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advice on buying land and rural life


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I just moved to a rural property after 30 years in a town of 15 000. We both spent our lives at camps so we were good with rural life. I have noticed though that I have a lot more to do in the new setting than my wife. Hunting and fishing are a walk or a short drive from the new house. My wife on the other hand is lost at times unless I'm around. No neighbours! She liked to walk with the neighbour next door. The roads were paved and safe for walking, unlike the high, speed gravel roads in the country. It was a great move for me and a pretty good move for my wife but I actually spend more time at home and less time hunting/fishing since my wife relies on my company to enjoy the country-side. I don't miss noisy neighbours though!

Dan O.

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Rod Caster $1000.00 per square foot for a pre fab? Where, Malibu next door to Tom Cruise? Typo I think.


What many people don't realize a seasonal residential property if financed through a traditional mortgage the down payment is 30% or even higher depending on the lender.


Something that is funny was when friends of ours that came out to see us when we bought this place on the lake many years ago. John and Judy were here for a bit and Judy turned to John and said " I want a place on the lake too John, I love this" About 10 minutes latter when I was refilling libations I heard a blood curdling scream, I thought someone had been seriously injured. I ran to the deck and saw Judy with her hands over her head and violently shaking. She saw a spider. Needless to say she never visited again or bought a place near the lake.


Our taxes were $750.00 a year in 1996, they are now $4200.00. No sewer, no water, no snow clearing on private right of way, mail delivery a kilometer down the road. Garbage must be taken about 500 meters away on main road, efore 7AM because it will be strewn everywhere if the night before by coons and coyotes, no transportation services, no street lights, no side walks, 500 meter stone roadway you must clear of snow and repair (your newly washed car lasts newly washed for a few feet) no taxi service, no fast food delivery, heck no fast food for 40KM. Closest place to get an emergency quart of milk is a 15 minute drive, maybe an hour in a storm. The list of things one from the city takes for granted can become a real pain out here. Constant white outs and 6 foot high drifts, be prepared to miss some time if commuting to work, it will happen. Some nights spring and summer all lights must be off and TV off when sand flies and fish flies attach the cottage all might long. No snow removal on main roads until accumulation is over 20CM or something like that and then they have 24 hours to clear it, drifts along the lakeshore don't count. No newspaper delivery to the door, you will find it in a plastic bag in the snow only after it has been run over by a snow plow. Local news is a weekly paper, you will find out your neighbours funeral was 5 days ago. Zero local news because the local radio station is not powerful enough to reach your place and the closest city could care less unless there is civil unrest. Wake up one morning to the sight of 150 wind turbines, 3 of which are 600 meters from the cottage, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, 24 hours a day for 365 days a year. Hydro black outs, but only when it rains, gets windy or snows. Calling the Spiderman 3 times a year unless you want to wake up with a closed eye because a spider bit you. Call 911 and wait for 25 minutes (unless they are on another call) minimum and then there's the 25 minute drive to the hospital then wait for the emergency radiologist to drive the 50 minutes from home, unless it's snowing. Loose your license and man you have a problem. Not just from drinking and driving, what about due to diabetes etc?


I could go on but won't. Some of these things seem trivial but put 20 trivial things together and it can get tiring. The crazy thing is we may move away from the lake but I can never live in the city again unless it's a matter of health.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Rod Caster $1000.00 per square foot for a pre fab? Where, Malibu next door to Tom Cruise? Typo I think.


What many people don't realize a seasonal residential property if financed through a traditional mortgage the down payment is 30% or even higher depending on the lender.


Something that is funny was when friends of ours that came out to see us when we bought this place on the lake many years ago. John and Judy were here for a bit and Judy turned to John and said " I want a place on the lake too John, I love this" About 10 minutes latter when I was refilling libations I heard a blood curdling scream, I thought someone had been seriously injured. I ran to the deck and saw Judy with her hands over her head and violently shaking. She saw a spider. Needless to say she never visited again or bought a place near the lake.


Our taxes were $750.00 a year in 1996, they are now $4200.00. No sewer, no water, no snow clearing on private right of way, mail delivery a kilometer down the road. Garbage must be taken about 500 meters away on main road, efore 7AM because it will be strewn everywhere if the night before by coons and coyotes, no transportation services, no street lights, no side walks, 500 meter stone roadway you must clear of snow and repair (your newly washed car lasts newly washed for a few feet) no taxi service, no fast food delivery, heck no fast food for 40KM. Closest place to get an emergency quart of milk is a 15 minute drive, maybe an hour in a storm. The list of things one from the city takes for granted can become a real pain out here. Constant white outs and 6 foot high drifts, be prepared to miss some time if commuting to work, it will happen. Some nights spring and summer all lights must be off and TV off when sand flies and fish flies attach the cottage all might long. No snow removal on main roads until accumulation is over 20CM or something like that and then they have 24 hours to clear it, drifts along the lakeshore don't count. No newspaper delivery to the door, you will find it in a plastic bag in the snow only after it has been run over by a snow plow. Local news is a weekly paper, you will find out your neighbours funeral was 5 days ago. Zero local news because the local radio station is not powerful enough to reach your place and the closest city could care less unless there is civil unrest. Wake up one morning to the sight of 150 wind turbines, 3 of which are 600 meters from the cottage, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, 24 hours a day for 365 days a year. Hydro black outs, but only when it rains, gets windy or snows. Calling the Spiderman 3 times a year unless you want to wake up with a closed eye because a spider bit you. Call 911 and wait for 25 minutes (unless they are on another call) minimum and then there's the 25 minute drive to the hospital then wait for the emergency radiologist to drive the 50 minutes from home, unless it's snowing. Loose your license and man you have a problem. Not just from drinking and driving, what about due to diabetes etc?


I could go on but won't. Some of these things seem trivial but put 20 trivial things together and it can get tiring. The crazy thing is we may move away from the lake but I can never live in the city again unless it's a matter of health.


Check out the Kawartha's. Lots of small towns...we are in and love Bobcaygeon.....with lots to offer and less of the negatives you are having grief with.

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$1000 on and including the foundation and pretty much functional. That's what I was estimated by two companies. Just the building is much cheaper. Figure 150,000 for a new small house isn't bad.


Another vote for unorganized if you are going to build!

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Unless that's new math a grand a square foot would cost you 1.5 million dollars for a 1500 square foot dwelling. Maybe a 1000 a square for the foundation.


CPH, none of those little things bothered me 20 years ago as much as they do now. What really bothers me is the taxes. Taxed 4500 a month for exactly what is what I would like to know? We buy water, maintain and pay for the system to get the water into the cottage and then out againWhat's a pump I asked my country raised lady. Then $175.00 to pump out the holding tank. Do not have any county services except uh,,,,,,,,,nothing but a roadway. Oh we have a library and of course you can't swing a cat without hitting a new arena, I actually like the kids now have world class facilities and don't mind paying for that a bit.

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Check out the Kawartha's. Lots of small towns...we are in and love Bobcaygeon.....with lots to offer and less of the negatives you are having grief with.


I think small towns are a good balance between the madness of the GTA/Ham and the inconvenience of the boonies. A number of small towns along G. Bay from Owen Sound to Waub are quite civilized.

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I think small towns are a good balance between the madness of the GTA/Ham and the inconvenience of the boonies. A number of small towns along G. Bay from Owen Sound to Waub are quite civilized.


It's too bad the amount of tax you pay for almost no services in a lot of those places. Insanity.. I know someone who pays over 6k...

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It's too bad the amount of tax you pay for almost no services in a lot of those places. Insanity.. I know someone who pays over 6k...


Some places maybe, but certainly not all. Insanity? Better than the insanity of living in the big city!! Must be a really big house to pay that. Services in those towns are not too bad. My son lives in Rob Ford's ward---we can't possibly match the service he gets!!. I think they send out the plows any time it gets cloudy in winter!!!

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The way I see it is that there is gonna be stress wherever I am, and I think it is pretty much the same for anyone unless they are a Yogi master, and even then…….


So when I am stressed I remind myself do i want to be stressed here…………….













or here……………………………..








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Our taxes were $750.00 a year in 1996, they are now $4200.00. No sewer, no water, no snow clearing on private right of way, mail delivery a kilometer down the road. Garbage must be taken about 500 meters away on main road, efore 7AM because it will be strewn everywhere if the night before by coons and coyotes, no transportation services, no street lights, no side walks, 500 meter stone roadway you must clear of snow and repair (your newly washed car lasts newly washed for a few feet) no taxi service, no fast food delivery, heck no fast food for 40KM.


$4200 for taxes is insane. I'm paying 3 grand here in Grimsby for a small bungalow and there is a rumour they may actually go down this year. Got a hospital 5 minutes away, can see the lake looking down the street, launch ramp is 2 minutes away, of course all the sewers, water, snow removal, ( they even do the sidewalk often b4 the street), even still have a mailman delivering to the door. Think I would have bailed at the wind turbines.

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I could sell you 3 acres right now…unorganized, hydro already here, well or lake pump, build you r own septic. 15 minutes from town, state of the art Hospital, Walmart, CT, Safeway, Tbay and Winnipeg only 4 hours either direction.


this here is worth looking into. a gajillion lakes in the area and canoeing heaven as well. don't forget there's also a decent airport as well in town.

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Some places maybe, but certainly not all. Insanity? Better than the insanity of living in the big city!! Must be a really big house to pay that. Services in those towns are not too bad. My son lives in Rob Ford's ward---we can't possibly match the service he gets!!. I think they send out the plows any time it gets cloudy in winter!!!


Cloudy :) lol!!! I wouldn't live any closer to the city then I already am!

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Limey, life is certainly imitating art in that photo/painting!

Yeah no doubt! I think thats my favorite picture ever posted on here!


And living rural in NW ontario seems to be quite the difference then southern ontario, at least in some aspects.


Building here is fairly cheap.


We live in the bush but just currently renting a 3 bedroom house, fully furnished, nice storage shack(20x15), and rent is 600, comes to about 825 with gas and hydro. We are on about 9 acres of land


15 minutes from hospital and grocery store.


Bigger town and walmart 40 mins away same with walmart CT etc.


I love it in the bush. Campfires almost everynight, fish whenever you want, no nosey neighbours etc

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$4200 for taxes is insane. I'm paying 3 grand here in Grimsby for a small bungalow and there is a rumour they may actually go down this year. Got a hospital 5 minutes away, can see the lake looking down the street, launch ramp is 2 minutes away, of course all the sewers, water, snow removal, ( they even do the sidewalk often b4 the street), even still have a mailman delivering to the door. Think I would have bailed at the wind turbines.

I am paying JUST under $4000.00 a year here in taxes. No street lights, but I do get garbage pickup once a week and the roads plowed in the winter (usually right after I cleared the driveway LOL).


I pay $300.00 a year to maintain my water supply (I do have a state of the art system though) get my septic system pumped about every two years ($185.00) and lord help me if the well craps out!


I love living on the lake but when we bought this place our taxes were $1600.00 a year. Our services were actually better than what we have today, but our taxes have more than doubled. Mind you, so have our property values but what does that really have to do with it? Just because I have worked hard to make my property better than the one next door my taxes go up and their's didn't?????

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You are bang on Big Guy, we keep the property nice and the taxes go up, retirees buy a small cottage out here, tear it down and build a McMansion and MY taxes go up. The beef I have is the lack of any services. Add to my taxes the cost of hauling water and pumping the cistern out and you have to add another few thousand. And basically zero services in return, nothing. I forgot to add the cost of cutting down 2 huge Ash trees last year, add $2000.00, and that was a deal. We aren't talking a 3000 sqaure foot home here it's a bit more than 1000 sqft. and no garage. I just don't think the taxes are fair compared to urban life. Yes taxes are based on assessed value, but I think the assessed value is off because of the lack of services. Heck because we don't have public transportation the K's on the vehicles alone require far more maintenance.


Don't get me wrong I will never live in a big city again unless I absolutely must, but many don't consider how much more rural living really costs. I always hear " Man, I can get a huge home in the sticks for pennies on the dollar compared to the city", well add it up and it isn't that much less if anything.

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I don't think you will get your place here in Haldimand for double that price plus all utilities. In fact I know you won't. A small cottage down the lane is going for $1100.00 plus, it's 2 bedroom with a garden shed. It is waterfront though. a friend rents a 3 bedroom on a farm and the farm is worked by the owner. The house leaks like a sieve and he has to truck in propane and buy firewood and he pays $1500.00/mth. We were considering renting out Mom and Dad's place in the city when they moved into the retirement residence and the agent told us the rent would be around $1800.00 plus utilities. I wish we did, the same house would have brought another 50K a year latter, housing in Hamilton is booming. Sorry OP, hi jacking in progress, call 911.

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