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An open letter to Justin

Big Cliff

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Once cannabis is legalized not much will change in our society. The sun will still come up every day, we will go to work to provide for our families etc. Maybe our society will become a more friendlier happy society than it is now. The notion that I hear from a lot of people is they don't want society walking around stoned out of their minds. That is such crapola. They legalized gay marriage years ago and none of my fishing buddies have turned gay because its now legal for gays to marry. If heroin was legal would you start doing heroin?


Its all about freedom of choice, and as far as gateway drugs go I would have to say alcohol is holding the number 1 spot and always has.

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Once cannabis is legalized not much will change in our society. The sun will still come up every day, we will go to work to provide for our families etc. Maybe our society will become a more friendlier happy society than it is now. The notion that I hear from a lot of people is they don't want society walking around stoned out of their minds. That is such crapola. They legalized gay marriage years ago and none of my fishing buddies have turned gay because its now legal for gays to marry. If heroin was legal would you start doing heroin?


Its all about freedom of choice, and as far as gateway drugs go I would have to say alcohol is holding the number 1 spot and always has.

Thank you!

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Once cannabis is legalized not much will change in our society. The sun will still come up every day, we will go to work to provide for our families etc. Maybe our society will become a more friendlier happy society than it is now. The notion that I hear from a lot of people is they don't want society walking around stoned out of their minds. That is such crapola. They legalized gay marriage years ago and none of my fishing buddies have turned gay because its now legal for gays to marry. If heroin was legal would you start doing heroin?


Its all about freedom of choice, and as far as gateway drugs go I would have to say alcohol is holding the number 1 spot and always has.

that kind of thinking just gets you in trouble ;)

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Please explain Cliff, please explain the problems it has caused.

Please, let us all know the real issues of Pot and the harm it causes? Don't just say someone had issues. Explain yourself .,,

That way I can try to show the error in that kind of thinking. It's been drilled into everyones mind.


the truth is coming out.


Please explain the issues at hand Sir.

I'l try and quench each thought as you go.


Fair enough ? :)

What part of this don't you understand?:


I know that pot has ruined a few lives, I know a family that have borrowed money from and stolen from almost every member of the family so they could buy their $300.00 or $400.00 a month in pot. I have seen them borrow money from friends, hock family jewlery for peanuts and never get it back, go to the food bank get what they can and sell it, send their kids to school without proper shoes or food...... all so they could buy their bag of pot. They spend anywhere from $300.00 to $400.00 a month on pot and more if they can get it.


(Most of the family won't even let them in the house any more because of the thefts. I know for a fact she pawned her grandmothers rings and other jewlery for pennies of what it was worth just so she could buy pot.


They bought a car from a family member for a very good price because someone was trying to help them get back on their feet then never paid for the car, borrowed money from her grandmother and anyone else that she could because she always had a good jerk story and never paid it back.


They moved in to a family members basement apartment because they had no jobs and no place to live, it was a beautiful two bedroom apartment and all they were suppose to do was pay utilities and help out around the place. They never paid a cent, never contributed an hour of help, caused hundreds of dollars in damages and finally had to be forced out "but they always had enough money to go buy their bag of pot!"


It has driven a wedge between other family members to the point where many of them don't even talk to each other any more. Her own father she bled dry to the point where when he passed away there was no money to bury him other than what the government paid and even then she was trying to figure out how she could score a few bucks. It was so bad that even her own brother and sister wouldn't attend the service. Go ahead and pick that apart all you want)



I know another young man, never did drink, just doesn't like the stuff, use to fish and hunt all the time, loved being out doors and always worked hard; today you can't get him off the couch, he doesn't get excited about anything unless he is down to his last bud or vial of oil and even then it is like he is in a fog. You can tell me it doesn't ruin lives but I have seen it with my own eyes but to be honest with you I have seen a lot more lives ruined from booze than from pot!


( what use to be a bright hard working bright young man with a beautiful family is now out of work more than he is in it, doesn't get to see most of the rest of the family just because he can't be bothered, his sister has stage four nonhodgkins lymphoma and is on her fifth round of chemo. He is always too busy "sitting out back smoking a joint" to even go and see her. The only time he has even seen his father in the last three years is when his father makes the effort to go and see him and then it's sit and watch him smoke up".)


You go right ahead and pick that apart all you want! I am not saying that pot should be banned, I have seen booze do a lot more damage but you can't tell me pot has never destroyed any families!


Now if that hasn't explained the issues clearly enough maybe it's time to cut back a little :whistling:

Edited by Big Cliff
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What part of this don't you understand?:


I know that pot has ruined a few lives, I know a family that have borrowed money from and stolen from almost every member of the family so they could buy their $300.00 or $400.00 a month in pot. I have seen them borrow money from friends, hock family jewlery for peanuts and never get it back, go to the food bank get what they can and sell it, send their kids to school without proper shoes or food...... all so they could buy their bag of pot. They spend anywhere from $300.00 to $400.00 a month on pot and more if they can get it.


(Most of the family won't even let them in the house any more because of the thefts. I know for a fact she pawned her grandmothers rings and other jewlery for pennies of what it was worth just so she could buy pot.


They bought a car from a family member for a very good price because someone was trying to help them get back on their feet then never paid for the car, borrowed money from her grandmother and anyone else that she could because she always had a good jerk story and never paid it back.


They moved in to a family members basement apartment because they had no jobs and no place to live, it was a beautiful two bedroom apartment and all they were suppose to do was pay utilities and help out around the place. They never paid a cent, never contributed an hour of help, caused hundreds of dollars in damages and finally had to be forced out "but they always had enough money to go buy their bag of pot!"


It has driven a wedge between other family members to the point where many of them don't even talk to each other any more. Her own father she bled dry to the point where when he passed away there was no money to bury him other than what the government paid and even then she was trying to figure out how she could score a few bucks. It was so bad that even her own brother and sister wouldn't attend the service. Go ahead and pick that apart all you want)



I know another young man, never did drink, just doesn't like the stuff, use to fish and hunt all the time, loved being out doors and always worked hard; today you can't get him off the couch, he doesn't get excited about anything unless he is down to his last bud or vial of oil and even then it is like he is in a fog. You can tell me it doesn't ruin lives but I have seen it with my own eyes but to be honest with you I have seen a lot more lives ruined from booze than from pot!


( what use to be a bright hard working bright young man with a beautiful family is now out of work more than he is in it, doesn't get to see most of the rest of the family just because he can't be bothered, his sister has stage four nonhodgkins lymphoma and is on her fifth round of chemo. He is always too busy "sitting out back smoking a joint" to even go and see her. The only time he has even seen his father in the last three years is when his father makes the effort to go and see him and then it's sit and watch him smoke up".)


You go right ahead and pick that apart all you want! I am not saying that pot should be banned, I have seen booze do a lot more damage but you can't tell me pot has never destroyed any families!


Now if that hasn't explained the issues clearly enough maybe it's time to cut back a little :whistling:

Cliff, I'm sure that took a long time to write, and I know it's your opinion so technically speaking I'm not telling you you're wrong......


First, no offense but these people you describe are losers. The world is full of them. But pot is not why they are losers. If it wasn't pot, it would be something else (another drug, food, sex, etc.).


If they were fat and dying of heart disease, while still stuffing their faces with cheeseburgers, would you be blaming beef? Would you be saying beef should be banned for everyone because *some* people can't handle it? I seriously doubt that.


I know you are just responding to a question, so I'm not singling you out specifically. I can't change attitudes by staying silence though. I want society to start holding individuals responsible for their failings. I want society to stop telling me that I have to live a certain way because someone else f*cked up.


I often hear people from older generations than mine say that the problem with society is that no one is held responsible for their actions anymore. They may well be correct. In this case, those two parents are the problem, and I shouldn't be affected as a result of their failings.

Edited by Dutch01
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Maybe a little nod for all the poor people that lost everything due to gambling addictions when the government started casinos too there Cliff.


But hey, the government makes money off it so its ok.


Pot should never have been illegal...now, the hoopla over marketing and taxing is going to be crazy.


How bout we just decriminalize it and let things ride a bit.


Kinda makes me wonder...why are they doing this...what is going on that they are keeping our attention on pot...they are up to something

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I do totally agree with you, they are loosers! In this case the choice of drugs is pot, I've smoked pot it didn't destroy my life and I know plenty of other people that do smoke pot and they do it responsibly.


I have nothing against pot or booze or even tobacco for that matter, each to their own. You want to come sit on my deck and twist one I'd have no problem with that, heck I might even share a toke with you but steal from me so you have enough money to go buy pot/booze/smokes, now that I would have a problem with.


Anyway, I understand your point but your question was "show me"! Saddly I speak from experience far too close to home.


I will say this; I would love to sit and discuss almost any topic with you be it fishing or life in general. You are always welcome here (bring your own bag) :whistling: There is always a cold beer in the fridge for those that partake! We might not always agree but we'll have a great time debating it! :clapping:

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Maybe a little nod for all the poor people that lost everything due to gambling addictions when the government started casinos too there Cliff.


But hey, the government makes money off it so its ok.


Pot should never have been illegal...now, the hoopla over marketing and taxing is going to be crazy.


How bout we just decriminalize it and let things ride a bit.


Kinda makes me wonder...why are they doing this...what is going on that they are keeping our attention on pot...they are up to something

Don't even get me going on that one my friend, have you ever noticed how many handycap parking spots there are at these casinos? Have you ever noticed how busy they are right after the welfare cheques come out? Wasn't all this money supposed to be going to supporting our medical coverage and upgrading our medical system? I guess the casinos and lotteries aren't very profitable!

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I will say this; I would love to sit and discuss almost any topic with you be it fishing or life in general. You are always welcome here (bring your own bag) :whistling: There is always a cold beer in the fridge for those that partake! We might not always agree but we'll have a great time debating it! :clapping:

Awesome sentiment and I just might take you up on that one day :D

Edited by Dutch01
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Dutch the only way your way of life will be possible is the collapse of society. Then you will have the right to do anything you want. The down side is so does everyone else. You smoke your weed and I get to shoot you because I want to exercise my right of not having weed smoked around me. The argument you propose is just not possible so to argue it is to go to hypothetical situations that have no relevants in living here and now. I have had lots of people as you call losers who are just people who are down on there luck and with a helping hand they climb back up into society. The ones that turn to drugs, alcohol, or other life numbing items will stay down in the hole. Making a drug easier and glorifying it just as we did to alcohol and tobacco will damage society. Make it a pharmaceutical regulate it, tax it and limit its availability to those that need it is fine. Your quest to educate and change attitudes is refreshing but the place you wish to lead them does not exist at this time.


PS you can fish with me too.lol



Best to you



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Wouldn't matter what the addiction Cliff, some people should have been neutered at birth as they put themselves before their kids at all cost. I know more than a few from the Ottawa Valley and I'm now watching the next two generations do exactly the same thing.


You can't blame it on pot, would be no different than them buying legal booze at $60 / jug per week x mom and dad = $480 a month.

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Boy am I old! I remember when they were $0.37 a pack and a loaf of bread was $0.05. A draft beer was $0.10 and we could put enough gas in our car for the weekend for $1.25. Mind you, I was making $0.25 an hour so it probably relates LOL.

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Addiction does that. Sucks!


Yes. Even it makes one never to talk or see each other again. Thats the horrible part of the whole thing. One can only try to help many times, then you have to step back and hope they see the light.

Edited by Brian B
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Have a good friend who has been battling cancer for last decade. Chemotherapy on and off the whole time.

A friend of hers acquired digestible cannabis oil for her thinking it would help her appetite etc...

She didn't want it so gave it to me to help my pain and disability from broken back and relapsing-progressive MS.


I too use it for the exact same thing..I have been making my own RSO (weed oil) and eating a small rice sized bit every night before bed..I have never slept so well , I have lost weight and gotten off blood pressure pills for the first time since I was 30.. im 41 now.


I have zero lifestyle changes..The only thing that has changed is the consumption of the oil..

works as a good pain killer


It did relieve pain for sure. Did the rice size bit in the morning to take edge off pain (never had sleep problem). It would make me more active and quite productive.

Kinda was equal to 3 beer sipped over 12 hr.


Would have some for 6 months go without for 6 months. No addiction but desired the relief.

Maybe i should drink sometime.



Once cannabis is legalized not much will change in our society.


Its all about freedom of choice, and as far as gateway drugs go I would have to say alcohol is holding the number 1 spot and always has.


Ya there is no such "'pot party", alcohol fuels every party since humans made it.

Alcohol is the main fuel always and that's alright.


Cannabis products work medically too i found.


As usual need moderation, discretion: like with all matters.

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Gbay-some adults choose to buy pot rather than put clothes on their kids backs or food on the table. That's an issue when you look at a family living in poverty. Kids suffer because of the choice made by their parent.


Some parents also buy fancy cell phones and big screen TV's but get food stamps and welfare from the government.

They spend their $$$ on non-essentials while their kids go without essential items.


Both these scenarios are about poor choices nothing more.

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