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A rant (sorry) I don't have many but this just got to me


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Not you Joey but there is many inconsiderate people who think that the local school yard is their dogs personal place to have their daily dump !!! Ya right where hundreds of kids play and win a kid falls in it they have to usually be sent home parents called and many times one of them must come home from work to get their kid !!!!!! It happens fairly often !!!! I know you would not do that at all but many do and they might be having a problem like that at that school but yes she obviously seen you on the sidewalk not on the school yard !!!! But yes she overreacted for sure !!! Glad ralphie is better !!!! Don't let it bother you too much Shawn

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Many people who work in an environment, where they have authority over others (like a teacher's over their students); forget that this authority ends with their students. They are so use to being in charge and obeyed without question; that they take this mentality with them everywhere, thinking they can order others about.

This person who confronted you Joey, needs a reality check and you may be the person to give it to her!

Something like a simple question; "who in the hell do you think you are, ordering me about" should be enough to clue her in?


Good news about Ralphie



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I'm not really clear on where you were Joey, but I can tell you that within the Toronto board, dogs are not allowed on school property, ever! Too many people as mentioned above, use school yards to walk their dogs and as we all know, not everyone is a "good dog owner". It's yet another example of the few messing it up for the many.

If you were on school property, than the person who confronted you legally has the right ask you to leave. Even if you were cutting through to get to public property, you can be asked to leave.

I hope this helps?


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