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Target Canada closing

mike rousseau

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I feel sorry for the laid off employees, hopefully they can get employment elsewhere. We visited both Target and Wmart in the US back in the early 90's, Target seemed to have better quality in clothing and slightly higher prices. Unfortunately you can only flood the market for so long with the imported stuff to a point of saturation, people will find the lowest price quickly.

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After my first visit to the Target Store here in Lindsay I never bothered going back again; poor selection of items, half empty shelves, and nothing special about the prices.


It was nice to hear that the employees are going to get 16 weeks severence and thet Services Canada will be set up with a special code to fast track applications for benifits and support services for them, most people would be getting 2 weeks severence and no special treatment from Services Canada.


Lindsay won't be too bad off, Walmart is coming into town this spring and that will provide as many or more jobs than Target.

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When our Zellers which was a dump by the way went down we ended up with a homesense and a sportchek so win for us...never liked Target lousy selection and lousy pricing...on the human side the loss of jobs will hurt...a co-worker of mine his wife was a middle management type and is now un-employed and they had just bought a house a few days before the news...ouch!

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as a side note Cabelas in Barrie laid off a whole bunch of part timers and full time staff have had their hours cut.



That's normal with Cabelas and BPS.

They over staff for the opening and during that time evaluate who they are going to keep and who will be let go after the initial rush is over.

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After my first visit to the Target Store here in Lindsay I never bothered going back again; poor selection of items, half empty shelves, and nothing special about the prices.


It was nice to hear that the employees are going to get 16 weeks severence and thet Services Canada will be set up with a special code to fast track applications for benifits and support services for them, most people would be getting 2 weeks severence and no special treatment from Services Canada.


Lindsay won't be too bad off, Walmart is coming into town this spring and that will provide as many or more jobs than Target.

Do you know where the Walmart is going Cliff? That is good news to hear for Lindsay. Actually an upgrade from Target IMHO.

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I think the reason target didn't succeed was that many expected the american pricing that they weren't able to give, what I don't like hearing is "its going to cost 600 million to close up all the stores because we likely wouldn't be profitable till 2020-21, I realize that's a ways away but retail is an ever changing organism and it looks like they just didn't want to adapt to what was necessary to keep doors open. In my experience there, high prices for not very good quality items

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If you think it's only retail people...you have had your head buried in the sand for a long long time :angel:

Oh contraire Mr. Crappieperchhunter....it`s coming up on two years now that I was told by my employer that I was no longer required...and I dedicated 36 years of my life to the company and in the end it didn`t matter to them a lick...too bad so sad don`t let the door hit you on the way out!!!

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Oh contraire Mr. Crappieperchhunter....it`s coming up on two years now that I was told by my employer that I was no longer required...and I dedicated 36 years of my life to the company and in the end it didn`t matter to them a lick...too bad so sad don`t let the door hit you on the way out!!!

I was just commenting on the ways of our world....I hope no offence was taken.

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A buddy mines wife works for Target Corporate, here's her summary of why this happened.




As for Target - the entire Canadian side was blindsided.

The decision to chop Canadian ops came from upper management on the US side on Thursday. Because the US company was doing bad on the state side, they could no longer afford the huge risk on the Canadian side.

They went as far as cancelling all corporate cards + shutting down phone lines at HQ + having cops at the office incase of riot. So internal or external communications, and those that were travelling on business got screwed bc their corporate cards no longer worked (my wife being one of them).

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Do you know where the Walmart is going Cliff? That is good news to hear for Lindsay. Actually an upgrade from Target IMHO.

Right across from the airport. There is also a big subdivision going in there too and there was word that Home Depot was also going to be opening up but someone told me they had backed off on that. Everything is in place for it, they just needed to finish the sewer trunk line which should be done in about two months.


The big thing is going to be what happens to all that mall space and all the little stores in the mall. It will be interesting to see if anyone steps in to take that over because without the space rented that mall can't survive.

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After listening to them build the new addition to the mall down the street for 6 months and being woken up by it every Saturday morning, I can't believe they wasted all that money building it only to close it down!!!!!

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