those are the facts


yet somehow we are still trying to say that we are "on the fence" as to the victims guilt? Thats a bit of a stretch by any length. The only argument to the contrary is that "he was probably reaching for his gun to shoot the cop" like seriously?! The only reason a cop should be shooting someone is if they are being shot at themselves or their lives are in jeopardy in some way. I think its a very very very long stretch to say that this was the scenario.

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Like most of this nature, this thread has nowhere to go but down the proverbial toilet. Like most of us I have very strong opinions that differ greatly from some of my friends both Canadian and American. Although it is a very sad state of affairs, this is really not the forum for those opinions. Just sayin'.........

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The big problem in the States is that there are so many officers being shot at that they are very Leary when ever they pull some one over.

They are on edge and in fear for their own lives in a lot of places. I can say if I was a cop down there I would be no different.


The problem in this case is the gentleman said he had a CC permit and was reaching.

What he should have done if this was actually the case is kept his hands on the wheel and told the officer where the firearm was so the officer could take control of it while dealing with the individual. And then returning it when done.

I'm going with this...when a cop in the USofA tells you to do something, you do it or risk getting shot.


Everybody there carries a gun the same as the cops so that is what they are up against every day...don't push them just because you have rights.

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This thread has morphed into a discussion of the police shootings this week. I thought it was about the 5 Cops being murdered in Dallas last night. CNN showed a photo taken by a citizen from up north, Ohio I think, and sent to authorities of a man with a camo shirt on, black cargo shorts and sneakers walking amongst the protesters. The reason the pic was taken was he had an AR type weapon slung over his shoulder amongst the crowd and no one, not a single person seemed to take note other than this guy from up north and 1 other that texted his photo to Police. Texas has an open carry policy and I guess that includes openly carrying an assault rifle in a public place with a massive Police presence. The man turned himself in after his face was shown on TV across the world. He had nothing to do with the shooting. I think this open display of an assault weapon during a protest is common place in Texas because not even the Police, and there were 100's of them, took notice. Strange is all I can say and I don't get it and can't believe a guy can walk around with a rifle strapped to his shoulder and no one took notice.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,"

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Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,"


Multiracial African Americans, make up 14% of the total U.S. population.

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Many of these people have already had criminal backgrounds and are known to the police

They know what they also may have on their person well before the police approach them

If u are caught obey the police commands don't resist arrest and continue to fight with the officers

This applies to any human race

Then let the courts determine if the charges are upheld.

I dare say that u will see non blacks of any other race protest coast to coast in support of the officers shot and killed

As stated the majority of these people have already had run in with the law

When they are caught and fight with the police. They have reasons for their actions to get away from the police because they don't want to go to jail again and sadly they are willing to injure or kill a cop to maintain their freedom in crime

They always blame the officer but they should grow up and blame themselves for being in the wrong in the first place

Prayers to all affected


As I understand it the majority of the officers killed were running toward the shooter to try to apprehend him in order to protect all the citizens from harm

Edited by mr blizzard
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i cant say if the cops did right or wrong

I cant tell if the guy was reaching for his gun while the cop was on top, if he wasn't then yes it may be murder

if he was then, they may have feared for their lives and i have no problem with them shooting him

the guy in the car i only saw him bleeding out and his girl friend making a video after the fact..who changed details a few times...so I have no idea what really happened........so how can one judge




The big problem in the States is that there are so many officers being shot at that they are very Leary when ever they pull some one over.

They are on edge and in fear for their own lives in a lot of places. I can say if I was a cop down there I would be no different.


The problem in this case is the gentleman said he had a CC permit and was reaching.

What he should have done if this was actually the case is kept his hands on the wheel and told the officer where the firearm was so the officer could take control of it while dealing with the individual. And then returning it when done.



Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,"



Many of these people have already had criminal backgrounds and are known to the police


They know what they also may have on their person well before the police approach them


If u are caught obey the police commands don't resist arrest and continue to fight with the officers


This applies to any human race


Then let the courts determine if the charges are upheld.


I dare say that u will see non blacks of any other race protest coast to coast in support of the officers shot and killed


As stated the majority of these people have already had run in with the law


When they are caught and fight with the police. They have reasons for their actions to get away from the police because they don't want to go to jail again and sadly they are willing to injure or kill a cop to maintain their freedom in crime


They always blame the officer but they should grow up and blame themselves for being in the wrong in the first place


Prayers to all affected


As I understand it the majority of the officers killed were running toward the shooter to try to apprehend him in order to protect all the citizens from harm


Agreed. I'd like to see the facts (as opposed to what has been reported by the media) before passing judgement. The victim's g/f filming and narrating the post that was on Facebook I see as one side to the story.


Speaking of the media, "funny" how some things are reported and some aren't: http://fox2now.com/2016/07/08/report-officer-shot-in-ballwin-manhunt-underway/


Where is Obama's media release on this? Where is BLM? Seems even some of the Governors have jumped on the bandwagon, one stated that the driver wouldn't be dead if he were white.


I pray for our American friends, a sad week indeed.

Edited by Spanky
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Let me point out a few things - I would suggest you search Police Brutality You Tube and view the thousands of instances where cops use excessive force and kill people - then you will get a picture of the deteriorating relationship between cops and the citizenry in the US - for years cops have gotten away with mistreating citizens but now because people are filming their encounters with police we see what is really happening - people are getting fed up with the way cops run rough shot over the people - they don't respect people's constitutional rights - they lie and when caught doing something illegal they file false reports - sure there are so-called good cops but all to often they just stand by and do nothing to stop a rough cop


I knew that something like Dallas would happen - cops need to act as servants and not like a bunch of SS bullies

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