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Selling Legal Pot In L.C.B.O. Makes Alot Of Sense. Premier Says. NF


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Set me straight. I was led to believe that you are or where allowed at on time in Ontario a property owner could grow a small number of Pot plants for personal use. The pot can not leave the property other than in someones blood system.




What irks me is I see a young strapping 21 year old that doesn't have a job (there ain't no jobs) , sleeps until noon (cause I have a sleep disorder) and plays video games (helps put me to sleep) until all hours of the morning puff on his Medical pot as soon as he gets out of bed. " My Dr. says I need it". More than a few kids of friends actually.

You cannot grow marijuana without a license.


And in my experience the medical system is slowly getting rid of that method.


I was just in with my dr. Last week and we had a great talk about medical marijuana.


Shes an awesome dr(which can be rare with general practitioners).


Anyhow she was talking about my use. See they offer so much its kinda silly. I can legally obtain 2 oz per month.


There is no way I can smoke that.


She asked how it was going and I said good. She asked how much I was using and I said about a gram every 2-3 weeks. She says yeah I can see that from your orders.


She asked why? I said thats all I need to see the benefits. Im not smoking to get high, im smoking to relieve my symptoms.


Anyhow that led to her telling me although shes pro marijuana use, shes held off on prescription use quite abit.


I asked why? She says there is a huge influx in the 18-23 year old range trying to get prescriptions. Told her i wasnt surprised.


I said thats too bad people are trying to abuse the system, and she agreed.


I asked her about how she knows when someone could benefit from use, or when shes being taken for?


Well she says some are obvious, terminally ill or people in debilitating pain which is obvious. Then others I started suggesting counselling and workshops before I would even consider it.


I asked how that worked? She said amazing laughing. Pot heads trying to abuse the system dont wanna do 6 weeks of counselling to get pot, and it weeds out (pun intended) those people.


Anyhow im rambling

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  • 4 weeks later...


grow-your-own-weed-300x300.jpg‘Big Marijuana’ is like the boogeyman in the marijuana world right now. Marijuana opponents warn of the imminent demise of American society due to the threat of big marijuana. Those claims are nothing more than scare mongering. Many people in the marijuana movement and industry fear a corporate takeover of marijuana, and those fears are well founded in my opinion. Travel guru Rick Steves has some stellar advice to combat the corporate takeover of marijuana – grow your own.

Rick Steves offered up that advice in an interview he did with KUOW a few weeks back. The comments came as Rick Steves was discussing the need for Washington State to add a home cultivation provision to its marijuana legalization law. As it stands right now, Washington is the only state to legalize marijuana but yet not allow home cultivation. Per KUOW:

I personally have no plans to purchase corporate marijuana. That’s not to say that I outright oppose corporate marijuana, I just think that marijuana grown by smaller growers tends to be better because the plants get more attention, and I always root for and support the ‘little guy.’ I don’t grow right now, but I intend to do so this next grow season either at my house or at a family members. The right to grow marijuana at home is something that every state needs to include in its legalization reforms. Washington’s initiative should serve as a lesson to all other states that follow.

Rick Steves doesn’t think Big Marijuana should control your pot. That’s one reason people in Washington state should be able to grow their own weed, Steves told KUOW’s Jeannie Yandel.

“I don’t want marijuana to go the route of tobacco and have Joe Camel and Big Tobacco and Big Marijuana” dominate the industry, Steves said. “If there’s money to be made, it’s going to attract big corporate interests and they’re going to have the clout. I like the idea of having home grow because it gives people an option to having to buy something from a giant organization. They can just have a few plants on the window sill, and it’s not a big deal.”

The host of Travels With Rick Steves was a big supporter of the state’s original marijuana initiative, I-502, which passed in 2012 and took effect last year. Now he supports a proposal to allow people to grow six of their own marijuana plants. It could be considered next year in the state Legislature.


Have a friend with Stage 4 cancer. She was gifted some Tim Simpson oil but refused(unfortunately) and gave it to me a year or so ago. Digested the rice size recommended and it provided relief. Not a cure for my SPMS and severe back pain(surgery didn't relieve)). It really helped way more than the 2 Percoset a day my doctor prescribed.

Talked to the doctors i have and they agreed that it is effective but called it a "grey area" and wouldn't know how to prescribe. Would be good if medical community could get it to those who really need. All these oxycocet, oxycodone pills are abused by kids big time anyways.

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If they legalized weed years ago, the opiate addiction, and the line ups at the methadone clinics would be next to nil, and crime would go down, as weed is not addictive IMO but opiates are very addictive, but doctors get huge kickbacks from pharmacutical companies so they likely would still push percs just for their personal benefits, the same way they pushed Oxy's,

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If they legalized weed years ago, the opiate addiction, and the line ups at the methadone clinics would be next to nil, and crime would go down, as weed is not addictive IMO but opiates are very addictive, but doctors get huge kickbacks from pharmacutical companies so they likely would still push percs just for their personal benefits, the same way they pushed Oxy's,

Oh they still push oxys around here, even the dentists


Now its fentynl( even worse)

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Oh they still push oxys around here, even the dentists


Now its fentynl( even worse)



Fentanyl is brutal, and has caused many over dose deaths all over North America, and right in our own back yards, the numbers if it was published would be staggering, as most communities do not want that kind of bad publicity to be known, as it does not make for a community usually with high crime rates etc where people feel safe raising there families would want to settle. Ive seen first hand what Fentanyl can do, finding a guy naked twitching with 2 patches stuck to each shoulder, paramedics came ripped the patches off, said its just another Fentanyl overdose, and the guy spent a week in the hospital in induced coma, but did pull through this time.

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Fentanyl is brutal, and has caused many over dose deaths all over North America, and right in our own back yards, the numbers if it was published would be staggering, as most communities do not want that kind of bad publicity to be known, as it does not make for a community usually with high crime rates etc where people feel safe raising there families would want to settle. Ive seen first hand what Fentanyl can do, finding a guy naked twitching with 2 patches stuck to each shoulder, paramedics came ripped the patches off, said its just another Fentanyl overdose, and the guy spent a week in the hospital in induced coma, but did pull through this time.

I have no idea how drs are prescibing this stuff for little backaches, tooth pain etc.


It should be reserved for massive trauma, late stage cancer pain etc.


My neighbor is addicted to that stuff, says its for fibromyalgia, yeah ok.


Shes got a 3 year old that still breast feeds and is addicted as well(that poor child).


I was reading a chart in the drs office and they had a list on the wall comparing opiate strength. If I remember correctly, on a mg vrs mg basis, fenanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine. I might even be wrong, it could be 1000 times more potent

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I have no idea how drs are prescibing this stuff for little backaches, tooth pain etc.


It should be reserved for massive trauma, late stage cancer pain etc.


My neighbor is addicted to that stuff, says its for fibromyalgia, yeah ok.


Shes got a 3 year old that still breast feeds and is addicted as well(that poor child).


I was reading a chart in the drs office and they had a list on the wall comparing opiate strength. If I remember correctly, on a mg vrs mg basis, fenanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine. I might even be wrong, it could be 1000 times more potent



somewhere in that ballpark.


Was watching drugs Inc about 3 weeks ago and they were talking about the baltimore heroine trade. The dealers there dip a few yams (small pack of heroine) in fentanyl to ensure that a few people overdose with the batch.


What happens is that the junkies hear that a particular batch has caused an overdose and it makes them all go out hunting for that particular brand (typically stamped with a small logo)


If a tiny bit of the stuff can make a hardcore junkie die, you know its gotta be completely insane.


a breastfeeding three year old....its sad when you see a kid like that that literally has no hope at all...so so sad.

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somewhere in that ballpark.


Was watching drugs Inc about 3 weeks ago and they were talking about the baltimore heroine trade. The dealers there dip a few yams (small pack of heroine) in fentanyl to ensure that a few people overdose with the batch.


What happens is that the junkies hear that a particular batch has caused an overdose and it makes them all go out hunting for that particular brand (typically stamped with a small logo)


If a tiny bit of the stuff can make a hardcore junkie die, you know its gotta be completely insane.


a breastfeeding three year old....its sad when you see a kid like that that literally has no hope at all...so so sad.



And yeah you know that kids addicted because all she does is scream cry if shes not on the boob, shes getting high on milk.


The father takes her precription too and it must make you like a superhero cause the guy works like an 1800s farmer in the yard, and hes like 14olbs soak n wet.


Here is the question(s)


Why does she have her kids still? Thats abuse on a very serious level


And how did any dr in their right mind allow her to be on fentanyl through a pregnancy?


When we had our newborn on the 5th, the dr asked if my wife wanted a shot of fentanyl. Are you kidding me we are 5 minutes away from baby being born and it says right in our birth plan for a natural birth if possible.


My wife looks at me and asks what it is? Nothing you wanna take right now lol.


Its so irresponsible I cant even wrap my head around it???


I mean you need a good latch to get the dr to release you, and my wife wanted out the same day if possible. Just that one shot woulda set us back a day, and when baby got a good latch hes getting high?



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If there is a law for legal weed it's not really legal is it? Go totally unregulated and make regs if and when necessary. Classed as a food or drug it might be difficult to keep the price high and tax if the real goal is to capitalize not legalize. You might need a law to keep guys from selling wild hemp but even then buyer beware.

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Someone asked about growing a small amount of weed in the yard..You can and you cant...A few years back Harper and his follies made a law that makes 5 or more plants mandatory jail time..4 or under would lead me to believe it would be a slap on the wrist..The Judges don't want these "offenders" in their court rooms anymore. For the nay Sayers that don't understand its not about getting high (for some it is) most don't want it for that reason..I speak to many people about this and majority (even non pot smokers) agree that the Tax revenue and the savings on policing , courts and jail system alone would be massive money back into the system.

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it was 6 plants=6 months minimum,5 or less was no gaurantee,but last year a supreme court judge ruled against that saying it was unconstitutional..


tomorrow at 9am pst a supreme court judge will hand down a decision whether grandfathered mmar patients can keep growing or shut down


i grow for a parkinsons patient and a cancer patient and might have to stop providing their meds that give them a much higher quality of life....it will break my heart to do so.....but the law is the law

Why is it not being provided through healthcare? Or is it?


Every dr around here is writing prescriptions like crazy as long as you go through proper protocols(and they dont allow you to grow, its a mail order thing)


Drs are even providing notes trying to exclude drug testing employers from testing legit Rx ers.


Be intersting to see what happens thats for sure!

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darkwater, as someone who has a seizure disorder, and could easily get his green card, I thank you whole heatedly for what you are doing.


I would only get my green card if my employer decided to start drug testing..but considering my last seizure was in the office, I don't foresee my company having the balls to do that.

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i charge just what it costs to grow to patients,which is like a buck a gram,dispenseries charge $8-$15 a gram,many in need patients cannot afford that..and health insurance doesnt cover,or ohip,so they have to go back to rx drugs which can have devastating side effects

Wow, our cost is way lower than that!


And like steve said, great job helping out!!!!

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it was 6 plants=6 months minimum,5 or less was no gaurantee,but last year a supreme court judge ruled against that saying it was unconstitutional..


tomorrow at 9am pst a supreme court judge will hand down a decision whether grandfathered mmar patients can keep growing or shut down


i grow for a parkinsons patient and a cancer patient and might have to stop providing their meds that give them a much higher quality of life....it will break my heart to do so.....but the law is the law

I said that a while back here and someone said no. I thought so because my good law abiding tax paying civilian friend does and she thinks nothing of it. 5 plants I think. I tried a few babies a few times but the brisk winds blow the buds off.


As for the conversation I think the first step is to decriminalize it then take the step to legalize it. To get busted for a roach and then not to be able to cross the border is medieval.


I wonder what can happen for all those that were busted for a small amount in the past if it is legalized. I would like to see anything but trafficking be expunged from the record. I have a pal that was busted for a joint over 30 years ago and after paying the $1500.00 to the US to review his record he was denied and he can't visit his own sister in the US. We have to wonder if having the same name as a notorious mobster here has anything to do with it?

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