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Body cameras for Cops


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Guess they'll work both ways, if the cop does everything by the book and someone complains about him, the camera should prove the cop right.


If the cop screws up, it'll prove he did it...maybe.


I'm 110% pro cop, always have been, and hopefully these cameras will help the good cops whenever there's a discrepancy..

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I wonder if our politicians are ahead of the curve and have already invested heavily in the companies that make them? I can see the thought of lawsuits against police encouraging more people to enter that profession? Sarcasm intended.


If a cop is wearing a camera will police selfies become popular? Do they turn it off for potty breaks and donuts stops? LOL


If they make everyone wear a body camera maybe crime will disappear? It seems discriminatory to single out police for them, why not people with criminal records too?


Too bad our politicians don't have to wear them, then we could see what really goes on in those meetings with lobbyists?

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Its much tougher and dangerous being a cop in America where every citizen could be potentially concealing a weapon. Ten times the population at half the pay I'd say the men and women in the Blue Duds have a pretty nice gig in our neck of the woods


This camera could be more a hindrance to police due to the fact that if they choose to think instead of react instinctively it could be the last thought they have. With mounting anti police sentiment and civilian/police incidents this doesn't bode well for any of us.

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Its much tougher and dangerous being a cop in America where every citizen could be potentially concealing a weapon. Ten times the population at half the pay I'd say the men and women in the Blue Duds have a pretty nice gig in our neck of the woods



yeah, it's a lot safer here where only the criminals have guns :whistling:

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Body cams still won't provide all the answers. They have a limited scope of vision, as do all lenses, cameras, of one type or other. They are just another tool which, depending on circumstance, will be either adequate or inadequate to the situation at hand.

These are simple observations that are drawn from military and special police units that have been equipped with body and helmet cameras over the past 20 years.

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With everybody having smart phones now, it's almost daily on the news there's a new video of cops shooting or beating somebody unjustly. The Cali horse thief most recently.



Being a police person is a tough job, but as a guy getting his news from the media, I think there's a real problem here.


edit- I think the body cams will be a waste of my tax dollars because the police won't release the incriminating stuff because they protect their own

Edited by chris.brock
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Well I hope the cops are forced to wear them !!! It will hopefully cut down on the unjust use of force and police brutality !!!! They have gotten away with way to much and since the use of cell phones it has proved it many many times !!! And they could also be used to justify the opposite if lethal force is needed the camera can justify it too !!! So it will work both ways ..... I'm all for it

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With everybody having smart phones now, it's almost daily on the news there's a new video of cops shooting or beating somebody unjustly. The Cali horse thief most recently.



Being a police person is a tough job, but as a guy getting his news from the media, I think there's a real problem here.


edit- I think the body cams will be a waste of my tax dollars because the police won't release the incriminating stuff because they protect their own

Just like the media portrays the truth all the time. Media fans the flames all the time and sensationalized everything and always puts the negative slant on everything. Thousands of cops have positive interactions every day and not one word.

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In 69 years I have never had a bad interaction with a cop, I treat them with respect, they treat me with respect. Doesn't mean I never got a ticket but when I did, it was because I deserved it!


I think the body cameras are going to be a good thing, it will stop a lot of idiots from screaming police brutality just because they can.

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Having cameras will help but, not all.


It will help a good cop in a "justified" use of force interaction.


You will need regulations/technology to make sure "bad" cops don't just turn them off willy-nilly whenever they please and also to make the video automatically uploaded elsewhere to prevent tampering.


Apparently it has contributed to a decrease in use of force incidents in jurisdictions that have started using them.


The cameras alone won't be enough without appropriate controls.




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i'm glad the media is showing true video's...whether that be their own, or a by standards cell video.


we all just finished watching cops murdering, then planting evidence on a dead body (after hand cuffing the dead body), then having all the blue bloods lie on their reports to cover up for their fellow blue blood.


we didn't get video of Michael Browns murder....if we did, lots of protest would have been avoided, and Darren Wilson would be in jail.


cops and government place CCTV camera's all over the place, all in the name of public safety.


its time to start following the cops with cctv... all in the name of public safety.


how many times have we heard "don't worry, if you don't have anything to hide, then you shouldn't worry about the cops...."


now we get to say the same thing to them.... "don't worry mr copper, if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't have anything to worry about..."


irony at its finest.


Big Brother was once watching us.


Now Little Brother is watching everyone.

And for that, I feel safer.

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