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Texting and talking while driving - Solution? NF


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You want the government to force a private manufacturer to design a specific and different phone/operating system, contrary to their profitably, because a relatively small market said to? Keep in mind this is a provincial area of responsibility. You're saying you'd let Kathleen put software on your phone to track your location and movement? I'd never stand for that. It's Draconian, it won't ever happen. Apple could appeal to the WTO and would win. Apple could just stop selling phones in Ontario until the uproar topples the government.


Would you also support a requirement that all computers in Ontario have to have a back door for government to check if you're pirating? What about software that ensures I don't use key words like bomb, and reports me to CSIS if I do?


Asking for big gov to intrude further on our lives is never a solution to anything imo.

This is one area where I believe its beneficial over the outcome.


You are totally in my mind set, we think the same way.


Read all the posts dutch. You will likely see where I am coming from(might not agree with it)


I mentioned police state, along with that comes draconian laws, and thats why Ive mentioned alot of different factors.


This is one area where manufactures could make a SUBSTANTIAL difference without violating personal and privacy laws(to a degree, for the greater good)


Lets face it, it is not our right to take a human life. So if we can eliminate that in one particular area, why not?


But this is an isolated case. I believe this to be very beneficial.


But it shouldnt or cannot translate into legislation with other areas that have differencials involved ie huntin, fishing, etc


Imo, this is one area government could legislate a positive bill that harms nobody, but saves alot of bodies.


At no cost be it. Its simple. Any tech manufacturer could do this at little to no cost.

Edited by manitoubass2
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You want the government to force a private manufacturer to design a specific and different phone/operating system, c


It's done all the time.

The cars sold in Canada are different than the ones sold in the US.

These differences are mandated by the govt.


There are plenty of other examples of products that have different requirements in order to be sold in Canada.

Electrical devices and parts for example need to be CSA certified or they can't be sold in Canada.

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Imo, this is one area government could legislate a positive bill that harms nobody, but saves alot of bodies.




I seem to remember back in my youth the government legislated the use of seat belts.

At the time not all vehicles had them.

New vehicles were required to have seat belts in them in order to be sold in Canada. ;)

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I seem to remember back in my youth the government legislated the use of seat belts.

At the time not all vehicles had them.

New vehicles were required to have seat belts in them in order to be sold in Canada. ;)

This isn't the same. You're trying to force a communications manufacturer to solve a problem caused by users of another product (cars). Using your seatbelt example they would have to legislate cell blocking technology for the drivers area onto the car manufacturers.


Manufacturers in the USA fought vigorously, along with the people, against the Clipper chip technology. And they won.


Use the tools in the Highway Traffic Act. If they're not strong enough make them stronger. But let's not invite government even just a little into areas that have the potential to invade our privacy.

Edited by Dutch01
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I seem to remember back in my youth the government legislated the use of seat belts.

At the time not all vehicles had them.

New vehicles were required to have seat belts in them in order to be sold in Canada. ;)

For sure! But that an example and unfortunately not the standard.


That is common friggen sense and a miracle the government got it right.


For every positive they do its like 1000 negatives lol(thats me chatting not any real data)

Edited by manitoubass2
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That's why I have location services turned off, and decline to download apps like that.


You're taking about something where I don't have freedom of choice.


Should we use the government to mandate: coffee cups that can't be opened while driving, make up that can't be applied, newspapers that can't be read, etc? I see people doing these things every day commuting. I also see collisions almost every day, and not all of them were texting. There are enough horrible drivers we should be getting off the road altogether before I'm buying a phone that's a government mole ?

Edited by Dutch01
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That's why I have location services turned off, and decline to download apps like that.


You're taking about something where I don't have freedom of choice.


Should we use the government to mandate: coffee cups that can't be opened while driving, make up that can't be applied, newspapers that can't be read, etc? I see people doing these things every day commuting. I also see collisions almost every day, and not all of them were texting. There are enough horrible drivers we should be getting off the road altogether before I'm buying a phone that's a government mole ?

If it applies to global warming?????? Edited by manitoubass2
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It doesnt have to be a "government mole".


It could be a corporation doing the right thing.


For once...


Market it correctly and force all others to follow suit.


Its plausable...


But without legislation youde get the companies marketing outside the box.


Maybe I should just be a good sheep and give up?


Progress is for the ill minded???

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I think we have too many stupid laws, but maybe the drivers cell phone has to be in the glove box when the vehicle is moving, bluetooth still works, passengers can text on their phones, driver can grab it in an emergency, cops can see drivers leaning over to put it in the glove box when pulled over


put your phone in the glove box, put on your seat belt, start the car and go

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I've called 911 when following a drunk on more than one occasion.

Same here and ironically the 911 operator asked if they could call me back if needed and I said "sure but I'm still driving and on my hands free so your call I guess". I knew the person was not 100% sober as I walked out of the bank they walked out of the beer store right beside and swearing and so forth under their breath about not able to get more beer. I watched him open a beer from a cooler in the back seat and pour it into a "portable coffee cup" have a sip and drive off. If the beer store will not serve you and then you open a beer and drive off, one would assume I made the right call there...


Back to the idea. The OS for the phone company is a valid idea but then they would have to sell "Ontario" ready phones. This means the GPS is on 24/7 and this will reduce battery life thus not a happy user. The set "speed" would have to be around 25 to 30 MPH and have different settings. Example: Your phone will not work in a moving 'car' unless you pick the proper setting and will only have access to hands free in the car. Setting 2: boat travel, able to talk and or text. Setting 3: Passenger in 'car' talk and text can work. BUT WE ALL KNOW that MOST of the people will use setting 3 all day every day. Sad but true...


If I'm driving places other than to work and back (only around 3KM) my hands free is ON so I can take calls only. I set up different sounds for different things (email vs text vs BBM msg from my kids). So if I hear it's a BBM from my kids then I pull over and check it out. All others now wait OR I have the passenger reply for me.

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Police are also trained to use lethal force if and when necessary......think about it!

Using a hand held device while driving has been proven to increase your likelihood of an accident. Some of us ( I guess you) just don't get it!

Thankfully you are not driving in my town.............

Didn't know.the phone was part of lethal training geeze.

Don't get it over 1m k of commuting no accidents.

Law stupid will continue to talk on phone

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What if I like to use my phone while riding a bicycle, in a boat, on a bus or on a train? They all go over 5mph....


Any movement at all, I've had more issues with texting pedestrians stepping off a curb without looking more than any drivers.


edit: other day I got clipped in the heel by a texting shopper pushing a cart at Food Basics.

Edited by dave524
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Not directly, but it opens the flood gates in other legalities in the big picture.


We all know this. Take one thing, move on to the next.


It never goes backwards with government, ever.

Flood gates....oh my! Police state...lock up your women and children!


It's a slippery slope spiraling downwards to hole that you can never get out of...in the end there's the end. 400,000 years ago some caveman came up with a law not to kill...and now we have Wynee!!! Slippery slope my friends. slippery slope!!! Freedom now MB2 FREEDOM NOW!!

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Very interesting thread.

Before cell phones if we wanted to call someone, we had to stop at a phone booth. Following the law, if we want to call or text, we're suppose to stop to do so. My solution would be that all vehicles have a blocking device; that if the vehicle is in drive, there is no cell communications. Any in coming text or call, the blocking device would put out some form of chime alerting you; pull over and see what it about. With the electronics in today's vehicles; it wouldn't be very hard to do and at a minimal cost. Older vehicles would be grandfathered, until they were sold and as part of the safety inspection the blocking device would need to be installed to pass the inspection.

If the device was found to be tampered with; the police would pull the plates off the vehicle; as they can do now with an unsafe vehicle.

It would also be very easy for the police to check. On a routine stop ask the occupants for a cell number; if the call goes through, you just lost the plates and you're going home in a tow truck and the vehicle to a garage to be safety checked.



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Didn't know.the phone was part of lethal training geeze.

Don't get it over 1m k of commuting no accidents.

Law stupid will continue to talk on phone

LOL...I was using that as an example in response to your request for "police training" on handheld devices....

Unfortunately, like you, some don't get it until they injure or kill someone due to selfish stupidity.......it's not the law

that is stupid, take a long look in the mirror, hopefully not while you are driving!

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Legislate the phone manufacturers to incorporate into their OS' a system that looks at the phones GPS and when the GPS hits 5 MPH the phone is disabled for everything except 911 calls.

Very simple to do at the operating system level.

Some merit to this, but, that will only increase the value of the millions of smart phones out there as it will be impossible to retrofit every phone in everyones hand...there will very quickly become a black market for older and cracked phones. Of course Apple a fiercely protective US company and Samsung of Korea will not cater to the Canadian market or agree to limit the freedom of their customer.


There is not a simple answer to the problem. Again, it's not a perfect solution but heavy fines and demerits would cause SOME of the idiots to think twice or start walking.....

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Flood gates....oh my! Police state...lock up your women and children!


It's a slippery slope spiraling downwards to hole that you can never get out of...in the end there's the end. 400,000 years ago some caveman came up with a law not to kill...and now we have Wynee!!! Slippery slope my friends. slippery slope!!! Freedom now MB2 FREEDOM NOW!!


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Some merit to this, but, that will only increase the value of the millions of smart phones out there as it will be impossible to retrofit every phone in everyones hand...there will very quickly become a black market for older and cracked phones. Of course Apple a fiercely protective US company and Samsung of Korea will not cater to the Canadian market or agree to limit the freedom of their customer.


There is not a simple answer to the problem. Again, it's not a perfect solution but heavy fines and demerits would cause SOME of the idiots to think twice or start walking.....

Look what dan posted. Perhaps his idea is a more valid approach

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Wow, I didn't think that this thread would take off like this! One thing I think some of us need to consider is our location in the province. Those of us here in the GTA are dealing with millions of drivers on the road, every day. That's a whole lot different than what folks living in small towns or rural areas experience.

Ernie says go ahead and catch me and likely, he's not ever going to be "caught" and is likely not the problem driver we are talking about. We have traffic like L.A. here in Toronto. It would be the exception to travel any length of time in the city and NOT see some tool on the phone. Too many times I have had to avoid a situation at highway speeds caused by a distracted driver.

MB, I definitely see your point and others regarding privacy, but like drunk driving, you give up your rights when you put others in jeopardy with your actions.


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There are laws against distracted driving now, same as there are laws against murder.

People still do it...you will never stop it all...I would be very afraid of a government intent on eradicating all crime

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