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A rant (sorry) I don't have many but this just got to me


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So I'm walking Ralphie, one of our usual routes, down a street which leads to a community centre that has a parking lot that a school shares. There is a sidewalk. I never go into the school yard, just stick to the sidewalk, then to the baseball park and down the path. Been doing it for 4 years now.


Today, which apparently was "kids get out of school time" this woman comes up to me, a teacher I'm assuming, says "Excuse me, we don't allow dogs on our property, and especially at this time." I said, I'm on the sidewalk and just walking to the park. She told me to leave now. I thought what nerve. How is it "her" property. Do I not pay school taxes etc.???


I left so angry I'm still fuming.


Okay, rant over.

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How's Ralphie doing now Joey, the eyesight still holding up ??



He's great Lew, thanks for asking. Took him for a follow up eye exam and the pupils are dialating like they should be. He is seeing just like normal. I'm so happy :)

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He's great Lew, thanks for asking. Took him for a follow up eye exam and the pupils are dialating like they should be. He is seeing just like normal. I'm so happy :)


That's such great news Joey considering only a couple weeks back they said his sight was gone for good.


Really happy for the little guy and looking forward to seeing him again in June.

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He's great Lew, thanks for asking. Took him for a follow up eye exam and the pupils are dialating like they should be. He is seeing just like normal. I'm so happy :)


Im happy to hear this, but thought it was uncureable? If they can fix me,they can fix anything.


Still say you should of dropped her and kept walking. LOL

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Im happy to hear this, but thought it was uncureable? If they can fix me,they can fix anything.


Still say you should of dropped her and kept walking. LOL


Actually, the vet apologized and said "sorry, wrong diagnosis." I may drop her, except I've taken my animals to her for the last 30 years. I guess 1 wrong diagnosis may not be a reason to be hasty in dropping a vet you have trusted for years. He had an ear infection that pushed on his optical nerve. After 3 weeks of ear drops, his eyesight came back. I'm just to happy about it I have to thank the Lord!

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Actually, the vet apologized and said "sorry, wrong diagnosis." I may drop her, except I've taken my animals to her for the last 30 years. I guess 1 wrong diagnosis may not be a reason to be hasty in dropping a vet you have trusted for years. He had an ear infection that pushed on his optical nerve. After 3 weeks of ear drops, his eyesight came back. I'm just to happy about it I have to thank the Lord!



Thats something like Giz here J. We paid big$ for meds for him for what we were told was kennel cough. Each time she would press on his thoat, he would gag. After a few days of watching him, we found him biteing at the dresser and eating the wood. Had a camera put down and yup, sliver of the wood in his throat. Stupid dog .


Giz is still giz here. He barks and dances around til we pay attention to him. He really likes dry roasted peanuts. Not too many though. I need my fill..LOL

Edited by Brian B
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He's great Lew, thanks for asking. Took him for a follow up eye exam and the pupils are dialating like they should be. He is seeing just like normal. I'm so happy :)


That is wonderful news, so glad to hear it :clapping:

You should of dropped her J and just kept walking.

You have way too much class for that! How about just walking by their again when the kids are getting out and if she tells you to leave again, give her one of your big beautiful smiles (you can throw in the one finger salute too if it makes you feel better :whistling: ) and tell her to call the cops then just keep walking!

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