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New and improved gun registry? NO!


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And at that time, I donated the largest personal donation that had ever up to that point been made to the OFAH, to continue that fight. I am not a rich man but I put my money where my mouth was.



That's pretty amazing Doug...no flaming here. Edited by Beavertail
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This thread was about the CANADIAN election, and what party or parties might support or suppress private firearms ownership here. It has gone sideways more often than it has gone forward, but so be it.


I was asked why the comments from JoePA might have offended me and yes I did conclude from his handle, his tone, and his comments that this person is an American person. I may be wrong but I greatly doubt it. And I most assuredly have American friends, most of whom are ardent NRA supporters, as I WOULD BE if lived in the USA. That's not the point.


I do not like to be lectured and insulted by somebody that has no skin in the game and almost certainly has incomplete knowledge of the issue at hand, which I believe to be the case in JoePa's comments to which I did and do take offence.


In CANADA, we do not see mobs of people brandishing pitchforks and burning crosses, surging down city streets with their bedsheets wrapped on their heads, when they are unhappy about something. In CANADA we generally use peaceful means to make our opposition known, including to actions of governments. So, for example, when the government of Canada enacted Bill C-68, that is the modern firearms act, many unhappy Canadians wrote letters, button-holed their MPs, held peaceful rallies on Parliament Hill and elsewhere, challenged the legailty of the legislation, and eventually elected a government that repealed some of the more egregious aspects of C-68.


One of the main intervenors in the fight against C-68, which we took to the Supreme Court of Canada, was the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH). In my opinion at the time, this organization was most aligned with my own views and so I decided to support the OFAH fight at the SCC level. And at that time, I donated the largest personal donation that had ever up to that point been made to the OFAH, to continue that fight. I am not a rich man but I put my money where my mouth was. And yes for the nitpickers I did get a tax receipt so I recouped 20 or 30 percent of my donation at tax time. I am not aware of any other individual who put a small fortune into the war chest.


So yes I resent being told I give up my freedoms too easily, or whatever poppycock it was that was written. In CANADA we do things our way, and generally that does not involve blood in the streets. We do NOT have a Second Amendment, we do NOT have the right to bear arms as a constitutional guarantee, and we almost always work within the law to achieve our aims. In this election, as I have already stated, there is only one party that does not threaten private ownership of firearms as currently exists in Canadian Law, and that party, like them or hate them, is the Conservatives.


'Nuff said. Flame away. :ninja:



VERY well written! :worthy:

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