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I went with Minnkota


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I mentioned a few days ago that I fried my bowmount last week so I needed a new one and decided to give Minnkota a try, even though I've been a diehard Motorguide fan for many years, but figured I'd give the competition a try.


I've never been a bells & whistle kinda person and just wanted a basic unit, so I went with a Minnkota Edge 55 with a 52 inch shaft.


I haven't shopped at Lebarons for a couple years because of their attitude but thought I'd give them a try and was very pleasantely surprised by the way things are up there now, infact they couldn't have been friendlier or more helpful if they'd tried.


I'd planned on going to BPS but their price was $30 more for the same unit and they refused to match LeB's so I said to heck with them.


Anyways, I left the store at noon yesterday and headed straight up to the trailer, hauled the boat outta the water and had the new unit installed in only 2 hours, then re-installed the front depth finder, then took it for a test drive and was very pleased with the performance of the new motor. Very smooth and quiet and I think I'm gonna be very happy with it.


I have a custom cover on my boat that was designed to completely cover the old bowmount and was very happy to find that it covers the new one perfectly so I don't need to have any adjustments done to it.


I left the lake at 5:00 this morning for home and now I can start getting my gear together for the upcoming Lakair trip with with another problem outta the way :Gonefishing:




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I've got a Motorguide as it came with the boat. It's alright and gets the job done but my next one will be a Minnkota. I have found them to be a great motor in the past, still got my first one. My buddies that have had problems with the Motorguides in the past did switch to Minnkota and have been very happy. Good choice Lew. Great shots of the eagles BTW!

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I'm surprised to hear BPS would not price match. I'm not surprised they were more expensive.


A month ago I was shopping for a new transducer and powercord and bought at BPS. Their online prices(USD) were comparable to LeBarons once I did the price conversion. Their shelf prices at the store in Vaughan however were much higher. Made the purchase and compared again to LeBarons who were about 20% cheaper.


I called BPS and they said they do price matching, I just needed a copy of the LeBaron ad. Wnet back and was credited the difference.


After spending an hour installing the transducer, I found they put the wrong transducer in the package. The product code on the packaging was correct but the transducer was for a different model. Their solution was to replace it with the correct one. I'm out an hour of my time and another hour driving. Not even an apology. They blamed it on the manufacturer (Lowrance) but the packaging appeared to have been opened and reclosed.


Guess where my business will be going from now on?


Oh and by the way.....congratulations on the Minnkota. Looks like a beauty!




Edited by huey graphite
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I know you have been a motor guide fan Lew but I think you will be very pleased with the Minnkota.


Yeah, I'm feeling the same way taper, there's been enuff good reviews on this board about Minnkota, so there must be something to them, but it'll seem strange without a Motorguide on the boat.


Heck, I may even get away from GM vehicles one of these day......


......nahhhhh, who am I kidding :w00t:

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You'll be happy with the Minnkota. I've had mine (50 LB bow mount w/cable steer) since 1998 & have never had a problem yet. Rips through the weeds without a problem & I also hit numerous logs & stumps & she's still ticking.


A buddy of mine went fishing with me last year & I let him control the boat with the Minnkota & he liked it better than the motor guide on his boat. He said it went through the weeds better.

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Excellent choice Lew. Although I'm probably biased as they are a large customer of mine............... :spam:


Darn, wish I'd known that John, I could have hit you up for a discount :whistling::thumbsup_anim:

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One disadvantage of the MK is the slow start feature. Even with the power cranked to the max, it spools up and keeps things smooth. That instant 100% power was great on the motorguides for when your fishing buddy was outfishing you and you needed to pull a crazy Ivan to drop him in the drink. :)


I've owned 2 MGs, both nothing but trouble and 5 trouble free MKs so I can't say anything but positives about them.



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