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285,000 new immigrants in 2015

Big Cliff

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All funing aside,we have people at out place that are nurses,phamacis,health carers that dont qualify here. So they are stuck working at the end of a punch press stacking parts in a bin.


Here,s something some of you may not know. Once they are done their 8 hour shift,their heading to school to get that CANADIAN qualification ticket. When I hear their stories about what they did and what they are doing now,it blows my mind. Right now there are two ladies that got their nursing tickets and have landed the jobs they were meant to have. But they still work two jobs , so their spouse,s can get their CANADIAN ticket. Once they aquire them,they will be gone.


I even talked to a gentleman that just started last week,he is from India. A FRIGG,N DOCTOR FROM THERE. He is working and going to school so he can get his CANADIAN ticket.


That in my mind,is working your way.

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I can't imagine why economic recovery is taking so long and why wages have been stagnant for so long when our country allows a million or so legal immigrants to enter per year.


In case you missed it? Note the sarcasm.

There is no economic recovery, anywhere, and even if there was immigration would have little bearing on it.. We don't live in a bubble.

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I work with many landed immigrants. Only one of them was of white-collar blood. He had the chance to get back to his position, but struggled a little too much with the language to get any leverage. The others came without a break and got one with our company, and I would gladly have any of them on my crew over 75% of our young Canadians.


Been touched on before, but I think a big portion of our youth are far too involved in their virtual social lives to be of much use on site.


All that said, I am a second generation Canadian and haven't ever been out of work unless I wanted to be.

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Been touched on before, but I think a big portion of our youth are far too involved in their virtual social lives to be of much use on site.

All that said, I am a second generation Canadian and haven't ever been out of work unless I wanted to be.

How true, I work in an invironment where Our Language must be proficient at the very least. But I see the younger employees always attached to their social media assets phone, Facebook . . .

I have no control on asking them to turn it off and do the work at hand.


We have a young immigrant working in our web department and this young lad never moves concentrates and puts in a full day's work, I see that he that he wants to contribute to this country.


I would come to a conclusion that if you want to work you will, if you don't than you will be in the news.

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anecdotally, most of the new Canadians I see are working at any job they can get. even a min wage job here is better than anything they might have had back home wherever that may be. goal is to give their kids a better opportunity re:higher education. the majority have taken full advantage of this golden opportunity.


this country was built by immigrants of all stripes and I hope we continue doing so.

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It's been a while since I took sociology, but I do remember the following.


Canada's natural growth rate (births minus deaths), although still positive has been declining since the 1950s. Our population on average is also aging....meaning more of our population is no longer in child bearing years or working age. Couple that with people having on average less children and we are headed for economic disaster if we do not have immigration to help our country grow now. Canada also has a very low population density so we have the "space" to grow.


So here's the situation. Our natural increase is declining. Our population is aging. In order to take care of our aging population we need growth in the work force to stimulate the economy and generate taxes to pay for everything from health care to pensions.


We cannot do this without immigration. We need those increases (increase the tax base) to fund our future. In order to immigrate to Canada, part of the process is to make sure people are healthy at the time of application so they do not burden out health care system right away. There are designated doctors who are qualified to do these physicals by country around the world. There are basically two ways to immigrate....one is a family application and the other is work. The family application happens when a Canadian citizen sponsors someone living abroad to come live in Canada. Or if a Canadian wants to marry a citizen of another country. The other is work...where they must prove they are in demand because of a shortage in Canada. They must also have a minimum amount of their own money so they can support themselves once here.


Without immigration now, we would be in BIG trouble a few decades from now....declining workforce because natural increase is slowing, people having less kids on average coupled with aging population means we need to beef up on immigration now.


Hope this made some sort of sense....

Edited by ccmt
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It's about how the population age is distributed. It's been an issue for decades on how to increase the number of children per family. It's a huge positive that medicine has increased lives longer than ever before but it comes at a societal cost. This is a world wide problem for all countries who are considere "advanced". That meaning as education increases, people having less and less children etc.


This is a thread about immigration in Canada....how to solve the population issue as a whole has been studied by sociologists for decades and there is no true answer yet.


The other option if we don't want immigration is to drastically increase taxes for the working population....take your pick...

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However one looks at it, immigration is necessary. We have thousands of migrant foreign labourers on our farms doing the work that born and raised Canadians refuse to do. There are a lot of menial jobs that our native sons refuse to do in many industries. At least the majority of immigrants understand the idea of earning one's keep. Far too many youth in this country have this sense of "entitlement", that the nation has to look after them.

The failing birth rate is an easy fix. Just do like Duplessis in the 50's. Reward mothers for bearing 3 or more children. I know! I know! Easier said than done.

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... the immigration social programs are a gravytrain in todays world...



What are you talken about?
Can you please explain your " immigration social program", please give some examples.
There is no social program for immigrants I know of.
Immigrants must have a lot of money or a sponsoring family member with money or a job that no Canadiana are availabe for. They must be in good health, no criminal record and must expose their whole life story, work history, travel everything to Immigration Canada!
I think some people here are talking about different groups of people coming to Canada: immigrants, refugees and temporary foreign workers.
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So if we don't increase the population of canada we are screwed.

What happens when canada is over populated.


There is too many people on this planet now.


California has more people then Canada does. I think we'll be ok for a loooooong time.

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It's been a while since I took sociology, but I do remember the following.


Canada's natural growth rate (births minus deaths), although still positive has been declining since the 1950s. Our population on average is also aging....meaning more of our population is no longer in child bearing years or working age. Couple that with people having on average less children and we are headed for economic disaster if we do not have immigration to help our country grow now. Canada also has a very low population density so we have the "space" to grow.


So here's the situation. Our natural increase is declining. Our population is aging. In order to take care of our aging population we need growth in the work force to stimulate the economy and generate taxes to pay for everything from health care to pensions.


We cannot do this without immigration. We need those increases (increase the tax base) to fund our future. In order to immigrate to Canada, part of the process is to make sure people are healthy at the time of application so they do not burden out health care system right away. There are designated doctors who are qualified to do these physicals by country around the world. There are basically two ways to immigrate....one is a family application and the other is work. The family application happens when a Canadian citizen sponsors someone living abroad to come live in Canada. Or if a Canadian wants to marry a citizen of another country. The other is work...where they must prove they are in demand because of a shortage in Canada. They must also have a minimum amount of their own money so they can support themselves once here.


Without immigration now, we would be in BIG trouble a few decades from now....declining workforce because natural increase is slowing, people having less kids on average coupled with aging population means we need to beef up on immigration now.


Hope this made some sort of sense....


Big Cliff - there's your answer ... ccmt put it as clearly and as sensibly as it comes.


Since we're not producing enough future tax payers of our own, someone has to drive the economy. We need people to work and earn a living, pay taxes, and keep the machine running. With our birthrates not able to keep up, these bodies have to come from somewhere.


Yes, a few immigrants will turn out to be undesirable idiots. But can't we say exactly the same thing for people who are born here? The reality is that the vast majority of immigrants - just like the vast majority of people born here - go on to have successful lives, and positively contribute to our economy and our society.


Remember, most of these people choose to live here because they recognize what an amazing country Canada really is. What saddens me is the number of people who are born here who fail to appreciate that.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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But can't we say exactly the same thing for people who are born here?


I have a cousin about 70 years old who was born in Canada, has been on welfare her entire life and has never worked a single day since the day she was born.


She was never married yet had 6 kids by 6 different men.


She told me I was a sucker & a complete idiot for working hard.


I'll take just about any immigrant over this lazy piece of garbage.

Edited by lew
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And ccmt did put it very well, it still doesn't answer my question though; if we are bringing in more people than we are creating jobs in a given year, who is going to end up paying to support these new people?


Our health care system is over loaded today, where are we going to find enough hospital beds and health care professionals to care for this huge increase? One of the reasons that Canadian families have cut back on the number of children they have is because they just can't support more children.


Bringing in more people is just a short term fix, there will be a saturation point then all heck will break loose!

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The people who come here on work visas already have jobs lined up in areas where Canada has a shortage. This is a requirement before they are given permanent residence in Canada. They also must have a minimum amount of cash on hand when they land in Canada. They will support themselves and pay taxes like everyone else who works here. A person who is granted permanent residence also is not able to use health care for free or any welfare of any kind for a certain waiting period. I can't remember how long that is. But that stops the people who try to come with the intent of abusing our system.


There is a perception that we let anyone in and immediately give them welfare and healthcare. This is not the case at all. Yes there are some bad apples, but the majority of them support themselves and their families.

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Cliff, I know you to be a very wise and well educated man and if you say that this works then I guess it will.


It is a fact though that 13.7% of new immigrants are unemployed. To be considered unemployed they have to be looking for work but not have found it so they didn't come here with jobs already lined up.


It is also a fact that we are only creating 156,000 new jobs a year and the number of new immigrants is almost double that. How long do you think we can sustain bringing in twice as many new people as we are creating jobs? It just doesn't make sense but perhaps my old school math doesn't work anymore!

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A great case study on a country with unfavorable (aging) demographics that closed its doors to immigration would be Japan. Net result was a 20 year stagnation in the economy, falling asset prices (look and land and stock market values today in Japan vs the early 90s), and massive government debt as an aging population plus falling tax base (i.e. higher dependency ratio) gutted government coffers. Canada's demographics aren't quite as daunting, but the net result of closing doors to immigration would still be very negative.


You hit the nail on the head. With out immigration, a country with Canada's demographics would soon flounder economically.

Edited by Old Man
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