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Goals for this year


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I really wanna break 55" on a musky... Came close last year at 54.25"


And I'd like to break my PB for carp at 36lb 12oz... That one has been lingering around for like 6 years...


And always looking for that local 14lb Walter for my wall... I lost one meeting that criteria a few years ago and it still haunts my dreams... Gotta be local 14lb tho... Right now 12lb is my PB...


Those goals have been going for a few years now


New goal is finding crappie by boat... All the spots I know are from shore and I hate shore fishing with 20 other slobs fighting me for a spot...


Also entering a pike tournament next weekend for the first time... Top 10 would be cool for that...


And #1 on my list is winning the annual summer walleye tourny in Lancaster Ontario... I've been fishing it for like 10 years... Never won it... Got second place 3 years straight now... Missed by 1oz 2 summers ago... That hurt...

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Well last year I started a new shift in which my weekends are Wed,Thurs,Fri. Every week. Last year because none of my friend have the same weekend I didn't fish much. I'm going to try and get out at least every other of my weekends this year

Get out there, I won't even fish on a weekend. There has to be some benefit to shift work, and quiet launch ramps and few people on the water is one of them!

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Well last year I started a new shift in which my weekends are Wed,Thurs,Fri. Every week. Last year because none of my friend have the same weekend I didn't fish much. I'm going to try and get out at least every other of my weekends this year

Im off every other wed/thurs, and dont start until 1pm fridays. If your ever up this way, or want to come this way, get in touch! Finding a weekday fishing partner aint easy!!



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  • Help Team 5 win this years OFC tourney.
  • Boat a 15" Jumbo Perch
  • Land that 15 pound Walleye

With those I should put some inches on the board. for us. I know those fish are here, I've seen them.


Oh yea, finally get a hole in one. Close, oh so close many many times and this will be my year to buy a round for everyone.

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A few years ago I fished like 13 new lakes in one summer !!! I have since re-visited at least half if them and pulled big smallies & largies from them!!! So in gonna fish a few more and do a bass tourney on a new lake as well this summer so my goal is to do well and learn another few lakes up north and get both 5-6lb smallies & buckets. !!! And cash a cheque I hope :))

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Im going for my first true Steelie on my 'pin.

Caught a little shaker last year but was hardly enough to bend the rod.


Another goal is to get to a certain backwoods pike lake in search of a 40" fish.

Well i got my first steelie today on the centerpin then a 29" male bottom bouncin. Great day.


Guess I need another new goal. Break 10lbs w a steelie?? We'll see




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Try dropshotting on many if the shoals and dropoffs as well as a jerkbait or my fave way a spinnerbait !!!! They are there that's for sure

I hope to catch a 4+ lb small or large mouth bass on Balsam lake. I hear they are in the lake however in 3 years of fishing Balsam I have not caught a big bass on it.

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It's funny too, my goals have changed since friends and girlfriends have gotten into fishing.


I want to see DynamicBear get a Muskie

I want to see my girlfriend (soon to be posting under username 'laughing my bass off') get a Muskie.

I'd love to see a sturgeon caught.


Oh and I want to put my sister on some big bass.

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1) I'd like to get comfortable with LSC and hone my planar board skills.

2) Help my buddy catch his first musky, he's driving me crazy.

3) Become a better Fall fisherman, being skunked every Fall is embarrassing.

4) If I happen to find my favorite rod/reel I left at the bottom of Balsam last year.... well I'd be a happy camper.

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bow3.jpgbow4.jpgFlow ice still blocking the harbor mouth, couldn't launch the boat so my son and I tried some beach fishing.

Nice female for him, nice snack and some quality roe for the stream opener. Male for Dad, released.

Goal is to share many more days like this together.

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