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Mini Rant - I'm in a mood...


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The truth of the matter is if OFC felt that someone is promoting there products and giving back nothing them we as the owners would PM or lock their account. In Mikes case if he wanted to advertise it would be most likely after a discussion between the owners be for free because of how much he puts into the board as well as the members he has helped over the ages. The revenue that we need to make updates and pay for the site usage actually comes from the 3 banners we have. People using adblocker or other programs cost us far more and in some cases we have had to put off updates till we could pay for them because of them.


The final thing is if you receive unwanted PM's you can find on the left sideof the PM near the top a button to block that person from sending you any more PM's. I also encourage people to send a PM to one of the owners/mods and we will be happy to put a stop to it on review.




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I am someone who has looked forward to reading your adventures every time I see you have posted another epic, in no small part because I dream that one day I can experience just one of these trips.

Am I jealous? Sure. Am I resentful? Not one bit.

It is obvious from the way you write, and the videos that show your unabashed joy with what you are doing, that you love to share your experiences with other anglers.

Also I have seen many reports of fly-in trips by others on this board where they mention the advice and assistance you have offered (free of charge) so that they can have a great experience. Those are not the actions of someone whose aim is self-promotion.

This board would not be as good as it is now without these wonderful reports of yours that offer many of us a glimpse into something we may never get to experience.

Ignore those who, for whatever petty reasons, will try to bring out the negative, and keep regaling us with tales of your adventures.

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Mike, a few years back I got a pm about how I post about the same thing (nothing like you, as your posts are about traveling fishing areas I wish I could only fish) The pm I got ,was about you and your laker reports and bass reports from the same lake. Always the same thing. I thought to myself, w t h. I fish, enjoy my day and report my day. I dont get it. It,s a fishing site. Ya I have been on the cooking thread more then fishing, but this site is open minded. Well that was til I seen this thread.


You have helpped me in many ways. My first float rod,pin reel and the how to. Also had a good time with your arival of Zoey. Met you for the first time buying my first custom rod made by a mutual friend. You gave some advise and let it be up to me to go with what I wanted. I was I must say, over whelmed with your knowledge and was like OK, DA, i,ll take this one.LOL


You have even offered up some river outtings which I ( at my own fault ) could not commit to. Im still without a pass port. Thats what, 6 years now? :wallbash: Lazy ass I am I know,


I enjoy your reports. Long read at times (just like Drews :tease: ) but I do read them and enjoy. One thing that really comes to me reading and watching the videos, is the time you share with your son. Some may think, ya he has the money and time to do that. To me it,s , wish I could of done that, but I did what I could and enjoyed what I did. They have the memories of our times, just like you and your boy will have.


I remember when you changed your name here from solopaddler to Mike Borger and you said things were in the works. I PM,ed you and said your on to big things. Turns out I was right . CONGRATS


I sit back and read your reports and say, theres a guy that did his time, and got what he deserved. yA iM SURE THERE ARE SOME HERE IT PISSES OFF. TOO BAD.


Im rambling here, but one that has watched you do what this ole boy wish he had of done and so many others, I am here to say




Now, can you help me with my passport so I can atleast fish one day with you? :whistling:


Let it be,let it be.

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Mike, there have been plenty of jerks on this board over the years. The good ones stick around and the others move on to the next board to poke at people.


The internet can be a cowardly place.


I read all of your adventures and have for years. I don't like to say great story or great post unless I have more to say.


Keep it up, you have many fans!

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Hey Mike,

As a long time member who reads much more than he writes I just want to say your posts are awesome. If the mods had a problem you would have known it long ago.

I read through your Lk St Joseph report last night.I went to sleep thinking about big Pike and tons of eyes- well while some of us can only dream about it SOME get to show us how it's done!!


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Mike, I keep passing your posts to my account people, we produce a Tourisn magazine, one of these days they will bite and one of your reports will be in print just like OOD?

It's been said before if youbdon't like it don't open it, simple. Have you ever met that character Steve Bates LOL. What a hoot.

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I am honestly touched, really. Every single reply deserves an individual response from me but my time is limited so I'll say this again to all of you - thank you. After reading this thread it reinforces why I do what I do. :)



Mike, I keep passing your posts to my account people, we produce a Tourisn magazine, one of these days they will bite and one of your reports will be in print just like OOD?


I had to respond to this. I don't need anyone to bite although your support is very much appreciated! I loved writing for OOD and in fact just before I stopped writing for them last spring I finally had a presence in the masthead of the magazine plus my own regular column. Do you know many people who would throw all of that away? Well I did, and one of the reasons (there was a few) was they were attempting to restrict what I was writing about on the internet (my online reports).


No one EVER makes a living writing for someone else whether Ontario Out Of Doors or anyone else and I dislike being dictated to - intensely.


So I had to consider, what's the next logical step in your evolution? I gave it a LOT of thought and I'm now preparing to publish my own magazine. I'm hoping (praying) that people will support me. But you know what? It's like I tell my kids, you will be successful in life if you're truly passionate about something and most importantly if you do it yourself. No one ever really achieves greatness riding anyone elses coattails.


This was probably not the place to make this announcement, but what the hell LOL!


At some point I'll make a more formal announcement.




NOW, can someone PLEASE reply to the St. Joe report that took me 62 hours to create and post? LOL!


Mod's, this might be the perfect spot to lock this thread....I'm asking please. :)

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I am honestly touched, really. Every single reply deserves an individual response from me but my time is limited so I'll say this again to all of you - thank you. After reading this thread it reinforces why I do what I do. :)




I had to respond to this. I don't need anyone to bite although your support is very much appreciated! I loved writing for OOD and in fact just before I stopped writing for them last spring I finally had a presence in the masthead of the magazine plus my own regular column. Do you know many people who would throw all of that away? Well I did, and one of the reasons (there was a few) was they were attempting to restrict what I was writing about on the internet (my online reports).


No one EVER makes a living writing for someone else whether Ontario Out Of Doors or anyone else and I dislike being dictated to - intensely.


So I had to consider, what's the next logical step in your evolution? I gave it a LOT of thought and I'm now preparing to publish my own magazine. I'm hoping (praying) that people will support me. But you know what? It's like I tell my kids, you will be successful in life if you're truly passionate about something and most importantly if you do it yourself. No one ever really achieves greatness riding anyone elses coattails.


This was probably not the place to make this announcement, but what the hell LOL!


At some point I'll make a more formal announcement.




NOW, can someone PLEASE reply to the St. Joe report that took me 62 hours to create and post? LOL!


Mod's, this might be the perfect spot to lock this thread....I'm asking please. :)


Sign me up Mike. I'll be the 1st subscriber! :clapping:


Now to start packing myself for my surf & turf (walleye & moose) trip to the Ogoki in a few weeks.


Have fun in Armstrong. Still jealous. Hahaha.

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Before this get locked I'd just like to say that I, too, have benefited from Mike's help. I few years back he recommended a place near Nakina that was a great trip.


The way I see it, if the mods have no problem with his posts, why should I or anyone else? He provides great content to this site. Why would the mods/owners have a problem with that? Any 'trip write-ups I see in magaz such as Outdoor Can. or ONt Outdoors has some sort of 'plug' for the lodge---many (most?) not written as well as Mike's. We pay for these type of magazs----all Mike's great stuff is free onhere!


Keep 'em coming!! Keep making me green with envy!! :clapping:

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Hey Mike guys like this aren't worth getting upset over. To some degree, jealousy is in us all. I'm jealous when I see the places you've been. The fishing you're able to enjoy. Your ability to put fish on the bank or in a boat. The way you can put pen to paper. Most here have nothing but respect and admiration for your abilities. Almost everyone here would love to be in your boots.
There's nothing like a narcsisist that thinks he's better than everyone else. Guys that can't stand it when someone else is getting the attention.
Keep it coming. Always a treat to ride along when you share your adventures.​

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I'm one of the many who has benefited from Mike's helpful suggestions .... we had the best trip ever based on his recommendation.


We all know he is working really hard to make his passion his career ..... and personally I think posting incredibly helpful and entertaining posts/reports is a great idea. It puts fun content out there for the public to enjoy while simultaneously bringing attention to him as an angler/guide/coordinator. Sure seems like a win win situation to me.


And let's face it ... there are a handful of guys on here who regularly post YouTube videos that are monitized (myself included) .... again, that's also a win/win. Folks get excellent fishing content to watch/read and the owner gets a buck or two in return. I think it's great.


And all of this generates traffic for the forum, which I assume is a good thing.


I just don't see why anyone would complain about any of this. If content on the forum is designed to benefit or entertain the users, then who cares if the poster gets something in return.

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Speaking for myself your reports are the primary reason I check this website almost daily. Your reports allow me to evaluate different outfitters from a source that has fished numerous locations. Not there are not other reports I enjoy here as Moosebunk really has a flair for writing. My guess is the negative feedback you received may be from a competitive outfitter not liking one of your more favorable reports on their competition. Keep writing!

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Back 30 yrs. ago as a kid i liked getting fishing mags (pre-internet). Ontario Fisherman, Ontario Out of Doors, etc....i found your posts provided the same if not better photos and info, From Lake O. trib steelheading back in the day to your Sutton R. brookie trips, being stalked by a wolf around eastern Lake Superior, central Quebec picking blueberries with your whole family,etc... all were good and without intention of self promotion. Nice work and thanks.

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Oh good, no actually thank God I am able to reply prior to this post being locked!!!!!


Mike I have have had the pleasure and privelage to know you now for 6 years for sure possibly 7, your Solopaddler days was what got me hooked on the site and I have not left since.


I had the pleasure to meet you the first time when I bought a reel from you, and that was the day that I can say with a hug smile on my face that was the moment we clicked and became friends.


In life, one, even with lousy luck usually get lucky and that was one of those rare moments for me, since then I have really been lucky and not only have your suggestions been great, yes I am one of those lucky 89, but I have also had the pleasure of joining you on some - TOO FEW - outings.


But Mike, you did one thing that really stands out in my memory, and that was one time when we were back from a day trip and speaking about our sons I mentioned just in passing if you knew where to get a pair of waders for my son, you asked me a few questions and said hang on and in couple of minutes you came walking out with a pair of Neoprene Cabela's waders and just handed them to me.


That sir is what I call being a true gentleman and really a true friend.


The day that you stop posting on here will be a very sad day for this SITE, as I for one will not be back as I will have nothing to look forward to and I will be following you via whatever venue you chose to be on free or pay does not matter and as I told you already just let me know how and when to get on your subscription list for that new magazine.


FLEX - John

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